
True African workers, no time to be alone

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I have long been concerned about the homes stationed abroad, and I have also read a lot of articles written about African residents, and after work, I look at the youth stories of other compatriots in Africa, and between the lines, I can always find some shadows of my own life, which is very resonant.

But there are exceptions, such as "loneliness.")

I've read too many articles, such as "Staying Abroad, Loneliness is a Compulsory Course" and "If There Are Ten Levels of Loneliness Abroad, Then I Am Level Eleven", and IMHO, this is the only place that does not resonate with me.

True African workers, no time to be alone

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I graduated in 15 years, interned in China for about half a year, and then changed my career to Africa, a country in the French-speaking region.

Like most of my compatriots who have just arrived in Africa, when they first landed, everything was fresh, and every minute and every second was breaking my cognition. For example, Africa is not so hot, and in some places the average temperature is even 4 or 5 degrees lower than in my hometown. For example, Chinese in Africa, not as popular as on the news, and the first time I came, I almost went straight from the airport to the bureau for some false accusations.

However, these are all small episodes, after my colleagues picked me up to the company, put down the luggage in my hand, did not come and pack, I officially began my work abroad.

True African workers, no time to be alone

I'm a salesman, of course that's my definition, and I'm hiring as a marketing manager. The first task was for me to accompany my boss to meet a local client, who was not familiar with the company's business, and in this meeting, I played the role of a translator.

I still remember that the boss signed the contract immediately, and after the end, the boss patted me on the shoulder and said, look, this is how the business is negotiated, the boy cheers, do a good job.

To tell the truth, on the first day of coming, the ass was not hot, I accompanied the boss to sign the bill, gave me a shot of chicken blood as if I was a fledgling, I must mix a piece of the world, and return home gloriously, which was my goal at that time

Because, on the first day, I only saw the final signing site, and the front, communication with this customer, lasted for about half a year. Reality taught me that part-time work is cruel, the first three months, in order to better understand the market, familiar with the product and business, I did a lot of work, all said in the country is 996, and I am in Africa, that is really 007.

Running the market during the day, you have to learn French at night, in fact, customers are English, will not be English will also bring translation, and most of our local staff are completely english, to be familiar with the product, and front-line staff communication is the most direct, plus they also hope to learn more skills, so I can only work overtime to learn.

True African workers, no time to be alone

Really negotiate the first business, it is already 4 months later, to be honest, more frustrated, much later than I expected, every time I meet a customer, there will always be some incomprehensible reasons, and late, and this late is not half an hour I understand, an hour, but several hours, or even a whole day, full of preparation, adjust their best state, the result is that no one has seen, who is on this shelf, will feel collapsed.

Later, I also slowly understood, although "African time" is a common phenomenon, but really interested in the product, interested in cooperation, even if it is half an hour late, he will definitely come, do not come, will also give you a legitimate reason, those who put pigeons, can only say, those are not accurate customers. Everything in the world has its own truth, who would have thought that the much-maligned "African time" would become a good way to screen customers.

In fact, like our company's private enterprises, Chinese employees are not many, our company's personnel peak, plus the boss, Chinese is only 10 people, living in a rented villa, each will be a number of jobs, but also need to manage local employees, basically there is no weekend to rest, but, do not know what to play, work is also a pastime. I had a very fulfilling day, and I didn't have time to enjoy the loneliness, work with my colleagues, live together, and feel like I was back in the university dormitory.

Everyone has everyone's life, everyone's way of life, "loneliness" can cause so many resident outsiders to resonate, naturally there is its reason, but I personally believe that once you carry the pressure of life, family, no matter where you are, whether you are alone or not, you will not have time to enjoy loneliness, the money we want to earn, far from the goal, the skills to be improved, there are many, since you chose to come to Africa to fight, do not waste this opportunity, youth can have a few years, the epidemic accounted for 3 years, cherish every minute and every second so that you will not let yourself have regrets.

True African workers, no time to be alone

In fact, writing this article, in addition to I want to refute the view that the station is lonely, but also want to record their own years of struggle in Africa, I do not like to take pictures, look back at the photo album, in addition to the scenery taken casually, almost can not find the scene of my work life, these years of experience, seems to exist only in the mind, and so in the future I have children, tell him about dad's experience when he was young, there is no photo, I am afraid that it will not be ridiculed by children, dad is bragging.

At the end of this year, I will return to China, end the long-distance running, enter another stage of life, the next half of the year, in addition to a good job, will also slow down a little, more feel the customs and customs of this land, I am still learning photography, I hope more things, photos, videos, words, save my youth in Africa.

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