
Sichuan-Tibet Highway Museum: From Recording History to Passing on the Spirit

The Sichuan-Tibet Highway that crosses the Hengduan Mountains

Connecting the snowy plateau with the Sichuan Basin

String together cities, market towns, fields, pastures

All the way to the snowy mountains, the sea, the forests and meadows...

For travelers, the Sichuan-Tibet Highway strings together the "pearl chain" of tourism, and the magnificent scenery along the way is a spiritual gift from nature to tourists.

For the builders, this "geological disaster museum" carries the glorious history of generations of traffic people who have opened mountains and split stones, built roads and bridges, and were born into death and fought bravely.

Looking east for the starting point of the Sichuan-Tibet Line, the eyes fall on the Sichuan-Tibet Highway Museum, which preserves the cultural relics and pictures from the construction process of the Sichuan-Tibet Highway in the atmosphere of books, and also shows the construction achievements and planning prospects of the Sichuan transportation system in recent years. From the pioneers carrying on their shoulders to the builders of the information age, the museum shows the timeless connotation and era value of the "two roads" spirit.

The museum attracted more than 13,000 people to visit and study in the six months of the sichuan-Tibet highway construction process

Sichuan-Tibet Highway Museum: From Recording History to Passing on the Spirit

Sichuan is the main area of the Sichuan-Tibet Highway and an important birthplace of the "two roads" spirit. More than 70 years ago, with the heroic spirit of "letting the mountains bow their heads and telling the river to give way", the 100,000 road construction army used iron hammers, steel shovels, and shovels to open roads on every mountain, build bridges in the water, cross high mountains and valleys such as Erlang Mountain, Zheduo Mountain, and Queer Mountain, cross the Dadu River, Jinsha River and other rapids and dangerous beaches, and cross complex landforms such as snow mountains, forests, grasslands, and glaciers, creating a miracle in the history of highway construction in the "roof of the world".

Sichuan-Tibet Highway Museum: From Recording History to Passing on the Spirit

The sculpture of "Road Soul" standing in front of the Sichuan-Tibet Highway Museum is composed of soldiers of the Eighteenth Army, road construction workers, and Tibetan compatriots. The sculpture represents the road construction army under the construction of the Sichuan-Tibet Highway, and also symbolizes the unity of the military and the people and the national friendship of the Han-Tibetan family.

Sichuan-Tibet Highway Museum: From Recording History to Passing on the Spirit

Located in the exhibition hall of Sichuan Communications Vocational and Technical College, the area is nearly 1,000 square meters. The main exhibition of the museum is divided into three parts: historical choice, long song of the heavenly road, and passing on the torch, and collects new and old photos, road construction tools, daily necessities, related newspapers, books, pictorials, badges, flags, etc. since the construction of the Sichuan-Tibet Highway for more than 70 years, and the panorama shows the arduous construction process of the Sichuan-Tibet Highway.

Director Wang Rongxia said that from the opening of the museum at the end of June 2021 to the end of 2021, the museum has received more than 300 visiting teams from all over the country in half a year, and more than 13,000 people have come to the museum to "punch in" and study.

Wang Rongxia recalled that the builders and descendants of the Sichuan-Tibet Highway who came to visit, as well as teenagers who yearn for the cause of transportation, in her view, this is not only a memorial to preserve the history of construction, but also an enlightenment place to guide future generations. "Veterans who have participated in the construction and maintenance of the Sichuan-Tibet Highway, who burst into tears after seeing the physical object and hearing the introduction, and the young people who came to participate in the study activities also have a deeper understanding of the 'two-way spirit.'"

Museums in schools: Subtly inheriting and continuing the red tradition of traffic

The construction of the Sichuan-Tibet Highway Museum dates back to 2018, and the Sichuan Provincial Department of Transportation put forward the idea of building a Sichuan-Tibet Highway Museum in the process of studying and inheriting the "two-way spirit".

On the occasion of the centenary of the founding of the Party, the Sichuan-Tibet Highway Museum began construction in March 2021 in Sichuan Transportation Vocational and Technical College, and in the three months of construction time, the exhibition hall of nearly 1,000 square meters brought together more than 330 pieces of physical objects and video materials from all over the country.

Recalling the construction process of the Sichuan-Tibet Highway Museum, Wang Dongping, secretary of the Party Committee of Sichuan Communications Vocational and Technical College, believes that placing the museum in the school is not only a subtle influence on traffic students, but also the inheritance and continuation of the red tradition of traffic people.

Wang Dongping said that he hopes to enlarge the educational function of the museum and play a motivating and educational role for the students in the school, "History can always give people the best inspiration, but also a spiritual inheritance." In the process of learning and education in schools, our future traffic people can personally visit the Sichuan-Tibet Highway Museum, feel the entrepreneurial spirit of our older generation, and also play a subtle educational role. ”

Sichuan-Tibet Highway Museum: From Recording History to Passing on the Spirit

In fact, the Sichuan-Tibet Highway Museum built in the school has become an important part of the ideological and political curriculum. Wang Dongping introduced that at present, not only students will feel the red spirit in the museum, but also the majority of transportation cadres and workers will also participate in training here. From students to builders, two generations are educated here, making the museum and the school's nurturing atmosphere organically fit.

Looking forward to the future, Wang Dongping looks forward to carrying forward the spirit in the museum. Through the continuous improvement of the materials in the museum, the Improvement of the Sichuan-Tibet Highway Museum, the connotation of the "Two Roads Spirit", the role of the museum in commemoration, enlightenment and education is brought into full play to a greater extent.

"In fact, now the training of students is also facing new requirements, although there is no need to overcome the difficult conditions of the past, but the goal is more long-term, future students need to expand overseas, it is more necessary to inherit the 'two-way spirit'." Wang Dongping frankly said that the conditions of the highway have undergone earth-shaking changes, and the process of understanding the history of the construction of the Sichuan-Tibet Highway is also the process of helping students understand the transportation industry, and the dedication of the older generation can greatly encourage students. "Maybe one day students will no longer remember the knowledge points in the classroom, but the inheritance of this red gene will accompany them for a lifetime."

Passing on the torch: the history of Sichuan-Tibet Highway construction is still constantly improving The "Brief History of Sichuan-Tibet Highway" came out this year

The third part of the Sichuan-Tibet Highway Museum is called "Passing on the Torch", where the new changes and new progress of Sichuan's transportation work in the 21st century are displayed, and the real-time road conditions and images along the Sichuan-Tibet Highway can also be displayed directly on the screen.

Sichuan-Tibet Highway Museum: From Recording History to Passing on the Spirit

"Passing on the torch" means that Sichuan traffic builders continue to create new glory and miracles under the guidance of the "two-way spirit", and in the view of Cen Song, deputy editor-in-chief of the Shizhi Editor-in-Chief Office of the Sichuan Provincial Department of Transportation, such inheritance is both a valuable spiritual wealth and a spur.

In 2005, he came to the Sichuan Provincial Department of Communications to work in the History Editor-in-Chief Office, and Cen Song, who has a strong interest in history, is not a witness and researcher of Sichuan's transportation industry, he told reporters that the construction of the Sichuan-Tibet Highway Museum is an important "node" in the inheritance of Sichuan's transportation history.

In the Sichuan-Tibet Highway Museum, the names of many participants in the construction are displayed, and Cen Song told reporters that behind each name is repeatedly consulted and checked by researchers of traffic history in historical archives. "There is still a lot of room for the historical study of the Sichuan-Tibet Highway to explore, and we are still collecting historical materials such as commemorative medals and diaries related to the construction of the Sichuan-Tibet Highway to restore the construction process as completely as possible, which is not only a respect for the builders, but also a continuous improvement of the 'spirit of the two roads'."

Sichuan-Tibet Highway Museum: From Recording History to Passing on the Spirit

After 17 years of research on traffic history, Cen Song felt that traffic history research was "as important as building bridges and roads." "The Sichuan Provincial Department of Transportation has always attached great importance to the study of history, and over the years, Sichuan's transportation conditions have also continued to develop and change, and have achieved remarkable results, providing us with rich resources."

Cen Song revealed that this year, the Sichuan Provincial Department of Transportation's History Editor-in-Chief Office plans to launch a "Brief History of the Sichuan-Tibet Highway", which has completed the first draft and is in the process of revision. "A Brief History of the Sichuan-Tibet Highway can completely reflect the history and development process of Sichuan Highway Construction, and provide an authoritative reading for social organizations that want to understand the Sichuan-Tibet Highway."

Source | Sichuan release client

Reporter | Wang Peizhe

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