
Get one of these lineups, and you'll be in the Empire!

Returning to the Empire has just been launched, as a veteran player who has experienced 6 tests, the most questions heard in my ears recently are:

"What lineup is strong?"

"What lineup fights badly?"

The hero lineup has always been the most talked about by players, and today I will talk to you about the lineups that come with their own aura.

First, the counterattack gun

Composition: Xiang Chu, Mu Ying, Friedrich

Comments: Worry-free and open up, can fight and resist. Since the core Xiang Chu can be obtained through the bottom, the difficulty of forming this lineup is not high, the most prominent is his performance in the opening of the wilderness, high resistance and recovery, and the trigger mechanism of the counterattack allows him to open the high-level land early. Coupled with the fact that the Krypton players have more combo riding, the lineup is tianke combo riding, so the field experience is also very good.

Get one of these lineups, and you'll be in the Empire!

Second, the strange sword

Composition: Soldier Supreme, Philip, Tyrant of the World

Comments: The bulldozer in the assembly battle has a strong ability to continuously output, and the key to forming lies in the chaotic world, with his existence, the inherent skills of the soldier's most holy family are basically in a long-term trigger state. The comfort level in the field is also very high, and the lineup that fights against low defense is to cut melons and cut vegetables, and the only flaw is that it cannot be restored and cannot fight a protracted battle.

Get one of these lineups, and you'll be in the Empire!

Third, the real wounded sword

Composition: Arthur, Tie Wei Chi, Qin Yujing

Comments: The difficulty of molding is not high, the output highlights a violence, ignoring the defense, and the stronger meat shield is no different from the crispy skin in front of him, and the cut is finished. In addition to the archer big man, when he encounters anyone to go up to the hammer, catch one and desperately, simple violence and directness, bet who can't stop lying down first, pay attention to a cheerful.

Get one of these lineups, and you'll be in the Empire!

Fourth, the Lord will bow

Composition: Female Emperor, Salad, Henry

Comments: Field ceiling, the strongest group output, big move release frequency MAX, late high-cultivation female emperor a big move can hit the group of 20,000+ output, and a mouthful of milk tens of thousands, can only be described as horror. However, this lineup also has a very big flaw, because the main general skill cannot be used in the assembly battle, so this lineup that relies on the main general skill to eat is equivalent to saying that the arms are broken.

Get one of these lineups, and you'll be in the Empire!

5. Abnormal bow

Composition: Destiny Stargazing, Chaos Tyrant, Lady Wolong

Comments: On the output he is not the strongest, on the resistance he is not very high, on the recovery of him is only a little, but it is such a lineup that does not seem to be very strong, but can beat the sword of the strange sword to call Daddy, the field encounter with the female emperor is not vain, in addition to the strong cavalry, the other lineups are not wrong. Strong is strong in his control, no matter what lineup, even if you are strong in skills, it is dry eyes. In the field, take a thug to catch the single, who knows.

Get one of these lineups, and you'll be in the Empire!

Sixth, mixed injuries riding

Composition: Hannibar, Bing Xian, Justinian

Comments: The addition of bing immortals has maximized the probability of pursuit triggering, and there is milk and anti-energy output, which is a very comprehensive team. In the environment where the big guy has a bow lineup today, the mixed wounded horse never lacks a charging target, and the big guy has to hide when he sees it, after all, this is bloodline suppression.

Get one of these lineups, and you'll be in the Empire!

The lineup is recommended to everyone, these six belong to the personal experience is very good lineup, showing only the tip of the iceberg, in the return to the empire, the lineup is not only a hero, but also a very critical skill factor, the same lineup, different skill combinations, and the final effect is also completely different.

Again, there is no invincible lineup, only invincible lords. Like what kind of class lineup to play fine, there must be his bright stage existence.

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