
Tianyuan 100 chip is currently "the only mass-produced general-purpose GPU in China"

IT Home April 2 news, according to the release of Tianshu Zhixin, on March 31, 2021, Tianshu Zhixin released the first domestic general GPU - Tianyuan 100 chip and Tianyuan 100 acceleration card, to achieve a breakthrough in domestic general GPUs from 0 to 1. Tianshu Zhixin said that the Tianshu 100 chip has realized from product release to large-scale application, becoming the only general-purpose GPU product mass-produced in China.

Tianyuan 100 chip is currently "the only mass-produced general-purpose GPU in China"

According to the official introduction, from the delivery of tape-outs in May 2020, Tianyuan 100 spent more than a year to complete the stages of tape-outs, lighting, testing, customer adaptation, stable supply, etc., and successfully mass-produced and realized large-scale applications.

Tianyuan 100 chip is currently "the only mass-produced general-purpose GPU in China"

Tianshu Zhixin said that Tianyuan 100 is an independent innovation, independent design and development from the underlying hardware to the upper layer software, does not purchase foreign GPU IP, ensures completely independent intellectual property rights, and breaks the situation of long-term domestic IP agents. Tianyuan 100 has supported nearly 100 customers to train more than 200 different types of models in the field of artificial intelligence, and the performance of backbone network models such as ResNet50, SSD, and BERT is close to that of mainstream products in the international market. In addition, Tianyuan 100 also widely supports traditional machine learning, mathematical operations, encryption and decryption and digital signal processing, and is also the only general-purpose GPU product that has adapted to X86, ARM, MIPS and other types of CPU architectures, with a cumulative order amount of nearly 200 million yuan.

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