
Yang Ying is too dare to wear! The knitted cardigan under the down jacket is only tied with 2 buttons, which is thin and tall and fashionable

More and more fashionable spirits like to use the "stacking method" to concave shapes, and the advantages of the stacking method are many, which can not only achieve the collision of a variety of styles, but also greatly improve the overall warmth, especially suitable for some hot and cold weather. However, if you do not master a certain skill, it is easy to wear a bloated, thick, fat feeling, which is its shortcomings, today let us use the shape of the female star Angelababy to unlock some practical matching skills of the stacking method, so that you can become an urban beauty in early spring.

Yang Ying is too dare to wear! The knitted cardigan under the down jacket is only tied with 2 buttons, which is thin and tall and fashionable

Yang Ying really dared to wear it! Wear a down jacket with a knit shirt inside, and the cardigan that is inside is only tied with the middle 2 buttons, and it is willful to be in good shape! This can not only enhance the visual focus is very tall, proper skin exposure can not only avoid dullness, but also inadvertently reveal the sexy little woman's heart, thin and casual trend model, next let's carefully analyze Yang Ying's outfit looks!

Yang Ying is too dare to wear! The knitted cardigan under the down jacket is only tied with 2 buttons, which is thin and tall and fashionable

Down jacket selection highlights: black glossy face + color print embellishment, avant-garde cool tide and age reduction

Yang Ying chose a black down jacket as a cover, black is the most inclusive color of all colors, almost any situation can wear the color, combined with the down jacket to become a warm artifact. In order to get rid of the sense of monolithicity, this down jacket is cleverly integrated with colorful prints for embellishment, which can play a role in lighting up the dull, it looks avant-garde and cool and age-reducing, really suitable for concave styling, is a fashionable and practical piece.

Yang Ying is too dare to wear! The knitted cardigan under the down jacket is only tied with 2 buttons, which is thin and tall and fashionable

Design highlights of striped knit cardigans

The pink and white stripes are fresh and sweet and tender

If you want to avoid the bloated feeling of stacking and wear a feeling that is in line with spring, you may wish to learn from Yang Ying's style and match a thin striped knit cardigan inside. The overall cardigan is mainly pink and white, and the two colors are presented in the form of horizontal stripes, which look fresh and sweet, very tender. Pink is a girly color, but there are certain requirements for the skin color of the wearer, and after the white is reconciled, its requirements will not be too harsh, nor will it give people too sweet and deliberately tender feelings.

Yang Ying is too dare to wear! The knitted cardigan under the down jacket is only tied with 2 buttons, which is thin and tall and fashionable

The cropped design lifts the waistline for perfect proportions

At the same time, this striped knit cardigan uses a short design, looks very refreshing, baby also with a white crop top inside, which can play a role in improving the waistline, the height of the wearer has a certain help, but also to create a perfect body proportion, to avoid the "five or five points" embarrassing effect, especially suitable for short eyebrows, can make you easily have a pair of long legs.

Yang Ying is too dare to wear! The knitted cardigan under the down jacket is only tied with 2 buttons, which is thin and tall and fashionable

Split denim mop pants: outline the slender legline

When matching the bottoms, Yang Ying chose a pair of classic blue split denim mop pants, which is a small detail that can enhance the overall sense of styling. These jeans have a "tight and loose" fit, which helps to outline the slender leg line of the wearer, which is more suitable for sisters with thin legs, if it is a pear-shaped figure, the effect of wearing it will be very embarrassing.

The slit design of the cuffs will expose part of the calf line, which can add a sense of lightness and breathing, then with a pair of thick-soled shoes can play a role in increasing the soles of the feet, but also avoid the drag that mop pants may bring.

Yang Ying is too dare to wear! The knitted cardigan under the down jacket is only tied with 2 buttons, which is thin and tall and fashionable

The "combination of complexity and simplicity" highlights the highlights and is not messy

When stacking, the most important thing to learn from is the "combination of complexity and simplicity" collocation rules, to highlight the highlights of the entire shape through unique items, but not too messy, you know, the real fashion is not blindly piling up fashion elements on the body, if there are too many fashion elements in a set of look, it will also appear noisy and messy.

In Yang Ying's style, the striped knit is a more eye-catching item, while the black down jacket and split jeans are more low-key, and the three are combined to form a good harmony, effectively avoiding the heavy feeling.

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