
In the spring, I would rather eat less pork, but also eat this dish often, delicious and not afraid of fat, children especially love to eat

author:Xiaoliang health kitchen

Entering the middle of spring, the north is still raining and snowing, southerners have begun to wear short sleeves, although the temperature is different everywhere, but the scenery is very beautiful, especially in the spring of the south, green plants and flowers of various colors, showing a vibrant scene. Spring is not only a beautiful scenery, but also a hearty dish, not only to meet the nutrition of daily life, but also to avoid spring fat and fat. Many people are worried about the lack of nutrition in spring, will always eat big fish and meat, in fact, eating too much is not good, will lead to excess nutritional supplies, there are many fresh vegetables in life, the nutritional value is not lower than pork, such as zucchini. Today I am going to use zucchini to make a dish that children love to eat - zucchini ham sausage scrambled egg, the dish is particularly beautiful, light and greasy, and it is just right to eat it now. In the spring, I would rather eat less pork, but also eat this dish often, delicious and not afraid of fat, children especially love to eat.

In the spring, I would rather eat less pork, but also eat this dish often, delicious and not afraid of fat, children especially love to eat

【Detailed preparation of scrambled eggs with zucchini ham sausage】

Ingredient selection: buy two high-quality ham sausages (ham sausage is one of the common ingredients, ham sausage must choose high-quality meat sausage, starch sausage although the taste is good, but it is unhealthy to eat, the nutritional value is very low), buy zucchini 400 grams (it is recommended to choose a smaller, green skin of the tender zucchini, yellow-green zucchini is not fresh, nutritional value and moisture are lost), choose a few eggs, sesame oil and white vinegar a little, a few salad oil, chives and garlic a little, a little water, other condiments.

In the spring, I would rather eat less pork, but also eat this dish often, delicious and not afraid of fat, children especially love to eat

Detailed cooking steps:

In the spring, I would rather eat less pork, but also eat this dish often, delicious and not afraid of fat, children especially love to eat

First: choose some side dishes that are easy to use, remove the wrapping paper from the two ham sausages, cut the ham intestines into several thin slices, wash and cut the chives into small pieces, and cut some garlic into garlic slices.

Second: zucchini cut off both ends, zucchini washed and cut into several pieces, zucchini is best soaked in water, placed in the air for a long time, will cause zucchini oxidation blackening.

Third: knock in a few eggs in an empty bowl, first let the egg liquid be fully stirred, mix some water to enhance the fluffiness of the eggs, add a few drops of white vinegar and sesame oil, sprinkle with salt, stir clockwise, drain the zucchini slices, and start cooking this zucchini ham sausage scrambled egg bar.

In the spring, I would rather eat less pork, but also eat this dish often, delicious and not afraid of fat, children especially love to eat

Fourth: First preheat the wok in advance, pour the egg liquid into the pot, let the egg liquid fry until it is formed, quickly stir-fry into small pieces, and put it out for later.

In the spring, I would rather eat less pork, but also eat this dish often, delicious and not afraid of fat, children especially love to eat

Fifth: Continue to add oil to the bottom of the pot, add garlic slices and green onion, quickly fry its aroma, pour in some ham sausage and fry until it changes color.

In the spring, I would rather eat less pork, but also eat this dish often, delicious and not afraid of fat, children especially love to eat
In the spring, I would rather eat less pork, but also eat this dish often, delicious and not afraid of fat, children especially love to eat

Sixth: Pour in some zucchini slices, stir-fry a few times, slowly fry until it is broken, add a spoonful of soy sauce, add a little oyster sauce to freshen, and quickly stir-fry for a short time.

In the spring, I would rather eat less pork, but also eat this dish often, delicious and not afraid of fat, children especially love to eat

Step 7: Add a little salt and chicken essence, finally pour in the scrambled eggs, stir-fry the ingredients evenly, turn off the heat, put out the pot, this zucchini ham sausage scrambled egg is ready, low fat and healthy, better than eating pork and chicken.

In the spring, I would rather eat less pork, but also eat this dish often, delicious and not afraid of fat, children especially love to eat

Zucchini ham sausage scrambled egg is one of the most popular side dishes in spring, zucchini contains many vitamins, zinc and calcium, with ham sausage and eggs scrambled to eat, the dish is better looking, can stimulate your appetite, let you feast, better than eat big fish and meat.

In the spring, I would rather eat less pork, but also eat this dish often, delicious and not afraid of fat, children especially love to eat

After spring, don't eat pork every day, zucchini try to eat like this, delicious is not afraid of fat, nutritious and healthy, have you ever eaten this zucchini ham sausage scrambled egg? (All images from the internet)