
[Civilized practice in Chengguan • Ordinary "warrior"] Zhang Xinyan, give you a thumbs up!

author:Civilization is practiced in Chengguan

At home, she is a daughter and wife;

In the post, she is a grassroots worker in the community

On the "epidemic" line, she let go of her fears, shelved her worries, and became a "warrior" on this battlefield without smoke of gunfire!

[Civilized practice in Chengguan • Ordinary "warrior"] Zhang Xinyan, give you a thumbs up!

Although Comrade Zhang Xinyan has not been in the community for a long time, she has shown a strong and resolute side of a community worker and an active member of the party. Since the outbreak of the epidemic, she has been on the frontline of epidemic prevention every day, conscientiously performing her duties and fulfilling her duties.

[Civilized practice in Chengguan • Ordinary "warrior"] Zhang Xinyan, give you a thumbs up!

"Hello, please prepare your health code in advance; hello, please keep a distance of one meter, not too close; please cooperate with the registration, and measure the body temperature..." She has to go out of her way to say dozens or even hundreds of times a day, and some do not cooperate with the epidemic prevention work, and even show strong disgust, but she still strictly follows the work requirements and patiently explains. As small as residents can't operate mobile phones, even body temperature monitoring and killing protection, etc., are hands-on.

[Civilized practice in Chengguan • Ordinary "warrior"] Zhang Xinyan, give you a thumbs up!

"Jingle Bells... Hey, daughter is back for dinner tonight, isn't it? Make your favorite shredded potatoes and braised pork tonight; what time do you come back tonight to make burritos for you? "Over and over again on the phone. This scene happened to Zhang Xinyan, a community worker in Changjia Lane. Hearing that her parents and husbands who were worried and worried about themselves, Zhang Xinyan, who had been sticking to her community post since the beginning of the epidemic, was warm and guilty: "Dad, I don't eat, you eat." I came back from the work I was busy with, no need to leave the lights, and rested early! ”

[Civilized practice in Chengguan • Ordinary "warrior"] Zhang Xinyan, give you a thumbs up!

There are many such cases, they are children, wives, and even more so, they are the staunch retrogrades of this sudden epidemic. With the understanding and support of countless such ordinary and great front-line community workers and their families, working together from top to bottom, and working together as one, we will surely win the battle against cardiac pneumonia prevention and control!

Contributed by: Jiuquan Road Street Changjia Lane Community

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