
Such a "mini world" is a man who can't resist its temptation, right?

Have you ever fantasized about creating your own mini-world as a child? I think this is a thought that any man has ever had, even if he has reached adulthood, that innocent and romantic boy still lives in the heart of a man. It's not childish, it's a romance exclusive to men. And the dream of a boyhood can be realized in "Supraland".

Such a "mini world" is a man who can't resist its temptation, right?

Supraland is a stunning stand-alone work, created by a small studio in a very unique style, the player will be placed in a miniature world created by a small boy, this small world of inhabitants are shaped like gingerbread people, although it presents a fairytale art style, but also full of dangers and trials. The game is played from a first-person perspective while combining elements of combat, puzzle solving, and treasure hunting.

Such a "mini world" is a man who can't resist its temptation, right?

In addition to dealing with ill-intentioned enemies, players also need to use their brains to solve a variety of puzzles, in this magical small world more hidden a large number of secret treasures, carefully through the corners of the level to find upgrade props, huge and meticulous and ingenious world makes people's eyes light up, you can feel that the production team has put a lot of effort into the environment shaping, so that players will not be bored in the process of treasure hunting and decryption, and the game experience with multiple attributes can be cleverly balanced, which is really rare.

First-person slashing, shooting, puzzle solving and exploration

Such a "mini world" is a man who can't resist its temptation, right?

The most striking feature of "Supraland" is the combination of a variety of game elements in one, the first-person way of playing is almost all included, and it is also a rare innovation in the market at present, combining a variety of elements together, it is easy to become a smorgasbord of four different, but this game is just right in the grasp of multiple elements, into a small but complete dish.

Such a "mini world" is a man who can't resist its temptation, right?

The game is moderately difficult, the player dies almost without punishment, very suitable for casual relief, the style of young and old is suitable for all ages, whether it is fighting or puzzle solving will not be too tricky, but it is also challenging, first-person combat from close combat to walking shooting, puzzle difficulty is gradual, many secret treasures are very secret, but will also provide more powerful tools for players to search and decrypt. Whether you're a shooter, puzzle solver, or a collector, you'll find something fascinating about this game.

Combat: Concise, but still varied

Such a "mini world" is a man who can't resist its temptation, right?

Supraland's first-person combat is quite monotonous, there is no novel skill tree or a variety of play styles, the player initially holds a wooden sword to fight, close to the enemy, catch the enemy attack gap and surprise attack. Players will find a variety of ability upgrades and weapons in the process of exploration to cope with the gradually strengthening of the enemy lineup, after entering the pistol, it will change from first-person slashing to first-person shooting, after the enemy becomes more difficult to close-range hand-to-hand combat, the game changes to a walking shooting experience, constantly moving on the field to dodge mobs' pursuit and long-range attacks.

Such a "mini world" is a man who can't resist its temptation, right?

As you progress through levels and explore treasure chests, unlock more powerful weapon upgrades such as ranged explosion effects and secondary fire modes to increase resilience. The battle is challenging, it is difficult to get rid of the enemy who is chasing after it, and the volcano monsters in the later stage will also open their shields to rebound light bullets, but there is no punishment for death, and it is easier to find powerful weapon upgrades.

Puzzle Solving: Novelty and fun don't burn the brain

Such a "mini world" is a man who can't resist its temptation, right?

This game is approachable in terms of puzzle difficulty design, there will be no problems that burn brain cells, but it will not treat the player as an idiot. Slightly different from the brainstorming experience of "Portal", the puzzle solving of "Supraland" is more observational and groping, without the need to operate various variables in the mind, many puzzle types are very unique, you need to find the special use of certain props, observe environmental clues to find out the solution, or look for nearby props, neighboring NPCs often provide solution clues, there will be no hidden ultra-secret mechanisms or make the player clueless.

Such a "mini world" is a man who can't resist its temptation, right?

When the player level, there will even be a puzzle character to provide hints, providing a more leisurely puzzle solving experience, not burning the brain and not too simple, the questions are very varied, providing players with a constant novel experience. The game is designed as a semi-open world, with each area containing several puzzles, while the player needs to obtain key items to go to the next area, and there are also many puzzles on the early map that require late props to solve.

Explore: Travel to every corner of the world

Such a "mini world" is a man who can't resist its temptation, right?

In order to satisfy the curiosity of exploratory players, "Supraland" deliberately hides a large number of secret treasures in the game world, carefully designed various hidden locations throughout the map, hidden in high places, corners that players tend to ignore, caves in blind corners, treasures in treasures, terrain obstacles, need to find another path, etc., more directly as a reward for the puzzle itself.

Such a "mini world" is a man who can't resist its temptation, right?

Some chests can even be seen to make you itch, you must wait for other props to unlock later, a total of 172 chests waiting for players to loot, the upgrade props contained in the chest are the only way to improve the performance of the character, providing players with a strong incentive to explore, at least to do a certain degree of exploration to smoothly advance the back level, otherwise the character damage is too low to cope with the high-level monsters is quite difficult.

Such a "mini world" is a man who can't resist its temptation, right?

And the vivid and interesting game world of this game makes the exploration activities not boring, many treasure chests have traces to follow, players can even take the treasure chest detector to strengthen the exploration ability, after the completion of the main line plot can even greatly enhance the exploration range, and purchase super machine power upgrades, provide collecting crazy powerful tools to eat the game content dry and wipe away, 100% of the game progress probably needs to run the map several times, whether to play so thoroughly depends on the player's preferences.


Such a "mini world" is a man who can't resist its temptation, right?

As a standalone sketch, Supraland is surprisingly well done, offering 15- to 25 hours of play potential, even if it was originally purchased. A game that combines first-person shooting, puzzle solving, and exploration activities, with multiple play experiences, is highly recommended for players who love these elements, but for players who hate any of them, it may not be so attractive.

Such a "mini world" is a man who can't resist its temptation, right?

Battles and puzzles of moderate difficulty, ingenious environment shaping, ingenious art style, and the new experience that high-quality indie games can often bring players a novel experience that is different from AAA masterpieces, and it is definitely worth a try.

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