
At what point did you discover your boyfriend's vulnerability?

College students read at night

At what point did you discover your boyfriend's vulnerability?

I don't know when we started, we are more and more afraid to show our vulnerability.

Some people say that tearing the wound open for others to see, the pain is ourselves, and the laughter is others, so we all disguise ourselves very well, no matter how sad we pretend not to care, no matter how painful it is, we only say that it doesn't matter.

Who knows how much loneliness and loneliness they have suffered silently from those who say it doesn't matter.


For the freshmen who have just entered the university life, the most anticipated thing is to start a sweet love, feel the "sour smell" of love, and want to be the one who is favored by heaven, looking forward to finding the ta that belongs to him.

And Xiao Ran may be the luckiest one, she met the boy Ruize who was full of her eyes. In the three years they spent with him, they learned from their initial attempts to fully trust now, witnessed each other's progress, and envisioned a better future with ta.

In these three years, Ruize gave all her tenderness and love to Xiao Ran, let her be the little girl who would be spoiled again, know what she liked, knew what she was afraid of, would hold her hand when walking, take care of all her small details, and get used to all her little temper.

At what point did you discover your boyfriend's vulnerability?

Xiao Ran gave the Ruize boy the tolerance and understanding he needed, would help him arrange all the logistics when he was ready to compete, would give him a shoulder to lean on when he was depressed, and let the boy she loved let go of the disguised strength in front of her.

When they were about to graduate, Xiao Ran never thought that there would be a change between them, she thought that the two people just needed to like each other. And for Xiao Ran, it is a very happy thing that two people can progress together.

In Xiao Ran's heart, Ruize is an all-round person, no matter what, he can easily solve. But after graduation, the growth between them has changed dramatically.

Xiao Ran slowly improved his work and began to live a self-sufficient life, while he rented a small house next to the school to prepare for the upcoming graduate school exams.

But slowly Xiao Ran found that the common topic between them was getting less and less, and sometimes she couldn't even pick up each other's words. Although they still see each other often, Ruize is becoming more and more absent-minded, and Xiao Ran looks at the low-willed Ruize but does not know what is happening.

But the moment when Ruize suddenly hugged Xiao Ran tightly, Xiao Ran felt his vulnerability.

"If I pass the graduate school entrance examination, it means that we will have three more years of such a day, I am afraid that we will meet each other less and less, and gradually become strangers; I am afraid that when you need me, I will be as powerless as I am now; I am afraid that there will be contradictions between us, and I will ignore your feelings..."

At what point did you discover your boyfriend's vulnerability?

At that moment, Xiao Ran realized that this boyfriend, who was strong in her eyes, was just an ordinary boy, he was used to pretending to be strong, and only when he thought about their future, he would reveal his vulnerability, and at this time, she was needed to protect his vulnerability.

"Mutual accommodation can be long-lasting, two-way love is meaningful, full of your people, worthy of all your love." 」


Xiao Ou once discussed with friends that "can a couple in a long-distance relationship really go to the end?" I still remember her answer.

"It is definitely impossible, long-distance love meeting is a luxury, how to maintain love between each other across the screen, anyway, I can't accept long-distance love." 」

But when fate really came, everything was exceptional, and she believed that Heaven would give her good luck and that tragedy would not happen to her.

So, she talked about love 1056 kilometers apart. Like other people in love, they will video with each other every day when they have time, and even sleep with voice, listening to each other's breathing will feel very happy.

They will listen to music together on NetEase Cloud Music, and they will watch the same movie while talking on the phone, which seems to them as if the other party is accompanying them.

At what point did you discover your boyfriend's vulnerability?

JiaJun will go to Xiaoou's city every month, how happy he is every time he meets, how sad he will be when he leaves, this meeting has not yet separated, and he began to look forward to the next meeting.

At this time, although they often did not see each other, and their days together were always short, Xiao Ou still felt that as long as he had him, every day was happy.

Trapped in the sweet vortex of love, they believe that "distance is not worth mentioning in front of their love", and they can overcome distance and go to the end.

But soon after, the drawbacks of long-distance love became more and more obvious, joy and sorrow could not be shared, laughter and tears could not be embraced, every day can only be contacted by mobile phone, all thoughts are turned into "if you are around me."

Xiao Ou told Jia Jun, "It rained today and my roommate came to give my roommate an umbrella, but I could only run back to the dormitory in the rain, I was so pitiful." If you were with me, you'd definitely give me an umbrella too, right? ”

Xiao Ou was waiting for Jia Jun's answer, but she never got a response, she asked Jia Jun again, but felt Jia Jun's strange appearance.

"I'm sorry, I used to say I wouldn't make you envy other girls, but now I can't do even the simplest things." At that moment, in Jia Jun's choked voice, Xiao Ou felt his love.

Long-distance relationships are a proof problem, proof that we are not insisting on one person, proving that we are the one who the other person firmly chooses.

Because it is a proof of the problem, none of us know whether we are right or wrong until the end.

At what point did you discover your boyfriend's vulnerability?

We don't know if this is an instant loss or a delayed happiness, but you can feel his love for you.

And think about it, because of the existence of distance, all the accumulated thoughts and expectations can make every meeting seem more cherished.

Although long-distance love is difficult, it is enough to carry each other's true heart.


The luckiest thing in the world is that when you want to run to a person in spite of yourself, he also happens to respond to you warmly.

May all the "I like you" answer be "me too."


Author | Closed Garden

Edit | Zhang Cangran

Audit | Wang Longlong

Review | Wang CenYu

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At what point did you discover your boyfriend's vulnerability?

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