
Qiyuantang: Daily fortune, daily relief

Saturday, February 17 (March 19 of the Gregorian calendar) in the year of Nongyin, is Xin Wei Day.

Hi God: Southwest. Yang Gui: Northeast. Yin Gui: Due south. Blessed God: Southwest. Fortuna: True East. Five Ghosts: True North. Shengmen: Southeast. Dead Door: Northwest.

Tengan Masaki: Otogi. Combined: C water. Day Lord: Three punishments: punching cattle, harming rats, cattle, sheep and dogs.

Hexagonal horse, three-in-one pig rabbit sheep, three snake horse sheep. Today's Empty Death: Shu Hai Dog Pig.

The five elements constitute numerology And the four-pillar eight-character arrangement method is: 壬寅年, 癸卯月, 辛未日, 戊子時; the sequential arrangement of the time pillars is: 戊子, 己 ugly, 庚寅, 辛卯, 壬辰, 癸巳, 甲午, 乙未, 丙申, 丁酉, 戊戍, 己海.

Auspicious Trend: De Ri, Shi Zhi.

The twelve gods are established: it is the fixed day.

Five Elements Ofa: Roadside Soil.

Suitable: sacrifice, sweeping house.

Taboo: take off, brew

Today's fetal gods: kitchen, stove, toilet.

Fierce gods should be taboo: four separations, blood taboos, and resurrection.

Pediatric weaning should be avoided: appropriate.

Cautionary visits: Advisable.

Pengzu Hundred Death Day: Spicy sauce, the owner does not taste.

Not taking the medicine, poisonous gas into the intestines. It is advisable to enter the livestock and enter the school to be famous.

Twenty-eight stars today: female lodging. (Female earth bat fierce Jingzhou Actress creates a corrupt wife, brothers cannibalize like tigers and wolves, bury marriage on this night, the family wealth is scattered and return to the hometown.) )

Today's morning: auspicious time: noon, 卯, 寅, 巳. Middle time: Hai, Zi, Wei, Chen, 戌. Fierce: Unitary, Shen, Ugly.

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The 12 o'clock corresponds to Beijing time

Zishi (23~1)Ugly Hour (1~3)寅時(3~5)卯時(5~7)辰時(間7~9)巳時(9~11)Noon (11~13)未時(13~15)申時(15~17)酉時(17~19)戌時(19~21)海時(21~23)

Note: This time is based on local solar time, not Beijing time.

1. The rat people today are:

Things are not auspicious, and the operation is cautious

(Seek caution) (brake with static) (be careful with up and down) (wait patiently) (follow the fate) (smile)

Be careful in everything, be cautious in your hopes.

Be careful in and out, and be haunted by villains.

Commit more offenses against villains to prevent being deceived.

Business is not greedy, so as to avoid trouble.

Do not travel far, easy to attract evil spirits.

Put your mind at ease, it is not appropriate to do things.

The combination of work and leisure can avoid injury.

Emotional fluctuations, tolerant of strife.

Dietary hygiene, pay more attention.

Health Index: 40% Lucky Color: Green

Lucky number: 6 Your zodiac sign: Monkey

Directions: Southwest

Advice: Noon and noon are not conducive to doing important things

2. The cattle are today:

Big things are not appropriate, and the world is careful

(Be careful and hope) (see more and talk less) (be careful in and out) (work-study) (know the fate and cherish the blessing) (let nature take its course)

On a bad day, be careful.

Be careful in and out, easy to hurt yourself.

Work is annoying, and villains are entangled.

Pay attention to the portal, anti-theft and anti-deception.

Do not make a big deal, red and white are not appropriate.

Pray for blessings, and the blessings will come to you.

Accumulate goodness and virtue, and blessings will come.

Affectionate affection, good relationship with the opposite sex.

Take care of your body, it is easy to get sick.

Health Index: 65% Lucky Color: Cyan

Lucky numbers: 8 Your zodiac signs: rats, chickens

Directions: Western

Advice: It's not good to do important things from time to time

3. The people who belong to the tiger today are:

Peace in all things, it is not advisable to make a big deal out of it

(Rational Hope) (See good and receive) (Know and do good) (work hard) (Know the fate and good knot) (Can be fought)

And the day of yours, the villain leaves.

Wang Xiang years, kidneys and intestines careful.

Control the risk, see the good and receive.

Work is annoying, be patient.

Respect for the elderly, traditional virtues.

Anti-theft and anti-deception must be the truth.

Everything is in control, and caution is true.

It is not advisable to make a big work, and it is advisable to act small.

Poor emotions and easy to argue about.

Health issues need to be paid attention to.

Health Index: 50% Lucky Color: Red

Lucky number: 3 Your zodiac sign: Dog

Directions: South

Advice: It's not good to do important things

4. The people who belong to the rabbit today are:

Everything is auspicious and can be done

(Take the initiative) (Seize the opportunity) (Smooth sailing) (Pay for something) (Good luck) (Good luck) (Good luck and good news)

Harmony helps, noble people help each other.

Business is good, and the harvest is good.

The opposite sex is good and festive.

The sun and the moon shift, treat it with a regular heart.

Avoid evil spirits, be safe and careful.

Beneficial and good.

Seize the moment, and the benefits are true.

Rejoice, rejoice, and celebrate everything.

Better emotions, mutual respect and mutual love.

Health Index: 75% Lucky Color: Light Blue

Lucky number: 4 Your zodiac sign: Pig

Advice: Unitary time is not conducive to doing important things

5. The people of the dragon today are:

Everything is auspicious, neutral and not expensive

(Rational struggle) (Calm response) (In and out of peace) (Work smoothly) (Great increase in fate) (Happy fate pingping)

In good times, everything should be appropriate.

Time to run, and celebrate can be good.

Speculation is cautious and prone to losses.

Be careful with the spleen and stomach, and eat more warm things.

Care for others, good luck to people.

Reminders are helpful and easy to forget.

Cold and summer rotate, life rises and falls.

Big things can be done, auspicious and auspicious.

Feelings are good, mutual respect and mutual love.

Health Index: 80% Lucky Color: Pink

Lucky number: 9 Your zodiac sign: Pig

Directions: North

Advice: It is not conducive to doing important things when the time is right

6. The serpent is today:

The world is auspicious, and the horse is in the country

(Follow the plot) (Number of advances and retreats) (Free entry and exit) (Earnest dedication) (Love can be good) (Happy fate can be obtained)

Peace is a blessing, and kindness is rewarded.

The day of support is auspicious.

There is a way to deal with things, and there is a law to manage money.

Happy to be noble and take it seriously.

Work kindly, you can get help.

Combined and wounded, pay attention to the body.

Things are harmonious, too much is not good.

The sun and the moon have gas, and they can benefit.

Feelings are better, mutual accommodation and mutual love.

Good health, expensive in maintenance.

Health Index: 85% Lucky Color: Orange

Lucky numbers: 4 Your zodiac signs: chicken, cow

Directions: Due West

Advice: It is not good to do important things at the end of the day

7. The man of the horse today is:

Everything is good, and it is good for the masterpiece

(Bold and careful) (Cherish well) (The Day of Good Fortune) (Smooth Heart) (Good Love Is Good) (Good Luck)

A day of celebration, full of joy.

Pay attention to hygiene, not good for the body.

At the time of harmony, there are also troubles.

Tobacco and alcohol are moderate, free from lung disease.

Business is going well, and noble people come to help.

When you are old, be careful.

Neutralization is expensive, and flushing is wonderful.

Everything is appropriate, and the blessings are much greater.

Feelings are harmonious, and the opposite sex is good.

Health-oriented, pay attention to maintenance.

Health Index: 70% Lucky Color: Green

Lucky numbers: 3 Your zodiac signs: dogs, sheep

Directions: Northeast

Advice: It is not conducive to doing important things in the early days and the hours of the children

Qiyuantang: Daily fortune, daily relief

8. The sheep are today:

Peace in all things, not in a big way

(Homeopathy can be obtained) (Wisdom and wisdom) (In and out of peace) (Take seriously) (Good karma can be reached) (Fate can be good)

Smooth and good, carelessly hurt.

On the day of Aiki, the impulse is lost.

Care for others and be rewarded with harmony.

The villain is entangled, and he can't bear to get rich.

Life is organized and beneficial to the body.

The virtue of thrift and diligence, the accumulation of virtue and celebration.

Go with the flow and turn the danger into a disaster.

Poor feelings, poor heterosexuality.

Poor health, pay attention to maintenance.

Health Index: 70% Lucky Color: Yellow

Lucky numbers: 9 Your zodiac signs: pigs, rabbits

Directions: Northwest

Advice: It is not good to do important things when it is ugly

9. The monkey people today are:

Peace in all things, a day of harmony

(Rational Struggle) (Calm Response) (Entry and Exit Peace) (Smooth Work) (Great Increase in Fate) (Happy Fate Pingping)

Harmony makes money, and the world is prosperous.

The sun and the moon aiki, tobacco and alcohol hurt the body.

Drive carefully, otherwise you will hurt your body.

On the day of peach joy, you can get a good luck.

Help and succeed.

Speculation is careful, and the control is in and out.

Good times are hopeful, success is true.

Together, we can succeed.

Feelings are better, and you cherish them.

Health Index: 75% Lucky Color: Blue

Lucky number: 6 Your zodiac sign: Mouse

Advice: It is not conducive to doing important things when it is time to do it

10 The person who belongs to the chicken today is:

It is not appropriate to do anything, and it is not possible to make a big deal out of it

(Static braking) (larger ups and downs) (up and down carefully) (do it with confidence) (go with the flow) (pay more attention)

It is not appropriate to make a big deal out of it, and be careful.

Treat things kindly, endure anger and make money.

Be careful when you go out, be careful when you rise and fall.

Some are not smooth, and the villains are annoyed.

Be careful, greed is detrimental.

The color of the wine is moderate, otherwise it hurts the body.

The virtue of thriftiness and thrift, the elimination of disasters and blessings.

Poor feelings, mutual respect and mutual respect.

Take care of your body and pay attention to hygiene.

Health Index: 55% Lucky Color: Pink

Lucky numbers: 6 Your life signs: dragons, cows

Advice: It is not conducive to doing important things when and when it is time

11. The dog-bearers today are:

In all things, in harmony

(Wait and see) (The Image of Blessing) (Calm and Obedient) (Normal) (Good Karma) (Marriage and Harmony)

Don't bother, bless and blessed.

Treat people with sincerity and rewards.

Harmony and harmony, everything is appropriate.

Pay attention to the stomach and spleen, and it is easy to hurt the body.

Good intentions, good rewards, villains leave.

Mutual respect and mutual accommodation, good virtue benefits the family.

On weekdays, you can get stable.

The feelings are mediocre, and the time is good and the time is bad.

Take care of your body and pay attention to health.

Health Index: 50% Lucky Color: Green

Lucky numbers: 9 Your life signs: rabbits, horses

Advice: Tatsumi and Unitary are not conducive to doing important things

12 The people who belong to the pig today are:

Everything is auspicious and can be done

(Time comes) (Quick Battle) (Happy Day) (Good Thoughts and Good Rewards) (Harmony) (Rare Opportunity)

On the auspicious day, you can get a smooth heart.

Be helped, be careful when you are young.

On a day of celebration, joy and sorrow are born.

Wangji is very fragile, and the wine color is moderate.

Impulsive caution, combination of work and leisure.

Kidney and stomach attention, not good for the body.

Misfortune and happiness depend on each other, and things will be reversed.

The emotions are good, and the opposite sex is involved.

When things are smooth, things are smooth.

Health Index: 60% Lucky Color: Purple

Lucky number: 1 Your life sign: rabbit, tiger

Shipping Direction: East

Advice: It is not conducive to doing important things when it is time to go

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