
Hara God: The famous scene of the top Youla, the big move 7.01 million damage, how did the player do it?

Hello hello everyone, I am an alliance, this issue to talk to you about the topic of the original god.

Mention of Youla, many players will think that she is the last descendant of the Mond Lawrence family, in Mond she is not very popular, so in this tavern activity, Youla also came to join in the fun, the player is also very polite to give her a cup of coffee, but looking at a wine-like Youla, it seems that she has been excluded in Mond again, although it is the norm, but it is still very painful for her, of course, the strength of Youla in the game is not to be underestimated, so far on the line, the intensity is not lost to the 3C of the Moon, and even created a top famous scene, Big move 7.01 million damage, successfully surpassed Walnut's 4 million damage, so how does this do it?

7.01 million Ula

Hara God: The famous scene of the top Youla, the big move 7.01 million damage, how did the player do it?

In order to create a 7.01 million big move damage ula, players need to prepare "three elements", first, the full life of the graduate of the u-la, why emphasize the full life? Youla is different from Walnut, Fish and Ganyu, she should be regarded as a thoroughly life-seat warrior, because it mainly relies on the ice sword damage of the big move, and the damage of the ice sword is related to the number of superimposed layers, and the full life can have a probability of obtaining additional layers, the three-life Youla can be stacked 12-13 layers, the full life Youla has a probability of stacking 22-23 layers, from 13 levels 3000% multiplied, can increase the multiplier to 5100%, compared to the Zhong Li 13 level 1047 multiplier rate, 4 times more.

Hara God: The famous scene of the top Youla, the big move 7.01 million damage, how did the player do it?

Therefore, according to the same graduation training situation, the damage of Youla's big move is at least 5 times the damage of Zhong Li's big move, in fact, it is more than that, although both of them are damage that cannot be reacted with elements, but Youla's holy relic [Pale Fire], can also increase the additional physical damage bonus, plus the thunder ice superconducting reaction and other resistance reductions, as well as the bonus of the Youla Zhuan Wu Song La's big sword, the big move damage of the full-life graduation Youla is at least 10 times that of Zhong Li, which is still not matched with the lineup and counting the case of that kind of high-quality holy relics, However, the second element cannot be missing.

Hara God: The famous scene of the top Youla, the big move 7.01 million damage, how did the player do it?

Yes, it is the lineup of Youla to fight nuclear explosions, this player did not play cards according to common sense, did not choose Wanye /Thor and other damage-increasing characters, but with the full life of Xin Yan [Xin Yan should be regarded as a special assistant of Youla or the physics team, improving physical damage while also reducing the physical resistance of the enemy, if you don't take the nuclear explosion, it is also the best choice, after all, it also has a shield], and at the same time with double fire [Six Star God of War Bennett], double fire increases the attack power by 25% + Bennett's attack power is added by thousands of moves, Finally, there is Mona, who is necessary for injury increase, and the increase in injury after opening is a must.

Hara God: The famous scene of the top Youla, the big move 7.01 million damage, how did the player do it?

The last major element is the specific environment, this refers not to the big world or the dungeon, but to the abyss with the earth pulse, under the premise of the earth pulse surge, you can get a specific buff, and the abyss buff referred to here is [all character critical hit damage increased by 120%], yes, it is the buff of the 7th layer of the abyss, if you can also get an additional big move damage bonus / critical hit damage bonus in the first two rooms of the 7th layer, when you are in the third layer, there is a probability to break the damage limit. Therefore, the player also hit 7.01 million big move damage in the case of these three elements.

My opinion

Hara God: The famous scene of the top Youla, the big move 7.01 million damage, how did the player do it?

Like this top famous scene, the original god is still very much, for example, there is a Kryptonian gold gangster of the Naruto mobile game, we can call him the ghost uncle, recently also into the pit of the original god, so he released a video called "a praise equal to 20 rough stone" on a certain station Well, the original god players united as one to help every dream, so, 4 days later in the early morning, the contract has been completed, the ghost uncle came to the appointment, even Krypton 2 hours 648, and finally won 2.23 million rough, but it is not over, Because the likes of that video have been 450,000, so it will cost 6.8 million rough stones.

Hara God: The famous scene of the top Youla, the big move 7.01 million damage, how did the player do it?

Then there are some Kryptonians in the original god, before the retreat can be described as a word curse, when the anchor asked him, how many carved qing you have crooked, he directly called out "I have crooked forty or fifty carved qing, this is not nothing", it is also a must. In addition, there is such a fish chef abroad, on the day of the fish's birthday, prepared 1,000 almond tofu for him, well, look at all the support, and then he gave the fish a full stomach in one breath, so there was a famous scene, "fish" is bad, can you think of anything else? Welcome to share your views, I am a league, we have a good time!

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