
Life in the stock market is either lonely or vulgar... Bright sun moment, either sink or go out

Life in the stock market is either lonely or vulgar... Bright sun moment, either sink or go out


Vulgar or lonely

10 years ago, I always wanted others to know about me.

10 years later, I laughed, do others know me, what does it have to do with me?

10 years ago, I thought that I had to understand all stocks to speculate well, that I could only know the value of stocks by conducting in-depth research on listed companies, and that mining undervalued stocks was the highest state of investment.

10 years later, I laughed, ridiculously naïve, but believed it. But times have changed, when the leeks have become scythes, everything has become the past, what is the use?

wrong! There are many "me 10 years ago, 20 years ago", obsessively and earnestly living, is not a ready-made harvest object?

When I opened the book of youth, I thought it was just a memory of singing and crying, but I didn't expect it to be a hot battlefield, which caught me off guard with happiness, and the self-righteous ---- that came from the front to the back came to my face.

It is equivalent to giving me the opportunity to travel through the tunnel of time and space, to live again, and to kill my former appearance.

This is indeed technical work, but it is far beyond technology, or half of them are oil sellers---- only skilled, and the other half is The other half is the Ding Ding to solve the cattle---- win is to resolutely not gnaw hard bones, specifically to take advantage of the void to meet the solution, all with a little difficulty, all with a smile, rest assured to wait for the next feast that is easy to make money, and only insist on concentrating on making money that is not lost. In a word, in addition to picking up money, other times, is to wait.

So, really lonely.

Then, unable to bear this loneliness, he began to weave reasons for various transactions and became ordinary people.

Therefore, the ancient kings called themselves widows, although they were modest, but they were extremely imaged, and they were the ones who were extremely rare and lonely to the top.

Only when you are extremely lonely can you become a trading widow, an extraordinary cattle man, an extraordinary god man, and a king of the heart.

The widow is bound to be reticent, and the heart can see the independence.

Today, I would like to share with you this previous reading note, talking about the heart, the audience for teaching the Fa is a confidant, and the object of encouragement is oneself.

Life in the stock market is either lonely or vulgar... Bright sun moment, either sink or go out


Life is hard to start


Life is harder in the moment


The stock market is tough

Life in the stock market is either lonely or vulgar... Bright sun moment, either sink or go out


The world is equally difficult

Life in the stock market is either lonely or vulgar... Bright sun moment, either sink or go out


It is not difficult to cross yourself

As Sycamore put it:

In life, sooner or later, everyone will encounter their own Wang Yangming moment, at this moment, begin to re-examine the reality of life, and the reality of this world, and begin to refresh their world view, which is a process from the valley of despair to the slope of enlightenment.

If you really encounter impermanence, have a deep understanding of impermanence, and constantly remember impermanence, your life will naturally undergo a great transformation.

You will become a little more lucky, broader, more natural, and at the same time, although you are still diligent in life, you will gradually have the courage to let go at any time.

When you pass through the moment of Wang Yangming, you will be grateful for these difficulties and obstacles, that is, the defilements are bodhichitta, and the greatest defilements are the greatest bodhisattvas.

Our lives undergo endless adjustments, in fact, impermanence and change are an enduring nature of life itself, and we really cannot fully guard ourselves.

Only by completely letting go of the concepts of self-protection, letting go of the concept of territory and security, can we truly devote ourselves to life, into the world, and assist the world.

If you really want to say anything to learn when you live to a certain age, you have learned to have confidence in the circumstances of life, and no matter what the heavens arrange, you will gladly accept it.

For everything that happens to us will point to a broader, more perfect plan than we can imagine for a moment, and that is what the Diamond Sutra says, incredible.

Life in the stock market is either lonely or vulgar... Bright sun moment, either sink or go out

Classic review

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