
What should I do if the skin is sensitive and the skin itching is unbearable during the spring and summer seasons?

author:Dermatological Colin Ruifen

A local fan in Fuzhou said in a private message: "Dr. Lin, as soon as my skin changes seasons, it becomes very sensitive, redness, allergies, peeling, itching and other symptoms.

First of all, because of the change of seasons, it can be said that it is a high incidence of skin allergies, and many people will have skin allergies and itching. For this situation, today Dr. Lin will explain to you how to relieve the itching of the skin.

1. Avoid scratching

When the skin appears itchy, be sure not to scratch it, because if you scratch the skin with your hands, it is easy to cause a vicious circle, and it will also breed the appearance of bacteria, which will cause greater damage to the skin. 

What should I do if the skin is sensitive and the skin itching is unbearable during the spring and summer seasons?

2, do not use hot water to wash

Because if you use hot water to blanch, it is not conducive to the metabolism of the skin, and it will also aggravate the degree of skin itching. You can choose cold towel hair for cold compresses, which can play a temporary relief effect, the best way is to choose to use some traditional Chinese medicine to soak, play an anti-itching effect.

What should I do if the skin is sensitive and the skin itching is unbearable during the spring and summer seasons?

3. Moisturize the skin of the body

After bathing, tap the skin with a towel to absorb some of the moisture, and use moisturizing products such as body lotion immediately when the skin is slightly wet. It can play a role in moisturizing the skin and thus reducing skin sensitivity to a certain extent.

What should I do if the skin is sensitive and the skin itching is unbearable during the spring and summer seasons?

4. Do not contact with allergens 

Everyone's allergens are different, some are pollen allergies, some are seasonal allergies, so we must know which kind of allergy we belong to, and then fundamentally eliminate the occurrence of this allergy, this is the best solution.

More skin questions can be left below in a message or private message, dr. Lin will answer them when he is free.

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