
King: The unfinished Jade Rabbit Princess is online, and the price is only 532 bonds, can you accept this?

Text/Jing Haijun

As the fourth skin in the Journey to the West series, Gongsun Li's Jade Rabbit Princess is officially online.

The current reputation of this skin is seriously differentiated, some people think that the price of this skin is affordable, the special effects in the bureau are OK, and it is definitely worth buying; others think that the modeler is too perfunctory, must not be used to it, so it should never be bought. Why is there such a big difference in everyone's evaluation? Is the Jade Rabbit Princess worth buying this skin? Let's take a look.

Gongsun away from the basic details of the new skin

Gongsun Li's skin made me really see what is called "cheating".

Jade Rabbit Princess

King: The unfinished Jade Rabbit Princess is online, and the price is only 532 bonds, can you accept this?

Like the previous series of skins, Gongsun Li's Jade Rabbit Princess is also a limited epic, the price of the first week is also 710 bonds, by doing the task can reduce the price of another 178 bonds, and finally only 532 bonds (the specific details can see my previous article).

What is deception?

King: The unfinished Jade Rabbit Princess is online, and the price is only 532 bonds, can you accept this?

The leftmost 1 appears at the end of the introductory video, the middle 2 is the poster image released by Tianmei, and the 3 on the right is the actual modeling in the game.

I say one sentence is uglier than the other, I think everyone should have no opinion, right? Seriously, it's the first time I've seen such an exaggerated p-graph technique in a game, which is also outrageous. I do not believe that the modeler's aesthetic will be like this, so the current state must be that the product is not completed on the rush to line, anyway, the planner has become accustomed to getting on the bus first and then making up the ticket, as long as the later adjustment is good, it seems that everyone has no opinion.

Here, I solemnly ask you: Can you accept this?

In-game special effects display

Of course, as mentioned at the beginning of the article, the internal effects of this skin are still OK, let's look at the actual situation.

In-office modeling

Logically, I should have compared the summer of honey oranges, which is also a limited epic, but considering that the summer of honey oranges is far away from now, I finally decided to compare directly with our limited year of the ox.

King: The unfinished Jade Rabbit Princess is online, and the price is only 532 bonds, can you accept this?

Comparing the game modeling of these two skins, I am about to start complaining again, this gap is too big, right? No matter how you look at it, the one above is more like a princess.

Of course, you can justify that the following is an epic skin, which should not be compared with the legendary skin. However, according to the modeling of the Jade Rabbit Princess, it is definitely not as good as the non-limited epic of the Infinite Star Reward Officer, which everyone should agree with, right?

Passive effects

King: The unfinished Jade Rabbit Princess is online, and the price is only 532 bonds, can you accept this?

Next, let's look at the passive effect:

The passive effect of praying for snow is a pink + white mask, and the overall effect is very realistic and ritualistic.

Although the passive effect of the Jade Rabbit Princess is not so delicate, the combination of a small rabbit + several small pendants is indeed very creative, which is worth praising.

In fact, from the passive can be seen, the things designed with heart are different, just like the skin of the Jade Rabbit Princess, even if the skill effects are not so exquisite, but the player is very comfortable to watch.

One skill

King: The unfinished Jade Rabbit Princess is online, and the price is only 532 bonds, can you accept this?

One of the skills of the Snow Spirit Blessing is perfect, a pale pink snow girl holding an ink-style umbrella in her hand, and the overall style is seamless.

One of Princess Jade Rabbit's skills is a perfect restoration of the style from Journey to the West, and the overall special effects look absolutely OK (in the Epic Skin).

Two skills

King: The unfinished Jade Rabbit Princess is online, and the price is only 532 bonds, can you accept this?

The two skills of these two skins continue to continue their overall style, the Jade Rabbit Princess is exotic, and the Praying Snow Spirit Blessing is the style of ice and snow + ink painting.

The only thing that is a little flawed is that this magic array on the ground of the Jade Rabbit Princess Ii Skill is somewhat similar to the Dunhuang series skin (in fact, it is inevitable).

Three skills

King: The unfinished Jade Rabbit Princess is online, and the price is only 532 bonds, can you accept this?

Finally, look at the big move, these two skin moves are not on the same level at all.

If I were to score this big move effect of Qi Xue Ling Zhu, I would at least give 99 points, and deduct 1 point because I couldn't play Gongsun Li; and the special effect of this big move of the Jade Rabbit Princess was too festive, giving me a feeling of Lu Ban years (just look at this picture).

Someone may say again, how do you all say bad things about this skin, is it really good?


Is Jade Rabbit Princess good with this skin? No, it has many, many flaws, but why is there still a part of the people who are willing to give it a chance and are willing to say that it is good? In fact, there is only one reason - the actual price of the Jade Rabbit Princess is only 532 bonds.

The Jade Rabbit Princess is different from many skins that only have epic quality but are forced to sell when legends are forced, its price is more humane, as for modeling, as for skills, everyone has defaulted that it is a semi-finished product, and naturally the expectation will be lower.

So, going back to the previous question, are you willing to accept the planning of selling semi-finished skins on the shelves?

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