
Entering the industry at the age of 13, worshiping at the age of 18, and Yuan Huiqin, 54, wearing a costume, she is destined to be accompanied by loneliness

author:Listen to the drama APP

Speaking of famous Peking Opera actors, I believe that everyone will think of Li Jinquan, Li Shengsu, Li Weikang and others, after all, the Peking Opera they performed are very classic, and even left a deep impression on us, but in addition to a few of them, I don't know if you remember the famous Peking Opera actor Yuan Huiqin, for Yuan Huiqin was successfully known for her performance of Peking Opera Li Kui's visit to her mother.

Entered the industry at the age of 13, studied with Li Jinquan at the age of 18, and Yuan Huiqin, 54, when she put on a costume, she was destined to be accompanied by loneliness

"Hui Zhi Lan Xin Thousand Faces, Qin Si Secret Xu Face Charming; Shenghui Pear Garden Old Dan Love, Rizhao Bu Shake Dan Brow Peak; Happy Honored Front Scenery Is Good, Happy Happy Life." This poem was written by a netizen to Yuan Huiqin, and cleverly embedded blessings such as "Happy Birthday Huiqin" and "A Thousand Faces of Old Dan Glory"

Many viewers are actually a little unfamiliar with this name, a national first-class actor, but also an excellent Peking Opera artist, learning Lao Dan, singing is the attitude of life, Yuan Huiqin began to learn drama at the age of 13, is the only student in the class to learn Lao Dan.

Entering the industry at the age of 13, worshiping at the age of 18, and Yuan Huiqin, 54, wearing a costume, she is destined to be accompanied by loneliness

After that, Yuan Huiqin went to the China Academy of Performing Arts to study, and was the only LaoDan actor in the class, and was fortunate to receive a one-on-one personal transmission from Professors Yang Yunqing and Kong Yan; when she studied in the first Chinese Peking Opera Outstanding Young Actors Graduate Class, she was also the only graduate student in the class.

Yuan Huiqin's road to LaoDan, walking smoothly, has a lot to do with the teachings of these predecessors, an elder once lamented: "Look at Yuan Huiqin's artistic development path, just look at her teacher's inheritance, she is the leader of absorbing many artists." ”

Entering the industry at the age of 13, worshiping at the age of 18, and Yuan Huiqin, 54, wearing a costume, she is destined to be accompanied by loneliness

Yuan Huiqin has created a classic image of Lao Dan, or stoic, or agitated, or graceful, and the beauty of Qingyi is not the same, it is a kind of autumn beauty, aged fragrance, is the mellow and long good taste accumulated over the years, let people taste endlessly!

Yuan Huiqin's singing voice, clear words, smooth lines, mellow charm, let people sound as if there is the strength and momentum of penetrating the clouds! Over the years, it has already formed its own singing voice, not only in the Peking Opera circle, but also in the film industry!

Yuan Huiqin is the old daughter of her parents, when she was born, her father was 51 years old and her mother was 41 years old, and her parents did not spoil this hard-won gold, although Yuan Huiqin was not in good health, her parents also insisted on sending her to learn art, hoping that her daughter would become a phoenix.

Entering the industry at the age of 13, worshiping at the age of 18, and Yuan Huiqin, 54, wearing a costume, she is destined to be accompanied by loneliness

In this way, 12-year-old Yuan Huiqin began the road of art, at the age of 18, she had the honor of entering Li Duokui's disciple Li Jinquan as an apprentice, after studying under Li Jinquan for four years, Yuan Huiqin was admitted to the China Academy of Performing Arts to continue her studies, and her achievements were quite high.

"Put on the costume and you are destined to be with loneliness." Drown yourself, transform into a character, sad and happy, even if there are thousands of emotions, can only belong to the character. As for your own emotions, don't forget them, and you must forget them. ”

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