
Xingshu Dahe Lefu (Li Cheng)

author:Yang Jingke Calligraphy Studio

Yang Jingke calligraphy studio

Xingshu Dahe Lefu (Li Cheng)

(Image from the Internet)

Xingshu Dahe Lefu (Li Cheng)

Great Harmony

Xingshu Dahe Lefu (Li Cheng)

The musician system is also, so the Tao Heaven and Heaven, the whole human nature. Pretending to be virtuous, judging to know the government. The king honors his deeds and expounds his ways, and obeys his orders. In the spring of the catch-up season, it is destined to have a division. And the group is cute, and the music is safe. It is impossible to re-emphasize the country's experience, and it is necessary to take the time to reason. Will be aligned

Xingshu Dahe Lefu (Li Cheng)

Degrees in rhythm, were chosen to be happy with vocal poetry. Written as an auspicious day, always a musician. It is for the sake of the Cher, and it is not for the fate. By being a celebrant, etc., shu gong keeps the position. The sound of the stringed pipe, the instrument of Chen Zao bamboo. It is ranked and ranked, and it is ranked second. Show your face, and be happy. The Son of Heaven is

Xingshu Dahe Lefu (Li Cheng)

Rate nine secretaries, and three things. It will be pious and waiting, and it will accompany you. If you have seen the suspension of the palace, why should you pretend to be tested in court? If the curvature is a merger, it cannot be named. Miscellaneous with shao, interspersed with english stems. Smell before chasing Xuanni, it is possible to forget the taste; Recite the old saying of Master B, and discern the voice of each. Kaupi is ruined and clear. Be at ease, and

Xingshu Dahe Lefu (Li Cheng)

The Sound of Knowing the World; Mourning, not mixed with the joy of others. The sound of flying is in the weeping kernel, and the moist is in the flow. Enough to make Wei Wenhou lie down and listen, and have realized the former wrong; Wu Jizi's preparation is difficult to perform foresight. It's beautiful, and it's all about it. Forgiveness and obedience to the law and confusion will be harmonious and unswerving. He who hears and hears, and who knows his pleasure, will also leak; It is its anti-simplicity, change it

Xingshu Dahe Lefu (Li Cheng)

The wind is also in. The apparatus is not suffering from the sound of xi, and the unity of ning gui yu and widowhood? Xi will feast on the spirit of the heavens, and there is a special place; Think of the different sounds of the cave garden, and think more about the ancients. Chengfu Tianzuo my emperor, En li Chang. Hide the ancient Jiale, the Holy King of the Three Generations. The great beauty of the stealing declaration, the bold association with the testament of Ya Song.

About the Author

Li Cheng (766-842) was a native of Longxi (present-day Gansu). Grandson of King Gong of Xiangyi. In the twelfth year of Zhenyuan (796), he ascended to the throne. In the same year, Denboku learned the Hongzi Branch, and was a jixian hall orthographer, and a lantian lieutenant. In the nineteenth year (803), he was made an inspector of imperial history. In September of the following year, he became a bachelor of Hanlin. Sexual laziness, often over eight bricks is the signature, the time number "eight brick bachelor". In the first year of Changqing (821), he was promoted to the rank of official shilang. Emperor Jingzong ascended the throne (824), and with the title of Prince of Pengyuan Commandery (彭原郡公). In the second year of the Bao calendar (826), he resigned. Later, the Middle Festival of the River, the Xuanwu Festival, the Middle of the River, and the Shannandong Province. In the first year of Huichang (841), he remained in Dongdu. He died in the spring of the following year. Proficient in poetry. With Ziju Yi and Zhang Zhongsu, it is the same as "the most endowed word in the field." (Book III of the Records of The Tale of Causes) The Quan Tang Wen records twenty-six of its texts, of which twenty-five are endowed. The Quan Tang Poems recorded five of his poems.

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