
4 things to add value to yourself

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4 things to add value to yourself

Gallery of Masters | Lu Weifei is a Chinese modern and contemporary painter. His works include "Flower Good Moon", "Spring to the Countryside", "Shou Tao Tu" and so on.

Diligence is like a seedling in the spring, not seeing its growth, growing day by day; dropping out of school is like a stone of sharpening a knife, not seeing its loss, and losing every day.

The gap between people seems to be very large, but what opens up the gap is often a small accumulation day after day.

Only by knowing how to add value and continue to learn can we occupy a place in the tide of the times.

Read added value

Reading is the best way to self-awaken and add value to wisdom.

One more piece of knowledge, one more ability, one more knowledge, one more layer of confidence.

I have seen a saying: "You will encounter a lot of troublesome things, and suffering will torture people." However, after reading more books, I can always face all kinds of sudden difficulties well and correctly. ”

The height of a person's life is the thickness of the books under his feet.

Every book we have read is an inner strength to help us cope with the storms of life in a better posture.

4 things to add value to yourself

Gallery of Masters | Lu Weifei

Habits add value

Our whole life is nothing more than the sum of countless habits.

A person's words and deeds, every move, are constantly repeated, transformed into a lifestyle and attitude towards life.

Habit is a compound interest.

Good habits, can be worn by dripping stones, and in the accumulation of time, make a person better and better.

Instead of expecting the so-called great changes in life, it is better to establish one seemingly small good habit after another from now on.

By making a little progress every day, you can slowly become a better version of yourself.

Time added

The only fairest thing in this world is time.

How a person lives a day, what kind of life will he have. How we use our time determines what kind of life we will live.

The same hour, used to chase or review, the results are not the same. The same month, playing games or memorizing words, the results are not the same. The same whole year, mixed days or seeking progress, the gap is not the same.

Never waste your time, and don't go through this life in a foggy way. Make your time meaningful, and your life will have meaning.

4 things to add value to yourself

Add value to your network

There is a saying: "Networking is essentially an exchange of values." The so-called "value-added network" is not to know how many people, but to let how many people know themselves.

When you have no value, you can't talk about the so-called connections. Connections don't come by knotting, they're attracted to each other. In the adult world, we must speak with strength.

We are our best connections and our biggest hole cards.

When there is no strong skill, no matter how successful people are, they will not get real recognition and support. But when a person is good enough or good enough, even if they don't make friends and cling to them, connections will come uninvited.

Instead of spending time and energy on useless social interactions, learn to be strong.

There is a question in a fable: "Can a coin make a person rich?" "Maybe someone gives the answer that it can't, but what if it's a plus, another one, or even a day?

The gap between people and people is often not suddenly widened, but gradually opened up in a year, month, day.

From now on, add value to yourself.

Rope sawn wood broken, water droplets stone through, day after day, thick accumulation of thin hair.