
I understand you, please fight with peace of mind! Family stories from the frontline of the fight against the epidemic in Yaozhou

They are brave and fearless retrogrades, but they are the warmth of families, parents, children, and lovers looking forward to their safe return. "Seeing your pale and mask-stained face, worry has turned into full of heartache" "I am proud of you, proud of you" "I will fully support your brave rush", "The epidemic is about to dissipate, looking forward to reuniting with you when the spring is warm and blossoming", strong family affection was written into a family letter, between the lines, full of worry and concern, but also full of understanding and tolerance, more surging with deep feelings of home and country. "Paper is short and long, see words like a meeting", let's read these three family letters together to understand the story of the frontline of epidemic prevention and control in Yaozhou. Yao Limeng, a cadre of Miaowan Town, wrote a letter to the war epidemic

I understand you, please fight with peace of mind! Family stories from the frontline of the fight against the epidemic in Yaozhou

Li Meng: Since the outbreak of the epidemic on March 14, you have been called to the front line of the epidemic, carried out nucleic acid testing for all employees in the mining area overnight, raced against time every day, and often did not care about eating and resting, but you must put your body first and protect yourself. Yesterday I learned that you fainted, I was very worried, anxious to call over, see your pale and mask-covered face, worry turned into full of heartache, I had to swallow a lot of words, pick up some happy to say, afraid that you will be distracted. You always say that you are fine, just low blood sugar, the task of nucleic acid sampling in the town is arduous, one less person is not enough, you must take responsibility, whether on the front line or in the rear, you must stand bravely with everyone. I am also a frontline anti-epidemic, deeply moved by your words, I am proud of you, proud of you, you once again gave me the strength to move forward, let me rest assured, in life you are also, always optimistic and strong, fearless of difficulties, you are the most beautiful hero in my heart. I believe that the dawn of victory is coming, you can rest assured, I am all right here, but also promise me, I will take good care of myself, do a good job of personal protection, take more care. I look forward to the victory of the war and the epidemic, we will return safely and reunite as soon as possible. F: Dream sail

I understand you, please fight with peace of mind! Family stories from the frontline of the fight against the epidemic in Yaozhou
I understand you, please fight with peace of mind! Family stories from the frontline of the fight against the epidemic in Yaozhou

Hou Yonggang, a cadre of Miaowan Town, wrote a letter to the war epidemic

I understand you, please fight with peace of mind! Family stories from the frontline of the fight against the epidemic in Yaozhou

Yonggang: On weekdays, you always say that "everyone" is "small family" first, this epidemic is menacing, you resolutely and resolutely chose to give up your small family for everyone, I have everything in my heart, but as a township cadre, I also clearly understand that this is your responsibility, you must stand up and be responsible for the safety of the lives of the people in the town. The nucleic acid testing time of the whole people is tight, the task is heavy, it needs to be adhered to day and night, it is on call, and it must be fully devoted to the epidemic prevention work and build a defense line for the masses to guard life, but you must pay attention to safety, do a good job of personal protection, and cannot be careless. Recently, I would take the time to talk to my parents every day and ask them about their situation, and my mother said, "One by one, I am very obedient at home, just every day I tell my parents when to come back, we are all at home and stay well, it will not add a burden to you, you can work with peace of mind, protect yourself, and wait for you to come back." "Everything is fine in the family, and we have to give the children an example." Recently we have seen each other less, but I feel very close to your heart, because we are fighting the epidemic side by side in the "double battlefield", the epidemic is about to dissipate, and I look forward to reuniting with you when the spring blossoms. Wife: Nannan Miaowan Town cadre Li Zhe's family letter of the war epidemic

I understand you, please fight with peace of mind! Family stories from the frontline of the fight against the epidemic in Yaozhou

Zhe: Today is the 10th day that you have persevered in the town, through the intermittent contact every day, I know that you are all right, I am at ease, I am at home and everything is fine, I hope you don't think about it. Tongchuan epidemic came unexpectedly, still remember the morning when you went out, the sun was shining, the spring breeze was warm, everything was calm as usual, but in the afternoon, I learned that the community should be closed management, and the whole people's nucleic acid testing was carried out overnight, and then I received a call that you could not go home and was on duty on the front line of epidemic prevention, I was suddenly panicked and was ready to complain, but through the window I saw a group of "big white" figures, suddenly thought that you also became the appearance of the big white, and then gradually understood what kind of responsibility you bear on your shoulders at this moment. In the video, you always show a relaxed smile, but I know that in my invisible frontline of the epidemic, how race against the clock, how dangerous lurking, I only hope that you can take care of your own safety, take time to rest, do a good job of protection, I will fully support your brave rush, protect yourself at home, do not add chaos to you. I hope that the epidemic will pass quickly, and I hope that you will go home safely! I also wish all frontline epidemic prevention personnel to return home safely! Wife: Carrie

I understand you, please fight with peace of mind! Family stories from the frontline of the fight against the epidemic in Yaozhou

There is no winter that is insurmountable, there is no spring that will not come, the virus cannot block love and thoughts, let us look forward to it, wait for the flowers to bloom, and may all perseverance run to the reunion.

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