
Interview with Yang Yanshu by the South Side Literature and Art Network 丨 My final appearance is the appearance of time at the end of the pen

Guide the way for literary lovers and serve literary writers

Interview with Yang Yanshu by the South Side Literature and Art Network 丨 My final appearance is the appearance of time at the end of the pen

Yang Yan, the 8th contracted writer of the South Side Culture and Art Museum of Sichuan Province, graduated from Hunan First Normal College and is now a young Chinese teacher.

South Side Literature and Art Network: Can you briefly introduce the process of your association with South Side?

Yang Yan: On May 3, 2020, she officially joined Nanbian, and later a year later, she became a contracted writer.

Actually, I don't quite remember how I met Nanbian, but I still remember the process of getting to know it. The first time I received an electronic invitation to the forum series of activities, the first time I learned kumon writing more systematically, the first time I approached the editing work, the first time I applied for an internship editor, the first time I submitted a small Athens collection, the first time I met a large group of people who love literary creation, including the first interview now, I found that I personally experienced many firsts in my life in the south, it was pleasing, understanding and witnessing my growth, and the resonance of the experience that played on us made it easy for us to tame each other, and the bond between us became deeper and deeper.

After being close to and trusting the South, it was also the first time that I was more certain of the direction of my love and the Promised Land. So for me, I think that although the fate between us is beginning to be a little confused, its present and future are incomparably clear and worth looking forward to.

Nanbian Literature and Art Network: When you were creating prose poems, how did you feel?

Yang Yan: Very focused and cheerful. After the daily joys and sorrows, I can easily develop a sense of lost nothingness. But creation does not, it brings me a sense of sadness and joy from beginning to end.

I felt like a hole in my being, empty and full, full and empty, and so on. Empty or profitable, sometimes only instantaneous, sometimes several moments. I guessed that it was in this repeated experience that I went from a young cave to an old hole, from a tender hole to a hole of possible wisdom. My final appearance is the appearance of time, and my final appearance is the appearance of those people, those things, those things, those things that have stayed, or short, or long, and have been filtered out.

Holes, always empty and always full, always full and always empty, and finally really are, full and empty. So I feel happy and satisfied to be able to express in words the appearance and trajectory of the hole and its movement. Time has feet, it dances in the hole, and if we can capture its steps, if we can join hands with it to complete a dance, then we may be able to hear the silence of life. So I also feel honored and meaningful to be able to create codes that are close to life and life.

Nanbian Literature and Art Network: How to understand the phrase "literature is the textbook of human life"?

Yang Yan: I am reminded of what Kitin said in "Death Poetry Society", "We write poetry and read poetry, not because it is fun, we write poetry and read poetry because we are part of human beings, and human beings are full of passion." Yes, medicine, law, business, engineering, these are noble pursuits that are enough to sustain a person's life. But poetry, beauty, romance, love, that's what we mean by life. ”

What Chernyshevsky wants to express is that literature has an enlightening effect on man. I agree with that, this kind of enlightenment, like enlightenment. In the ocean of literature, we can find the direction of our own life, we can find the island where we are tired, we can find the starry sky above our heads, and most importantly, we may not be able to know the whole of human beings, but we can finally know ourselves through this voyage and exploration.

Literature retains the temperature and whisper of human life from ancient times to the present, it is the belonging of our spirit, and it can also provide guidance for our whereabouts. To know ourselves, to find ourselves, to be ourselves, it requires us to cling to the long and deep breath of literature.

Nanbian Literature and Art Network: As a Chinese teacher, what kind of difficulties have you encountered when guiding students to write?

Yang Yan: I found that the ultimate direction of all the process learning of primary school Chinese subjects is expression and homework, and when I go to the homework class, I can also clearly feel the pain of the work that plays on me and the students.

First, some students do not have a strong ability to capture and trace life and emotions with words. Some students' language is a bit lacking, their statement base accumulation is not rich enough, in fact, I face the children they are very concerned about their emotions and experiences, they are very concerned about their own feelings, but if you need to use words to express, from the final written presentation can get the conclusion that this seems to weaken their emotions and experience experience, so accumulation is very important, the accumulation of statement libraries and the accumulation of experience are very important.

Second, the communication of the free expression of the study is not clear enough. Last semester, I became a poetry teacher who is light poetry, and began to take the students in the class to write poetry, our poetry class is much freer in form and atmosphere than other classes, the poetry written is not right or wrong, there is no requirement, it is to play together, freely think about what you want to do, freely say what you want to say, freely write the poems you want to write, this relatively large limit of freedom can probably encourage students to play their imagination and express their nature. Probably, a very important step in writing is the awakening of the consciousness and action of courageous expression and free expression.

Nanbian Literature and Art Network: You have served as an intern editor of the Nanbian Culture and Art Museum, can you tell us about your experience?

Yang Yan: At that time, I applied for an internship editor with the purpose of enriching my life and enriching my life experience. During this period, I took over some manuscripts, which were written in the same genre as I preferred, including promotional texts for music studios, recitations for hospital anti-epidemics, and lesson plans. Trying, on the one hand, is to taste the early, on the other hand, it is also a harvest. During this period, we will also organize training in editorial work, and will learn the knowledge of official writing and editing work.

In the process of working as a trainee editor, by experimenting with different content and styles of writing, as well as participating in a variety of training, I realized the rigor and importance of editing work, and the work of careful study is tedious but necessary.

Words are a thousand faces, and I think one of the benefits of playing different roles to try to look at words and creation from different perspectives, when we return to the main identity of the creator, at this time, we have unconsciously become more religious and cautious about words.


Editor: Zhao Jiahui

Editor-in-chief: Peng Xujuan