
The most important thing in life is to have the ability to be happy

author:Poetry far away

Text/Poetry Far

The most important thing in life is to have the ability to be happy

In "Survival in the Wilderness", there is a saying that if you think that a happy life mainly comes from human relationships, then you are wrong. God puts happiness in everything around him, and all people have to do is change their view of things.

Each of us has the ability to make ourselves happy, and the key is to see if we are willing to make ourselves happy.

Perhaps, some people will say, how can anyone not want to be happy? But there are many unsatisfactory places in reality, how can we say that happiness is happiness?

In fact, I used to think the same way, those real problems in front of me: children are not obedient, work is not smooth, career progress is not progressing, concubines are contradictory, mother-in-law and daughter-in-law are contradictory, housework is cumbersome... These are like mountains pressing down on everyday life, how can it be said that they are removed and removed?

But after experiencing more and more social reality problems, accompanied by continuous self-reflection, self-growth, and self-practice, we do find that we really have the ability to make ourselves happy, just like we are born with the ability to suck, which is what we have.

As long as we are willing to bring ourselves closer to happiness, we can.

The most important thing in life is to have the ability to be happy

I have a good friend who has been plagued by work relationships for a long time recently, and sometimes even afraid to go to work, because my good friend is not very sociable, and I thought that as long as the work is done well, but we are in any form of interpersonal network, it is impossible to really be alone.

Either to be accepted or excluded.

In addition, after being framed and lying at a gun, my good friend became more afraid of interacting with people, and every day he looked at the behavior behind the previous set of people, and once he only wanted to withdraw and escape.

I used to have this kind of problem a long time ago, if we are not so strong for a while, if we still have to work in the current environment for the time being, we have to have certain survival skills, survival skills and abide by certain rules of survival - you have to slowly make yourself strong, grasp a certain initiative, not passive.

I did this at the time: I stopped running away, but took the initiative to break through to do something I didn't want to do, such as: no longer just drilling in my own small world, but going out and connecting with everyone, with the purpose of making myself happy, making myself happy every day to chat with others, and slowly discovering that everyone has a wonderful story, a cute personality and an advantage worth learning. As I took the initiative to open my heart, everyone slowly got to know me, and from there, we worked together more happily every day.

Later, I told my good friend about my method, and she did it, slowly becoming happier and more cheerful.

The most important thing in life is to have the ability to be happy

We all have the ability and initiative to make ourselves happy, and you can do it if you want to.

People's happiness comes from their own sense of control over their own lives, when we are unhappy because of some things, not smooth, because we passively bear the impact of these things on us, we can completely change passive to active, with a more positive mentality and ideas, to take the initiative from another angle, to create happiness.

Happiness is in all the things around us, as long as you are willing to reach out and take the initiative to take a step, you can definitely get some form of happiness.

When we get more and more happiness, we can offset the pressures we face.