
Chronic fatigue syndrome – CFS therapy

After human society entered the 21st century, the speed of development has increased by leaps and bounds, and people are enjoying a rich material life while also bearing more and more heavy pressure. The pace of life is accelerating, and the competition that fills all stages of life is becoming increasingly fierce. However, human physiological functions have not evolved accordingly. Such overloaded operation has brought serious harm to human health. Long-term work is overworked, mental tension, improper rest and lack of physical exercise caused by fatigue, can not be alleviated in time, so overwork into disease.

Chronic fatigue syndrome – CFS therapy

Chronic fatigue syndrome is a kind of generalized discomfort with long-term extreme fatigue as a prominent manifestation under the modern fast-paced lifestyle, which can be accompanied by dizziness, headache, insomnia, forgetfulness, low-grade fever, muscle and joint pain and a variety of neuropsychiatric symptoms, the basic characteristics are that it cannot be relieved after rest, and there are no organic lesions on physical and chemical examination. The United States first named the disease Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS), chronic fatigue syndrome, in 1987. White-collar workers and teachers are high incidence groups of the disease, and are closely related to the functional disorders of long-term overwork, including mental and physical fatigue, irregular eating and living, excessive work pressure and psychological stress, and nervous, endocrine, immune, digestive, circulatory, and motor systems.

Chronic fatigue syndrome – CFS therapy

Due to the lack of a clear pathogenesis, the clinical treatment of CFS is mainly based on symptomatic treatment and supportive treatment, in addition to the corresponding drugs, nutritional supplements, graded exercise therapy and cognitive behavioral therapy are widely used in the recovery of patients' psychological and physiological functions, and herbal medicine, acupuncture, and tuina are also listed as recommended therapies [1].

Symptomatic treatment of CFS, such as: enhanced immune function therapy for patients with fatigue symptoms, anti-sleep disorder drugs such as escolam and zopiclone for patients with sleep disorders, St. John's wort extract tablets (trade name: Luyote), Prozac, and trazodone and other anti-anxiety and depression drugs for patients with associated joint pain, and drugs such as lesan and various hormones for patients with joint pain. Although various drugs have certain preventive and therapeutic effects, the therapeutic effect is not ideal, and there are certain toxic side effects [2].

In addition, treatment must take into account both physical and psychological, both to improve the physiological function disorder, but also to solve psychological problems; both drug treatment, but also supplemented by psychological counseling. We need to effectively regulate and improve the excitatory and inhibitory processes of the relevant centers of the brain, thereby relieving stress, eliminating fatigue, regulating emotions, so that you can come out of the small circle of tension, boredom and boredom and enter a state of fun. The content of hobbies is extensive, according to their own interests to choose, appropriate "investment", it is best to develop habits to reduce or eliminate feelings of stress.

Chronic fatigue syndrome – CFS therapy

Vent your worries in time. It is obviously inappropriate to forcibly accumulate sorrows and troubles in the chest, so when you are in a bad mood, you should take appropriate methods to vent, which is beneficial to health. If you take the initiative to find a close friend, spouse or elderly person you can trust, pour out your inner pain, and spit it out quickly, you can get more comfort and sympathy. Psychologists believe that crying is also a kind of self-psychological rescue measure, which can make bad emotions cathartic and diverted.

Exercise is also a recipe for good health. Physical exercise can not only strengthen the body, but also has the effect of eliminating bad emotions, and can effectively eliminate psychological fatigue, because exercise can increase people's adaptability and resistance to the outside world. Psychologists point out that exercise can make people reach the realm of self-forgetfulness, and the realm of self-forgetfulness is the development and sublimation of emotional transfer. If you encounter a psychological crisis that is difficult to get rid of, you may wish to turn to a psychological counseling agency. You can consult a psychologist directly or call the counseling number. Psychological counseling is known as gentle spiritual massage, through the counselor's persuasion, inspiration, comfort and education, the cognition, emotion, will, attitude, behavior, etc. of the person concerned can be benign transformation and enhance confidence.

Chronic fatigue syndrome – CFS therapy

In terms of diet, patients with chronic fatigue syndrome can take carrots, vitamin C, vitamin B12, and massage specific parts of the body with water flow, engage in recommended sports, regulate their own immune system, and a scientific diet can alleviate the disease to a greater extent. To avoid the pain of chronic fatigue syndrome, the most important thing is to prevent, to avoid prolonged extreme stress and mental overload. We should fully recognize the harm of this disease, achieve primary preventive health care, prevent problems before they occur, raise the health awareness of the whole people and establish a healthy social belief.

In short, there is no specific effective treatment for chronic fatigue syndrome, and we should strengthen prevention. First of all, reasonably arrange work and study, adjust the rhythm of life; avoid long-term intense work, pay attention to appropriate rest, and ensure adequate sleep. Second, relieve psychological stress, participate in appropriate sports and recreational activities; pay attention to dietary nutrition, quit smoking and alcohol, and change other unhealthy living habits.


1. Wang Miaomiao,Ma Shuli,Yang Lixia,Guo Yu,Kang Jing,Wang Shu. Application of Ginger Moxibustion Combined with Five Elements Music Therapy in Patients with Spleen and Kidney Yang Deficiency Chronic Fatigue Syndrome[J].Nursing Research,2021,35(22):4072-4075.

2. Sun Yuanzheng,Liu Liang,Sun Yan. Clinical observation of acupuncture in the treatment of chronic fatigue syndrome based on "toning" theory[J].Herald of Traditional Chinese Medicine,2021,27(12):88-92+102.DOI:10.13862/j.cnki.cn43-1446/r.2021.12.018.

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