
Good news for you who love sports! Public institutions and state-owned enterprises should take the lead in opening up fitness spaces

According to the official website of the Chinese government on March 23, the General Office of the CPC Central Committee and the General Office of the State Council recently issued the Opinions on Building a Higher Level of National Fitness Public Service System.

The "Opinions" proposes: By 2025, a higher level of national fitness public service system will be basically established, the per capita sports area will reach 2.6 square meters, the proportion of people who regularly participate in physical exercise will reach 38.5%, the basic public service system for national fitness provided by the government will be more perfect, the standards will be more sound, and the quality will be significantly improved, and the inclusive public services provided by social forces will be paid and enjoyable, the price is affordable, the quality is guaranteed, the safety is supervised, and the enthusiasm of the masses for fitness is further improved.

By 2035, the national fitness public service system adapted to the socialist modern countries will be fully established, the proportion of people who regularly participate in physical exercise will reach more than 45%, physical fitness and sports and leisure will become a common way of life, and the people's physical literacy and health level will be at the forefront of the world.

The "Opinions" put forward seven major aspects: improve the institutional mechanism to support social forces to develop national fitness; promote the balanced development of urban and rural areas of national fitness public services; create a green and convenient new carrier of national fitness; build a multi-level and diversified event system; consolidate the mass foundation for extensive participation in the national fitness movement; improve the standardization and scientific level of national fitness; and create a social atmosphere in which everyone participates in physical exercise.

Good news for you who love sports! Public institutions and state-owned enterprises should take the lead in opening up fitness spaces

Kick the shuttlecock game. Photo by Niu Hongchao of Health Times

In the "promote the full opening and sharing of fitness venues", it is mentioned that public institutions and state-owned enterprises should take the lead in opening up spaces that can be used for fitness, so that they can be opened. Schools that have been built and have the conditions should carry out the safety isolation and transformation of sports facilities with "one game and two doors, two openings in the morning and evening"; the sports facilities planned and designed by the newly built schools should meet the conditions for opening. Encourage school sports facilities to open to the public and implement a free and low-fee policy. Support third parties to operate the unified operation of school sports facilities in the region. Encourage private enterprises to open their own fitness facilities to the public.

The "Opinions" also mentioned the implementation of the concept of all-age friendship: establish standards for facilities and equipment suitable for minors to use, and cultivate minors' interest in participating in sports projects. Promote the opening of public sports venues to teenagers free of charge or at low cost. Provide necessary assistance for the elderly to use venue facilities and equipment, and solve the problem of difficulties in the use of sports intelligence technology for the elderly. Create a barrier-free sports environment to facilitate the participation of the disabled in the national fitness movement.

The "Opinions" proposed to cultivate lifelong activists. Implement the Youth Sports Activity Promotion Program, so that each teenager can better master more than 1 sports skill, and cultivate the sports population. Open enough physical education classes, and encourage schools to open 1 physical education class per day at the basic education stage. Support sports schools, sports clubs to enter schools, and youth palaces to open public welfare after-school sports interest classes. Support schools, youth palaces and social forces to cooperate in the creation of public welfare sports clubs. (Li Xin)

Good news for you who love sports! Public institutions and state-owned enterprises should take the lead in opening up fitness spaces

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