
Goodbye Dong Lu, Gong Hanlin made an important counterattack! Call on the relevant departments to intervene and remove football moths

On March 21, Beijing time, there was a recent development in the incident that Gong Hanlin complained about Chinese football, former national football captain Feng Xiaoting responded, and follow-up football commentator Dong Lu joined the counterattack, and after Dong Lu closed his personal social media account comments, Gong Hanlin responded again on March 21. This time, Gong Hanlin's words are very clear, emphasizing that the original intention of criticizing the national football team is to call on the society to pay attention to the treatment of labor models and improve the treatment of labor models, and the national football team is just one example.

Goodbye Dong Lu, Gong Hanlin made an important counterattack! Call on the relevant departments to intervene and remove football moths

When it comes to the online battle with Dong Lu, Gong Hanlin still did not name names, but still made an important counterattack, calling on the relevant departments to formulate a "clear plan" for Chinese football, the purpose of which is to call for the elimination of those pseudo-football experts and football moths. Gong Hanlin said it very bluntly, believing that these pseudo-football experts have three views that are not correct, which has affected the development of some football children, emphasizing that this is the sadness of Chinese football.

Goodbye Dong Lu, Gong Hanlin made an important counterattack! Call on the relevant departments to intervene and remove football moths

Gong Hanlin's statement has been very clear, directly pointing to the so-called football experts represented by Dong Lu, this time the counterattack can be described as vivid, Gong Hanlin's words are very sharp. Considering that one of Gong Hanlin's original identities was a deputy to the National People's Congress, when he made this appeal, I believe it will be seen by the relevant departments and will have a certain social influence.

Goodbye Dong Lu, Gong Hanlin made an important counterattack! Call on the relevant departments to intervene and remove football moths

This network battle incident, the commentator Dong Lu, who was not originally a person in the bureau, joined the mouth cannon, directly sprayed Gong Hanlin on the grounds of criticizing his own industry, and many times before and after was directly released to attack Gong Hanlin, which occupied a lot of social public resources, after all, the incident once fermented to many hot searches a day.

Goodbye Dong Lu, Gong Hanlin made an important counterattack! Call on the relevant departments to intervene and remove football moths

How can Chinese football get out of the trough and rise again, this question I believe many people can not give an answer, including the football commentators represented by Dong Lu there is no solution, in the chinese football environment, due to the intervention of capital, the development of Chinese football has deviated from the normal track. In the future, the development of Chinese football needs more professional people to manage and formulate development plans.

Goodbye Dong Lu, Gong Hanlin made an important counterattack! Call on the relevant departments to intervene and remove football moths

In contrast, the active head of Chinese basketball is Yao Ming, a player who has achieved the NBA All-Star level, a first person in the history of Asian basketball, since becoming the president of the Basketball Association in 2016, Yao Ming has formulated a number of plans that are very helpful for the long-term development of Chinese basketball, the double national team cultivates more talents, vigorously promotes campus basketball, builds the CBA draft conference channel, even grassroots players can also be recommended to sign up, and constantly expand the fundamentals of the selection, which is the plan that Yao Ming has been doing. When there are enough talents at the bottom of the pyramid, the spire will not be less excellent in the national team.

On the other hand, Chinese football directly loses the bottom structure of the pyramid, abandons the youth training model cultivated by traditional sports schools, and makes the entire youth training structure of Chinese football collapse, and it is impossible to continuously provide excellent talents.

(Lin Xiaoxiang)

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