
Foreign Minister of Turkey: Ukraine proposes the five permanent members of the Security Council and Turkey and Germany to guarantee the future Russian-Ukrainian agreement

The Russian-Ukrainian military conflict is still ongoing, and negotiations between the two sides are also taking place at the same time, so whether it can finally reach a relevant agreement has attracted much attention.

According to Agence France-Presse reported on March 17 local time, Turkish Foreign Minister Chavushoglu said on the same day that Ukrainian Foreign Minister Kureba proposed to let the five permanent members of the United Nations Security Council (China, the United States, Russia, Britain and France), Turkey and Germany become the "guarantor" (guarantor) for any agreement between Russia and Ukraine in the future.

Earlier, a number of media reported that Russian President Putin issued a "truce condition" when he spoke with Turkish President Erdogan on the phone, and expressed his intention to negotiate face-to-face with Ukrainian President Zelenskiy. Cavushoglu revealed that it is doing its best to facilitate a meeting between the leaders of Russia and Ukraine at the level.

Foreign Minister of Turkey: Ukraine proposes the five permanent members of the Security Council and Turkey and Germany to guarantee the future Russian-Ukrainian agreement

Screenshot of the AFP report

During a visit to the western Ukrainian city of Lviv, Chavusoglu reportedly said: "Ukraine has proposed a 'collective security agreement', including the UN Security Council Pentate, Turkey and Germany." ”

Chavusoglu also added that he had met with Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov in Moscow the previous day, and he believed that the Russian side had no objections and could accept such a proposal.

It is worth mentioning that when Western countries launched a series of sanctions against Russia before, the United States and Britain have successively claimed that they will not rule out kicking Russia out of the United Nations Security Council, or even the "five permanent" option. In response, Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov responded that the mechanism for depriving Russia of its seat "simply does not exist."

Chavushoglu believes that so far, after the Turkish side has launched diplomatic efforts with both Russia and Ukraine, the hopes of a ceasefire in the conflict between Kiev and Moscow seem to have increased.

On the 17th, Ukrainian Foreign Minister Kureba held talks with visiting Turkish Foreign Minister Cavushoglu and reached a consensus on concentrating on organizing a meeting between Ukrainian and Russian leaders. After the talks, Chavusoglu said that he briefed Foreign Minister Kureba on his visit to Moscow and his own feelings, stressing that the foundation should be laid for a meeting between the leaders of the two countries as soon as possible.

Foreign Minister of Turkey: Ukraine proposes the five permanent members of the Security Council and Turkey and Germany to guarantee the future Russian-Ukrainian agreement

Turkish Foreign Minister Cavushoglu (left) holds talks with Ukrainian Foreign Minister Culeba Photo source: Turkish Foreign Ministry

According to reports, on March 17, Russian President Vladimir Putin had a telephone conversation with Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan to discuss the situation in Russia and Ukraine, and issued "truce conditions" and expressed his intention to negotiate face-to-face with Ukrainian President Zelenskiy. Subsequently, Belarusian President Lukashenko confirmed this in an interview.

The BBC quoted Erdogan spokesman Ibrahim Kalin as saying that Russia's requirements fall into two categories and that achieving the first four is not difficult for Ukraine, including that Ukraine must not join NATO, Ukraine must go through a process of "demilitarization", The Russian language must be protected in Ukraine, and Ukraine must be "de-Nazified".

Foreign Minister of Turkey: Ukraine proposes the five permanent members of the Security Council and Turkey and Germany to guarantee the future Russian-Ukrainian agreement

Screenshot of the BBC report

As for the difficulties, Mr. Karin said Putin needed face-to-face negotiations with Zelenskiy to reach an agreement on issues related to the status of Donbass and Crimea in eastern Ukraine.

Carlin didn't say much about this. According to reports, the move has sparked speculation that russia would cause great controversy if it asked the Ukrainian government to give up territory in eastern Ukraine, while others believe that Russia may be asking the Ukrainian government to recognize Russia's sovereignty over Crimea.

On the 17th, the Turkish Presidential Office issued a statement saying that Erdogan and Putin discussed in detail the latest developments in the Russian-Ukrainian conflict, and the two sides paid close attention to the humanitarian situation.

Foreign Minister of Turkey: Ukraine proposes the five permanent members of the Security Council and Turkey and Germany to guarantee the future Russian-Ukrainian agreement

Infographic: Erdogan and Putin From the surging image

The Turkish presidential office said erdogan said in the call that a meeting between the Russian and Ukrainian leadership may be needed to reach consensus on key issues, so he again proposed a Russian-Ukrainian presidential meeting in Istanbul or Ankara. He said that if Russia and Ukraine can declare a permanent ceasefire, this will pave the way for a complete settlement of the Ukrainian crisis, and he hopes that the current negotiations between Russia and Ukraine can achieve positive results.

In this regard, Agence France-Presse pointed out that Turkey has close relations with Russia and Ukraine and has recently tried to act as a "mediator" in the Russian-Ukrainian conflict. Last week, the Russian and Ukrainian foreign ministers held their first high-level talks between the two countries in Antalya, a resort city in southern Turkey.

This article is an exclusive manuscript of the Observer Network and may not be reproduced without authorization.

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