
Save Shotaro! The second half of JOJO's Fantastic Adventure 6 airs this fall

Save Shotaro! The second half of JOJO's Fantastic Adventure 6 airs this fall

What's the most anticipated animation of the year? "JOJO's Wonderful Adventures in the Sea of Stones" may be one of the candidates, and after it aired at the end of last year, soon, the news of the sequel came, and the second half of "JOJO's Wonderful Adventures in the Sea of Stones" was confirmed to be broadcast this fall, episodes 13-24!

Save Shotaro! The second half of JOJO's Fantastic Adventure 6 airs this fall

In the first half of "JOJO's Wonderful Adventure in the Sea of Stones", the invincible protagonist of the previous plot, Shotaro, was also secretly calculated by the unknown BOSS ability in order to protect his daughter Xu Lun, fell into a state of unconsciousness, and was robbed of the ability to stand-in. And Xu Lun believes that his father is not dead, and plans to retrieve the disc of the stand-in ability and find the boss in the prison...

Save Shotaro! The second half of JOJO's Fantastic Adventure 6 airs this fall

In order to be able to find out the real enemy of the prison, Xu Lun, with the help of the mysterious little boy, joined forces with more companions who also had the ability to stand-in, dealt with various unknown stand-in abilities, and recruited more stand-in abilities to become his partners...

Save Shotaro! The second half of JOJO's Fantastic Adventure 6 airs this fall

And what the viewer can see is the real messenger behind the scenes, Father Pucci, who is a believer in Dior... Because of Dior's "way of heaven", he stepped out of his own path of exploration... His purpose is to find what Dior calls "the Kingdom of Heaven"...

Save Shotaro! The second half of JOJO's Fantastic Adventure 6 airs this fall

The pink-haired man in the trailer, Narusiso Anasu, is a male prisoner in Ambolio's mysterious room with the weather forecast, who says he will protect The Empty Strip. It is worth mentioning that the animated version of his CV is Daisuke Nagawa... In the game version, Joruno Joe Bana's CV is Daisuke Nanagawa, that is, the 5th generation male protagonist...

Save Shotaro! The second half of JOJO's Fantastic Adventure 6 airs this fall

The second half of the plot may become more tense, and the battle will change into a variety of tricks.

However, the author thinks that the first part looks down, the most dissatisfied at present is the shaping of boss Pucci, lacking the majesty and mystery of the boss in the previous "JoJO's Wonderful Adventure", lacking some aura, how will the second half be performed? Still worth looking forward to.

Save Shotaro! The second half of JOJO's Fantastic Adventure 6 airs this fall

Episodes 13-24 of JOJO's Wonderful Adventures in the Sea of Stones will air in the fall of 2022, possibly October, waiting for more information!

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