
To control parking difficulties, Shanghai is fully opening up the "last kilometer"

author:Shangguan News

"There are not enough parking spaces in the community, and when you leave work late, you have to worry about where to park" "When you go out shopping, sometimes you have to park far away from the mall, which is inconvenient"... In recent years, the motorization process of urban transportation in Shanghai has been accelerating, and the number of cars has grown rapidly, which has aggravated road traffic congestion and caused parking difficulties, especially in old residential areas and tertiary hospitals, and the contradiction between supply and demand is prominent.

How can this dilemma be mitigated? As one of the 16 people's heart projects in Shanghai, the "Parking Difficulty Comprehensive Treatment Project" is being fully implemented in all districts. Recently, the reporter learned during the visit that the relevant participants are taking multiple measures at the same time to explore the potential expansion of parking resources and open up the "last kilometer" of parking in the era of big data.

Limited space to find increments

At Yan'an Middle School in Changning District, the entrance and exit of the underground parking lot is located outside the school, and some parking spaces are open to social vehicles.

Generally speaking, school entrances and exits are set up inside the campus, and it is difficult to achieve such resource sharing for safety reasons. "The reason why Yan'an Middle School was able to do this was due to a more advanced design when the garage was built in 2012 - the garage entrance was placed outside the school." Yang Juncheng, general manager of shanghai east hongqiao sports management co., ltd., the operator, told reporters.

At that time, there was a need for parking for faculty and staff, and the school also had a swimming pool open to the public. In order to alleviate the parking problem, it was decided to ask for space downwards and build a new garage under the school playground. After learning about this, the surrounding residents expressed their vision of parking space sharing. Due to the consideration of regional co-governance and other aspects, under the coordination of multiple departments such as the Education Bureau and Xinjing Town, the garage was designed in the form of internal and external separation, which reserved conditions for today's parking sharing.

To control parking difficulties, Shanghai is fully opening up the "last kilometer"

The underground parking lot of Yan'an Middle School in Changning District, the left side of the picture is the entrance and exit of the social garage, and the right side is the entrance and exit of the school's internal garage.

"At present, the garage is open to the public to share 116 berths, while the first batch of 40 parking spaces, the school near the rooftop home, Shuangliu community and other residential areas to carry out staggered peak parking pilot, through the 'Shanghai Parking' App can achieve staggered peak sharing one-click signing." Yang Juncheng introduced that the utilization rate of shared berths in underground garages has reached about 40%, and more than ten parking spaces have achieved staggered peak sharing signings.

The garage reconstruction project of Yan'an Middle School has its particularity, but it also provides an idea, that is, in the case of limited parking resources, the planning and design stage should fully consider the parking problem and reserve conditions for the "incremental".

At the same time, it is not limited to the point itself, but to include more subjects and a wider area together, consider the overall situation, and improve the utilization rate of resources through staggered peak sharing.

Taking Changfeng No. 11 Greenland located in Changfeng District as an example, it is surrounded by the Municipal Children's Hospital, the Municipal Maternal and Child Health Center, the Putuo District Maternal and Infant Health Hospital, the Fourth Affiliated Middle School of Huashi University, and the "Three Hospitals and Two Schools" of Putuo District Oasis Kindergarten. During the morning and evening rush hours, Luding Road and Tongpu Road have been in a long-term situation of parking queues and water leakage.

In order to alleviate this problem, Putuo District built a new changfeng No. 11 public green underground garage, and built a total of 389 public parking spaces, including 340 mechanical parking spaces, 8 barrier-free berths, and 39 new energy charging pile berths. The underground garage is connected to the children's hospital garage, and the current peak hour utilization rate has reached more than 70%.

Open up the "last mile"

"What do you want to solve our problems and touch our homes instead?" This is a question that the staff of Gongjiang Road Street in Yangpu District often have to answer when they map out the vehicle information in their jurisdiction.

Congjiang Road Subdistrict, a saturated pure residential community located in the central area of Yangpu District, covers 60 communities and 25 neighborhood committees, of which six have become old communities. According to last year's survey data, the parking demand of street residents was 12,000, and the actual supply was 9,600. The high density of residential population and limited space resources make complaints and contradictions of various types of parking occur from time to time.

"In view of the points where the contradictions are relatively prominent, we have alleviated them by tapping potential and expanding capacity." Wang Xiaole, deputy director of the Street Office of Gongjiang Road, introduced that for example, the Cangzhou Road Lane 180 Community, combined with the beautiful home renovation project, invited the professional team of Tongji University to participate in the space re-planning and layout, and added 160 parking spaces.

To control parking difficulties, Shanghai is fully opening up the "last kilometer"

Cangzhou Road Lane 180 community beautiful home transformation before and after the comparison map.

At the same time, as one of the earliest explorers in Shanghai, Since 2017, Congjiang Road Street has built a digital platform around smart communities, promoted the construction of a network unified management application scenario, and explored a more effective community governance model. Among them, an important scenario is the smart parking system.

The reporter saw in the street urban transportation center that various types of data are being updated in real time on the central large screen, covering multiple districts in the area, roadside parking spaces and public parking garages, and the remaining parking spaces, the use of parking spaces in different periods and other information at a glance.

In fact, in the early construction stage, it is not easy to find out the "bottom of the home" of parking. This involves a question of digital construction, that is, how to effectively reach the people and open up the "last mile" of a new set of governance models? In the view of Tao Yong, the relevant person in charge of the Urban Transportation Center of The Street of Gongjiang Road, the most difficult part is mass work. "For example, to find out the parking and temporary parking situation of the owners of the community, it is necessary to count the owner's vehicle information, and some residents are not very understanding at first out of privacy considerations."

To this end, the neighborhood committee, the community property and the industry committee "troika" work together to communicate and persuade many times. In order to ensure the accuracy of the data, the staff will also crouch in the community in the early morning to take stock of vehicle information.

With the cooperation of all parties, the data is slowly precipitated, and the smart parking system is becoming more and more "smart". It has carried out data docking with the municipal parking platform and the "Shanghai Parking" App to realize the sharing and utilization of special parking resources in residential areas with various public parking resources such as operational parking lots (libraries) and road parking lots.

To control parking difficulties, Shanghai is fully opening up the "last kilometer"

On the smart parking system, information such as the number of remaining parking spaces and the use of parking spaces in different periods can be seen at a glance.

According to reports, the system coverage of the community will be expanded to 25 at the end of this year, and it is expected to achieve full coverage of street-level communities next year. The public-facing parking mini program is also in trial operation and is expected to be officially launched in the second half of this year. At that time, open the mini program, you can view all categories of parking information in the street area of Gongjiang Road.

In the era of digital governance, it is not possible to install a set of software or systems once and for all. Wang Xiaole said frankly that after the Mini Program is launched, it may encounter other management problems. For example, what if the parked vehicle does not leave at the specified time? Citizens navigate to the community according to the Mini Program, but the doorman refuses to stop? These need to be further studied and deciphered.

"Participation in grassroots governance is indispensable and requires a lot of energy to improve the use of resources." In the view of Wang Yi, deputy director of the Yangpu District Transportation Commission, the value of building a digital platform lies in providing data support for grass-roots governance. Through online and offline mass work interaction, a good working mechanism is formed. With new governance methods, standardize parking behavior and establish good order.

Multi-party "coordinated operations"

From the perspective of governance ideas, Shanghai is carrying out comprehensive parking treatment by combining external planning to build new public parking facilities, encouraging the use of surrounding resources for open sharing, and tapping the potential of old residential areas and hospitals to carry out new construction.

"By 2022, we will cumulatively promote the creation of 100 parking governance pilot projects and start construction of 10,000 public parking spaces, of which 40 pilot projects will be created in 2021 and 4,000 public parking spaces will be started." Zhu Huayong, the relevant person in charge of the Facility Operation Department of shanghai road transport bureau, said.

If you look at specific projects, it is not difficult to find that the parking difficulty is not a unilateral operation of the traffic management department, but the participation of multiple parties and joint promotion.

In this process, the relevant departments have updated the relevant construction standards in combination with the implementation of the project, and some targeted guidelines are also being formulated. Taking the new garage under the public green space as an example, according to the previous standards, the development area must be controlled within 30%. After several consultations between the traffic management department and the greening department, this proportion was relaxed to 50%. For another example, the Civil Defense Office issued a special guidance opinion, proposing to increase public parking facilities through the formulation of support policies, business adjustments, etc., and support and participate in the comprehensive treatment of parking difficulties.

"Community governance is equally important in the process of digital transformation." Zhu Huayong pointed out that with reference to the experience of The Street of Gongjiang Road in Yangpu District, each district can explore in combination with its own actual situation, and truly go deep into the grassroots by strengthening community governance and resident autonomy, opening up the "last kilometer" of the Shanghai Parking App and forming a closed loop of the entire digital system.

In addition, the reporter learned that Shanghai is paying attention to the application of new technologies, such as the vertical shield technology launched by tunnel shares, which can greatly improve the space utilization rate. However, this is not only about technical feasibility, in terms of land transfer, investment model, etc., the relevant departments are further studying the operation path.

Column Editor-in-Chief: Chen Xisha

Source: Author: Shu Han

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