
I almost believed it! Razer released the Full Body Sense Suit: officially entering the Meta-Universe

On April 1, Razer officially announced the release of a new product - HyperSense full body sense suit, equipped with many sensors inside, can make players feel like the "Ready Player One" movie full body feeling game experience.

I almost believed it! Razer released the Full Body Sense Suit: officially entering the Meta-Universe

According to Razer, using the HyperSense set can transport your senses to another immersive, interactive reality. The metaverse is also mentioned on the product's official website, and said that the product allows players to experience a "fully immersive game metacosm". At present, the official is recruiting testers, and participating in the test can be raffled to get Razer product rewards. However, the official did not state the official launch time of the product, and it is not surprising that this is a funny product for April Fool's Day.

However, Xiao Lei feels that the probability of this product being realized in the future is still very high, and now more and more companies are developing AR/VR technology and hyping the metaverse. However, the current VR equipment only stays at the level of helmets and somatosensory handles, although it can be controlled somatosensory, but it cannot transmit some feelings to the human body, less immersive realism.

I almost believed it! Razer released the Full Body Sense Suit: officially entering the Meta-Universe

Some companies are already working on so-called brain-computer interfaces, the purpose of which is to transmit the player's sensory feedback in the game to the real body, so that you can feel the heat, pain and so on. Therefore, in the future, it is really possible that this kind of full-body combat suit will not only allow you to control the VR game more flexibly, but also let the feedback be transmitted to the body and increase the realism of the game. The suit displayed by Razer still looks relatively simple, but it is still indispensable to the ancestral RGB, and I hope that Razer can really come out in the future.

Razer has also previously used April Fool's Day concept products such as Razer hovering mouse, toaster and RGB discolored hair. Some were just jokes at the time, but eventually they came true. This year, other tech giants also released April Fool's Day products, such as OPPO's OPPO Noise technology. If you are disturbed by noise in your life or in a game, then you can use this technology to create more noisy noise and return the noise with noise.

I almost believed it! Razer released the Full Body Sense Suit: officially entering the Meta-Universe

DJI has launched a customizable drone, players can customize the drone's camera, motor, appearance kit and battery according to their needs, and the highest optional hydrogen fuel cell can last up to 2 hours. Lenovo is more radical, launching the Run 90s microcomputer, which is a steel ball with a diameter of 6cm, equipped with a CPU and GPU inside, imitating the design of the left and right brains of the human body. There are a large number of sensors on the surface of the body, including the entrance to connect with the brain, taking you into the metaverse world.

I have to say that the brain hole of technology manufacturers is getting bigger and bigger. But with the continuous advancement of the level of technology, these products sound like they are real, and Xiao Lei almost believed it. Hopefully, these products will actually be born in the next few years, so that the April Fool's Day prophecy can be fulfilled.

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