
Lenovo Savior Y9000X 2022 is expected to be released at the end of April

Not long ago, Lenovo consumer customer marketing + ecological product marketing Song Yuezhu posted pictures about the new product of the savior Y9000X on Weibo, and said that the new product is expected to be released at the end of April or early May.

Lenovo Savior Y9000X 2022 is expected to be released at the end of April
Lenovo Savior Y9000X 2022 is expected to be released at the end of April

Rescuer Y9000X is positioned as a thin and light e-sports product, 21 models priced at 8699 yuan. Judging from the content of the pictures she posted, the main selling points of the Rescuer Y9000X 2022 model include RTX 3060 graphics card, large-capacity battery, fast charging, multi-port direct connection and so on. As can be seen from another figure, Lenovo officials also intend to help consumers understand the difference between the positioning of the savior Y9000X and the savior Y9000P through parameter comparison.

Lenovo Savior Y9000X 2022 is expected to be released at the end of April

Unlike the Savior Y9000X, the Rescuer Y9000P is positioned as a professional e-sports book, which is more aggressive in hardware. The Rescuer Y9000P 2022 model launched some time ago is equipped with an i5-12500H/i7-12700H processor in terms of configuration, and the graphics card can choose RTX 3060 or RTX 3070Ti, priced from 8299 yuan.

For more than a year, due to the rapid rise in graphics card prices and insufficient production capacity, the PC consumer market has been greatly impacted, which is why many consumers have turned their attention from DIY to the notebook market. However, in the near future, the price of the graphics card market has dropped significantly, and whether the notebook will continue the momentum of steady growth, product strength and price are still the key.

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