
One question per day| black first, you need to pay attention to the white chess corner

One question per day| black first, you need to pay attention to the white chess corner

Black first

Gorgeous answer dividing line——————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————

Positive solution

One question per day| black first, you need to pay attention to the white chess corner

Black 1 point is inevitable, white 2 blocks after black 3 jump all the way is a good hand to take into account the eye break and block the crossing, white 4 below the formation of robbery for the best topic.

Change chart

One question per day| black first, you need to pay attention to the white chess corner

Black 3 jump after the white if you still want to connect with the corner to survive is not the best policy.


Failure plot

One question per day| black first, you need to pay attention to the white chess corner

The 3 consecutive returns after 1 black are sloppy, and the white 4 jumps back to the corner as desired.