
Guarding the green water and green mountains of Ebian ,Moribian Blue" is in action

author:Sichuan Rule of Law Online

Qingming is coming

Temperatures rise

The clouds that hung over the sky also gradually dispersed

However, spring is in full swing

The hidden danger of forest fires is gradually increasing

In addition, during the Qingming Dynasty, sacrifices were frequently used for fire

The situation of forest fire prevention is also becoming increasingly serious

In order to continue to do a good job in forest fire prevention

Effectively prevent problems from being "burned"

Ebian Procuratorate's "Senbian Blue" ecological procuratorial case-handling team

Out on the move

On April 1, the "Senbianlan" ecological procuratorial case-handling team of the Ebian Procuratorate, under the leadership of Wang Heng, secretary of the party group and chief procurator, closely combined with the procuratorial functions, went deep into Xinfeng Village, Panggou Village, Changhong Village and other places in Xinchang Township to inspect the forest fire prevention and extinguishing work through the method of "one question, two looks, three visits".

Guarding the green water and green mountains of Ebian ,Moribian Blue" is in action

Question: Ask questions about the development of forest fire prevention and extinguishing work by responsible persons at the township and village levels, and learn more about the implementation of forest fire prevention and extinguishing work through talks.

Guarding the green water and green mountains of Ebian ,Moribian Blue" is in action

Look: Inspect the management of forest fire prevention bulletin boards and fire-fighting equipment in townships and villages on the spot, and carry out inspections of forest fire-prone areas.

Guarding the green water and green mountains of Ebian ,Moribian Blue" is in action

Visits: Conduct random visits to the masses, deepen the public's understanding of forest fire prevention requirements and forest fire alarm telephone 12119 through questions and answers, and at the same time, increase the publicity of civilized sacrifices in view of the approaching Qingming Festival, ensure the safety and stability of the forest fire prevention situation, and spend a safe and clear time together.

Guarding the green water and green mountains of Ebian ,Moribian Blue" is in action

In the next step, the "Senbian Blue" team will continue to organically combine the ecological inspection function with the forest fire prevention and extinguishing work, and continue to guard the "ecological green" with the "procuratorial blue" by going into the grass-roots level and entering the forest.

Editor: Zhou Jianxin Editor:Yang Xuejiao

Source: Ebian County People's Procuratorate, Sichuan Legal Network

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