
Publication of the first complete human genome atlas

An international team of scientists has published the first complete map of the human genome.

The first atlas of the human genome was made public in the early 21st century, but due to the limitations of research techniques at the time, 8% of the sequences in the atlas were missing.

Publication of the first complete human genome atlas

Johns Hopkins University Human Geneticist McCoy: The previous genome map was missing about 8 percent of the sequence, and now that 8 percent has been patched up.

Publication of the first complete human genome atlas

The scientists published their findings in the journal Science on March 31. The researchers say that over the past 20 years or so, science and technology in related fields have made significant advances, helping them to improve the mapping of the human genome. The new research results will help people better understand the evolutionary and biological characteristics of humans, and help advance medical research in the fields of aging, neurodegenerative diseases, cancer, heart disease and so on.

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