
【Car domain news】Tesla owners share daily power saving tips

"In fact, power saving, energy saving is not only in the day of Earth Hour, since driving an electric car, whether in the process of charging, or in the process of driving electricity, as an old driver, I feel that I have been practicing energy conservation and emission reduction on the road", on March 26, on The day of World Earth Day, Tesla owner Mr. Zhao shared his car experience on social media and posted his charging bill.

Carbon emissions from the transport sector account for 14% of global carbon emissions

Earth Hour is a global energy conservation initiative proposed by the World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF) to address global climate change, advocating that home and business users turn off unnecessary lights and power-consuming products for one hour on the last Saturday of March at 20:30 p.m. local time (20:30 p.m. on March 26, 2022), as a sign of their support for action against climate change.

Climate change caused by excessive carbon dioxide emissions has greatly threatened the survival of human beings on the earth, and global climate change is a challenge that all countries in the world should jointly address. On the mainland, "achieving carbon peaking by 2030 and carbon neutrality by 2060" has become a firm goal for companies in all fields, especially in the transportation sector. According to the United Nations, carbon emissions from the transport sector account for 14% of the world's total carbon emissions.

【Car domain news】Tesla owners share daily power saving tips

At the national level, vehicle carbon emissions are one of the important components of national carbon emissions, according to the China Automobile Center estimates, it accounts for about 7.5% of the national carbon emissions, of which more than 90% comes from the combustion of fossil fuels such as gasoline and diesel consumed in the use stage of the car, which accounts for about 80% of the total carbon emissions in the entire transportation sector. Driving is equivalent to planting trees In 2030, the proportion of new energy-powered vehicles will reach about 40%.

To accelerate the arrival of the inflection point of carbon emissions in the automotive field, the recognized path is to vigorously promote the transition to non-fossil energy, that is, to reduce the energy consumption level of traditional fuel vehicles and increase the proportion of new energy vehicle production. In this context, accelerating "decarbonization" has become a major trend in the automotive industry, and the new energy automobile industry is pinned on high hopes.

【Car domain news】Tesla owners share daily power saving tips

According to the requirements of the "New Energy Vehicle Industry Development Plan (2021-2035)", by 2025, the sales of new energy vehicles will reach about 20% of the total sales of new vehicles. According to the Action Plan for The Peak Of Carbon Dioxide Emissions by 2030, by 2030, the proportion of vehicles powered by new and clean energy will reach about 40%.

The contribution of new energy vehicles to energy conservation and emission reduction can be seen from a set of latest data released by Tesla China officials: from 2014 to 2021, Tesla China's charging network continued to expand, accumulatively helping Tesla owners achieve a driving range of 11 billion kilometers, equivalent to more than 280,000 circles around the earth, achieving a carbon dioxide emission reduction of 2.54 million tons, about 5.08 million hectares of forest planted on the earth. Among them, in 2021, the reduction of carbon dioxide emissions by 1.01 million tons will be achieved, and accelerating the world's transition to sustainable energy is the development concept that Tesla has always upheld. "Driving is equivalent to planting trees, which is the environmental belief of electric vehicle owners," said Mr. Wang, a jinan owner, with a smile.

【Car domain news】Tesla owners share daily power saving tips

Power saving more than "one hour" car owners share daily power saving tips

In recent years, the concept of improving the global environment through green and low-carbon life has penetrated into the lives of every citizen of the earth. For electric vehicle owners, low-carbon life runs from the moment of choosing electric vehicles to every detail of daily charging and driving.

【Car domain news】Tesla owners share daily power saving tips

"You such as charging, electric vehicle charging there are many ways to save electricity, such as in the winter, do not discharge deeply, to charge frequently, do not wait for the power to run out before getting up to charge." When charging, it is also best to choose to charge in an indoor environment or outdoor with plenty of sunshine, so as to ensure that the temperature is guaranteed, charging is fast and cost-effective. As an old driver of electric vehicles, Mr. Wang also shared a lot of power saving tips during the driving process.

"Don't slam on the acceleration or brake when driving, especially when the morning and evening rush hour traffic jams, such repeated slams are very power-consuming", Mr. Wang is deeply touched by this, "In addition, Tesla's energy recovery braking mode can recover additional energy, which is also a power-saving technique." ”

【Car domain news】Tesla owners share daily power saving tips

"While the currently widely laid out Tesla charging network makes mileage less anxious, some driving habits may inadvertently drain power." In addition, Tesla has many designs that can effectively save energy and power. For example, the easy mode of driving, after opening, can effectively avoid rapid acceleration, while obtaining a smooth, soft driving experience, to avoid excessive consumption of electricity in the case of intense driving, click the touch screen, control - driving - acceleration - easy to open", Tesla staff introduced, "In addition, some owners usually do not pay much attention to the tire, in the insufficient inflation will not only reduce the mileage, but also may shorten the tire tread life, remember to keep the tire pressure in the system recommended value, more help to reduce energy consumption." ”

Saving electricity is equal to saving money, many car owners for the cost of electric vehicle travel is also greatly appreciated, "Tesla as a tram is originally very economical, with household charging piles, once electricity 5 mao 4, full of less than 30 yuan, in January at home charged several times, not enough fuel for a tank of oil." When the new energy charging subsidy of Jinan City arrives at the account of 3,000 yuan, it will not cost money to charge in the urban area," Mr. Zhao also calculated an economic account.

Tesla and home charging is simply a perfect match, every day home plugged in, book valley electricity charging, not only cheap, winter can also preheat the battery in advance. I'm on a 55-degree battery, running more than 420 kilometers with full power, I'm basically

Home charging is the mainstay, Gu Dian four cents and five degrees, in January and February a total of 280 pieces of charge six hundred degrees, ran four thousand kilometers, that is, a kilometer of seven cents, only 1/10 of the oil car", the owner Mr. Wang also posted his own charging bill.

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