
Qingwei | a clear window


Qingwei | a clear window

The school is located in a country field, some distance from the surrounding villages. Sometimes sitting in the upstairs office for a long time, getting up to fill the teapot with water, inadvertently looking out the window, the green outside the window, lush, under the breeze, rolling green waves rushing in front of you. A green crop field can not be seen, a few tall trees dotted in it, like a girl dressed in green, standing in the boundless wilderness, soft branches gently swaying in the wind, like the young girl's fluttering hair, stirring people's heartstrings, making people think. The immaculate sun, emitting warm sunlight, illuminated the green field, so that the green was covered with a faint glow. In the distance, pedestrians come and go like swimmers, chopping waves on the turquoise lake, and breaking the silence of the field from time to time with hearty laughter.

Qingwei | a clear window

A heartwarming green, a green that people can't get tired of seeing. Sitting upstairs every day, inadvertently glancing out the window, this green is like a young girl, walking towards me with a smart dance step. There is no grandeur of green mountains, nor the softness of the lake, just a crop field that the farmers on the great plains have worked hard to cultivate, like a green carpet, like a green lake, quietly presented in front of the eyes, so that my slightly tired soul that is nervous about work seems to have a breeze blowing, and I feel a few refreshing. So I involuntarily got up and pushed open the window, opened my heart, and took the boundless green outside the window into my arms, so that my heart melted into this charming green that exuded the breath of life.

Life often longs to say goodbye to the noise of the world, to the fresh nature, to the green mountains and green waters, throw into the embrace of nature, feel the quiet and fresh natural atmosphere, let the soul that has been trapped by the world for a long time and the life that has been trampled in the ruthless years, in the state of primitive nature, experience the state of life that returns to the truth. No desire and no demand, everything goes with nature, forget the hatred and hatred in the world, let go of the fame and fortune in the heart, integrate the body and mind into the natural landscape, rediscover the carefree, crazy life state of childhood, let the beautiful life break through the barriers of reality, and fill the poetic emotions in the heart. Sometimes with this beautiful desire in the heart, go far away, to the north of Saibei, to jiangnan, to find an ideal pure beauty of the landscape, to cultivate the dusty soul, almost every trip is to take pleasure and return home. The wonderful scenery is drowned in the noisy and noisy worldly sounds of the city, which is no different from the real environment in which you live.

Qingwei | a clear window

However, the beauty of life is sometimes far away, but the reality is close at hand, but our minds are sometimes a little dull. Sometimes living in the bucket room, looking out the window, the outside world will decorate your mind with colorful and wonderful. This piece of green that is not outside the window, which is very ordinary in the eyes of ordinary people, has never been strange to me who has lived in the countryside for many years. But with the increase of age and the increasing experience of life, I have a special love for it, and from this love, I have found a romantic poetry that has not been found in books. An ordinary green, from the color of her life, I saw the cycle and alternation of the seasons, and I felt the hardships of the peasants in spring sowing, summer planting, autumn harvest, and winter storage. Although the earth takes on different colors throughout the year, green is the main color, and it represents growth. Only continuous growth will breed abundant harvests. Corresponding to the green earth, the blue sky and the white clouds are leisurely, although it is fascinating, I still prefer the earth, because in that cavity of green, there is a surge of hope for a good harvest. The belief of persistence is embodied from that moment, and the earth holds out a piece of green with infinite affection, so that the emotions of life awaken all living beings in the world, and use the power of growth to nurture a beautiful life. How poetic, how picturesque. This is simply a beautiful symphony of life from the depths of the earth; it is a beautiful danqing picture of natural nature. Just listen with your heart, there are beautiful notes flowing everywhere; As long as you feel it with your heart, there are beautiful images everywhere.

Qingwei | a clear window

Although this life of man is short, in the face of the passage of time, although we can do nothing, as long as we open the window of the soul, let a clear window, face the real world, our spiritual world will have the mind of "the window contains the west ridge thousand autumn snow", and the "door berth East Wu Wanli Ship" temperament. Open a clear window, let the spring flowers fly in, let the summer rain fly in, let the autumn wind drift in, let the winter snow fall in, and feel the flow of life in the cycle of the seasons. Open a clear window, let the joy flow in, let the pain flow away, let the happiness stay, let the loneliness go away, in the entanglement of feelings, experience the five tastes of life. As long as you live, as long as the color of life is still green, no matter what kind of green, it is the same beauty. No matter where the green is, it is a fresh green. Whether you see the green from there, it is the intention of nature. A clear window, facing the world in front of you, feeling the beauty of the world, embracing the suffering of the world, no matter how ordinary the day, you can also chew out the fragrance of life, and then simple life, you can also feel the true feelings of the world.

(Image from the Internet)

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