
This dish is eaten quickly, "head stubble race ginseng", liver protection, eye protection and laxative, middle-aged and elderly people should eat more

author:Diary of a Second Lady's Food

Hello everyone, I am the second lady who loves food. Every day in the future, let me accompany you, master more cooking skills, life tips, and heal life with food to share and connect you and me.

This dish is eaten quickly, "head stubble race ginseng", liver protection, eye protection and laxative, middle-aged and elderly people should eat more

In the spring of March, the temperature rises, which is the time when cabbage is growing at its peak. Cabbage is a young stem drawn out of the cabbage in the spring in the winter, is a kind of food that can only be eaten in the spring, it is soft and tender, delicious flavor, rich in nutrition, whether it is cooking or making soup, it is a good choice. And the price is very cheap, one or two dollars can buy a pound, a few dollars can be fried a large plate.

This dish is eaten quickly, "head stubble race ginseng", liver protection, eye protection and laxative, middle-aged and elderly people should eat more

So today I will share with you the best way to eat cabbage - cabbage and stir-fried ham. The ham meat is covered with soup, the cabbage is refreshing and delicious, and it is really too much rice. Moreover, cabbage is rich in vitamins, with bright eyes and warm lungs, beneficial to the liver and spleen, and stomach and intestines, anti-inflammatory and pain-relieving, yin and deficiency effect, especially suitable for the elderly to eat, we must learn.

This dish is eaten quickly, "head stubble race ginseng", liver protection, eye protection and laxative, middle-aged and elderly people should eat more

- Stir-fried ham with cabbage -


Cabbage, ham, minced garlic, salt, soy sauce, oyster sauce, aged vinegar, peppercorns, chicken essence, cooking oil.


Step 1: Rinse the purchased cabbage and soak in lightly salted water for 20 minutes to sterilize and disinfect.

Step 2: When the time is up, fish out the cabbage, rinse again, cut into large pieces and set aside, while slicing the ham meat.

Step 3: Heat the oil, when the oil temperature is 60% hot, pour the peppercorns into the stir-fry and stir-fry until fragrant, wait for the peppercorns to become scorched, fish out, continue to pour the minced garlic in the hot oil and stir-fry until fragrant.

Step 4: After the garlic flavor comes out, pour the slices of ham into the stir-fry.

Step 5: Then put the cabbage and stir-fry together, after the break becomes soft, add soy sauce, salt, oyster sauce, aged vinegar, chicken essence to taste, continue to stir-fry evenly.

Step 6: Finally turn into a high-heat stir-fry juice, and then you can turn off the heat and plate.


1, bought back the cabbage, in the cleaning, you can first separate the leaves and moss, one is convenient to wash clean, the other is when stir-frying moss can be first under the pot, so that the fried dishes are more delicious.

2, first put the moss in the pot slightly stir-fry, and then put the leaves, because the moss time is short and not cooked, the leaf time is long, vitamin C is gone, and the leaves are slightly stir-fried into the pot to quickly start the pot.

This dish is eaten quickly, "head stubble race ginseng", liver protection, eye protection and laxative, middle-aged and elderly people should eat more

Now is a good time to eat cabbage, not only the taste is tender and juicy, its health value has also been widely praised, known as "ginseng in the dish". Everyone buys more home stir-fried vegetables to eat, nutritious and healthy, be sure to try! If you have a meal you want to eat, you are welcome to leave a message in the comment area below, let me see Oh~