
Old Man's Ring PC players beware! Recent hackers exploit vulnerabilities to compromise your archives!

Yesterday's "Eldon Ring of Law" news promoter Mordecai reminded the majority of PC players: now a vulnerability on the PC side is exploited by hackers, when you are hacked, hackers will destroy your game save, first make your game program stop running, after you restart the game, let you enter the infinite cycle of death when you open the game. Let's take a look at this video.

Old Man's Ring PC players beware! Recent hackers exploit vulnerabilities to compromise your archives!

For this problem has been encountered by many foreign netizens, reddit user Drigganedig has given an effective solution, which has been confirmed by many people to be feasible, if you encounter the above situation can take the following actions:

1. First of all, because the player will play the death animation when he dies, to rewind to the game loading page, there is a total of about 1 to 2 seconds of intervals, during which you need to quickly press Alt + F4 to force the game to rewind, so that you can have more time to open the map page after logging back in.

2. When you log back in, immediately open the game map interface, open the blessing point teleportation list, and then quickly teleport to other available blessing points.

Old Man's Ring PC players beware! Recent hackers exploit vulnerabilities to compromise your archives!

If the above operation is correct, you are safe. Draiganedig reminds players that due to the speed of operation, it may be necessary to try several times during the period, and in order to prevent hackers from destroying the save again, it is best to back it up.

At present, many people have reported to FS and Bandai, the official has not yet responded, it is not clear whether the national server, whether there is a similar situation, during this period, PC players are best not to carry out online intrusion and other online content.

Old Man's Ring PC players beware! Recent hackers exploit vulnerabilities to compromise your archives!

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