
After 4 weeks of investigating 10 people who "eat not fat", they found the secret of keeping their figure...

Reviewed by: Yuan Bichao (Jieyang People's Hospital)

Can you imagine? Others "hot pot rice big plate chicken, weigh only 87", and you "dynamic bicycle Pilates, weight soared 20 pounds", when you lose weight in the gym, some people are looking hard for how to gain weight.

@ Moxie: Here should @ my roommate, she eats six or seven meals a day without panting, eats and sleeps, eats and sleeps, the weight is not changed, I deeply feel the unfairness of this world...

What's going on here? Are they the legendary "thin physique" who can't eat fat?

First, is there really someone who can't eat fat?

The BBC has a documentary "Why Thin People Don't Get Fat", which recruited 10 volunteers who claimed to eat (recruit) and did not (people) fat (hate) to conduct a 4-week overeating experiment to study whether they really ate or not, and how many pounds these people could grow the fattest.

Before starting the experiment, the volunteers did not forget to show a wave of "eat a lot but not fat" operation.

After 4 weeks of investigating 10 people who "eat not fat", they found the secret of keeping their figure...

Source: Why Thin People Don't Get Fat BBC Documentary

The foods the researchers asked them to eat every day were burgers, fries, milkshakes, cakes, cheeses, and various chocolate candies...

What are the results after 4 weeks?

These 10 thin volunteers are fat! The most weight gained was 9.5 kg a month!

After 4 weeks of investigating 10 people who "eat not fat", they found the secret of keeping their figure...

Yes, the "how to eat is not fat" thing does not exist. Either they don't eat much at all, or they have a relatively large amount of activity.

The next time the sisters meet a friend who says that they are "crazy to eat and not fat", they can take this report to scare them.

Second, the secret of not being fat is Ta?

In this experiment, the BBC also found an interesting phenomenon.

These volunteers, who claim to be "not fat," have a common eating habit: when they are full, they will not eat anything again.

Although they eat whatever they want, they don't actually eat much, and what they eat in their daily diet is only the calories needed by the human body, and they don't overeat.

The other group of people, on the other hand, is full and does not feel full, will continue to eat snacks and desserts, consume more calories than the body needs, and gain weight in the long run. (Is this talking about you)

This is very enviable! Why can some people control their appetite? The real reason is – genetics.

The study found that people with a high body mass index (BMI) often carry a variant of the FTO gene in their bodies, which scientists call "gluttony genes", which is the "culprit" that causes weight to soar.

The so-called "gluttony gene" does not mean that people who carry this gene love to eat, but it is related to the metabolism of energy in the body.

Researchers have found the cause of weight gain caused by the gluttony gene FTO: the gene has different genotypes (such as AA and TT), and people with one of the FTO genotypes often do not feel full after eating, so they are prone to excessive calorie intake[1].

So sometimes not being able to control your appetite is really not your problem, but because the "gluttony gene" in your body is at work.

Third, do you want to try eating to lose weight?

In addition to these, the intestinal flora also has an effect on fat and thin.

A 2013 study published in the journal Nature transplanted the gut flora of thin and fat people into different mice and fed them the same low-fat, high-fiber foods.

It was found that mice with "lean bacteria" still maintained normal shape, while mice with "fat bacteria" gained weight.

After 4 weeks of investigating 10 people who "eat not fat", they found the secret of keeping their figure...

It turns out that thin people naturally have a specific flora called "Bacteroides polyforme" in the body, which can inhibit obesity, so eat not fat! Later, this group of fat mice ate poop with lean bacteria and successfully lost weight[2] (natural envy does not come, the day after tomorrow's eating to lose weight We can't mouth ah ~)

Of course, fecal bacteria transplantation is not to make you really eat "poop", but to extract beneficial bacteria from the stool of healthy people and transplant them into the intestines of patients.

In addition, the size of people is fat and thin, in addition to being affected by genetic factors, it is also related to the difference in intake and consumption.

People with a high basal metabolic rate, even if the amount of exercise is not large, the body will consume more calories.

Differences in dietary structure also play a role. Some people eat more, but if most of them are vegetables and fruits, the calorie intake is not necessarily high; although some people eat less, they are all high-fat and high-sugar foods, and the calories may not be low.

Fourth, eating not fat may also be these 4 diseases

However, if there is a situation of not being fat or even losing weight, check whether there is a potential impact of diseases, such as hyperthyroidism, diabetes, digestive diseases, anorexia nervosa, etc.

1. Hyperthyroidism

Thyroid hormone is an important hormone responsible for body metabolism, and the increase in thyroid hormones will cause the body to metabolize quickly.

2. Diabetes

Diabetic polyuria and eating, but people appear to be emaciated.

3. Digestive system diseases

Such as irritable bowel syndrome, dyspepsia, chronic enteritis and so on. Although the stomach is normal and you can even eat a lot, there are very few calories that enter the body, so you will not gain weight.

4. Anorexia nervosa

Most of these patients are women, who want to lose weight, eat and regret, so they use the way of hand-picking throat to induce vomiting and spit out what they just ate.

In this way, the food is basically not absorbed, and people will become thinner and thinner, and eventually lead to severe malnutrition.

In addition, some malignant tumors, tuberculosis, and chronic infections can also lead to wasting.

There are also immune diseases that cause patients to have chronic fever or take the hypoglycemic drug metformin, which can also lead to weight loss.

SO, don't envy those friends who can't eat fat no matter how they eat.

While we cry out for weight loss, some people in the world are craving to gain weight! After all, some girls and boys really feel that they are too thin and unsightly, and they will be disgusted by the object...

Thin people who want to "get fat", please continue to poke down -

Fifth, how to judge whether you are "too thin"?

In fact, I feel that I am fat and thin are subjective impressions, like patients with "anorexia nervosa", thin into the skin and bones still feel that they are a fat person.

To judge whether you are really thin, it is actually very simple, this formula can be used as a reference -

Body mass index (BMI) = body weight (kg) ÷ square (m) of height

Friends with test results below 18.5 were underweight; those with a BMI of 25 to 29.9 were overweight and ≥30 were obese [3].

But to remind everyone, the calculation results can only be used as a reference, this index does not calculate the human muscle content.

Therefore, for athletes, soldiers, long-term fitness and other people with a larger proportion of muscle to body weight, the BMI index may also exceed the standard, but in fact, it is not obese but strong.

Sixth, how to gain weight scientifically?

This has a lot to do with personal physique, fat people lose weight is not easy, in fact, thin people gain weight is not easy.

Weight gain is not simply gaining weight, but refers to the growth of muscle tissue and the necessary accumulation of subcutaneous fat layers.

The scientific and healthy way of gaining weight in humans must meet two conditions:

First, an additional 500 kcal (one calorie equals 4.2 joules) of calories must be consumed per day, and the weight gain for 1 week must be controlled at about 1 kg.

Young people gain weight and have a daily calorie of 2000-2000 kcal. If the calorie intake of three meals a day does not meet the above standards, then please work hard to add meals, and it does not hurt to eat one or two more meals.

After 4 weeks of investigating 10 people who "eat not fat", they found the secret of keeping their figure...

Image source: Stand Cool Helo

Second, the allocation of calorie intake must be scientific [4].

Eat a balanced diet and change the meal procedure: eat three meals a day on time, from small to large mother's teachings, have you listened to it?

The allocation of nutrients in three meals is reasonable, and the calorie allocation should be 1/3 of breakfast, lunch, and dinner.

When eating, eat foods with high concentration and nutrient density first, and then eat other foods.

People who gain weight can eat a small amount of snacks, adopt a balanced diet and gradually increase the amount of food, avoid compulsive supply, and destroy appetite.

Sleep enough, there is no need to supplement a high-calorie diet before going to bed: in addition to ensuring adequate sleep at night, it is best to have a nap of about 2 hours, not just for rest, but to give growth hormone adequate production time.

For the general population, eating a high-calorie diet is not recommended before bedtime, because excess calories may be converted into fat.

Adjust the food structure: increase the intake of energy substances, increase the number of staple foods, reduce the number of side foods;

Eat more animal protein (such as fish, meat and eggs), choose foods high in starch and sugar, and also choose woolly taro, potato, lotus, cassava, bamboo potato, sweet potato, diamond horn, juice, jam, honey and a variety of fresh fruits, especially southern fruits, such as guiyuan, lychee, mango, jackfruit and bananas.

After 4 weeks of investigating 10 people who "eat not fat", they found the secret of keeping their figure...

Source: Stand Cool Helo

Keep a good mood, exercise moderately, and persevere: concentrate on eating when you eat, and don't think about work.

If you want to get an ideal and healthy weight, three days of fishing and two days of drying nets is not OK, insist on taking a certain amount of time to exercise every day (the Dietary Guidelines for Chinese residents recommend at least 5 days a week for a total of more than 150 minutes of moderate-intensity exercise), which is not only conducive to improving appetite, but also makes muscles strong and fit.


[1] Frayling TM, Timpson NJ, Weedon MN, Zeggini E, Freathy RM, et al. 2007. A Common Variant in the FTO Gene Is Associated with Body Mass Index and Predisposes to Childhood and Adult Obesity. Science 316:889-94

[2] Claudia Wallis. How Gut Bacteria Help Make Us Fat and Thin[DB/OL].,2014-06-01.

[3] Guidelines for the prevention and control of overweight and obesity in adults in China

[4] Yu He." Born to "eat not fat or sub-health[J].Chinese and foreign women's health (first half of the month), 2014, (9):29-40.

*The content of this article is a popularization of health knowledge and cannot be used as a specific diagnosis and treatment recommendation, nor is it a substitute for face-to-face consultation by a practicing physician, for reference only.

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