
Chinese Ambassador to the United States Qin Gang: "It is impossible for China not to dissuade it knowingly"

author:Rider Island

【Chickasaw Island Press】

On March 15, Ambassador to the United States Qin Gang published a signed article in the Washington Post entitled "Our Position on Ukraine." The amount of information in the whole text is very rich, and many core ideas are worth paying attention to. Uncle Dao commented while reading the full text.

Chinese Ambassador to the United States Qin Gang: "It is impossible for China not to dissuade it knowingly"

(Screenshot source: The Washington Post)

Our position on Ukraine

As the Crisis in Ukraine continues, I know that there are many Americans who are concerned about China's position on this matter. I would like to elaborate here to dispel misunderstandings and even rumors.

Some people spread false information, saying that the Chinese side was aware of Russia's military operations in advance and asked the Russian side to do it after the Beijing Winter Olympics. There are also rumors that the Russian side has asked China to provide military assistance.

——Island note: The spread of false news and rumors mentioned here, we have explained many times before, this is the Usual "Document dump" method used in the West, the source of which is often blurred into "according to intelligence agencies", "according to a diplomatic document obtained by a reporter", "according to the report provided by a think tank", etc., forming a "official" release material - media processing - politician echo of the public opinion war chain.

Before the rome meeting between senior Chinese and US diplomatic officials, false news such as "China knows" and "China has provided military assistance to Russia" has frequently appeared in the major Western media.

I would like to responsibly tell you that the so-called Claims of Prior Knowledge, "Acquiescence" and "Connivance" by the Chinese Side are completely false information intended to shirk responsibility and smear China.

More than 6,000 Chinese citizens live and study in Ukraine, which is russia's largest trading partner and the world's largest importer of crude oil and natural gas. The conflict between Russia and Ukraine will not benefit the Chinese side in the slightest. It is impossible for China not to dissuade it knowingly.

——Island note: "The Russian-Ukrainian conflict has no benefit to the Chinese side" and "it is impossible for the Chinese side not to dissuade it knowingly", Qin Gang said. China has extensive interests in both Russia and Ukraine. By spreading such rumors by us and Western media and politicians, they are shirking their responsibilities, smearing China, and trying to create pressure on China. This must be seen clearly.

China has long pursued an independent foreign policy of peace, firmly upheld fairness and justice, and always decided its position according to the merits of the matter itself. On the Ukraine issue, China's attitude is objective and just: it abides by the purposes and principles of the UN Charter, respects and guarantees the sovereignty and territorial integrity of all countries, including Ukraine, takes into account the legitimate security concerns of all countries, and supports all efforts conducive to the peaceful settlement of the crisis.

-- Island Note: This is China's consistent position, which has been stated many times since the beginning of the Russian-Ukrainian conflict. "Respect and safeguard the sovereignty and territorial integrity of all States, including Ukraine".

U.S. officials have repeatedly threatened to sanction Chinese companies, which makes no sense. Neither war nor sanctions can bring peace. On the one hand, the US side seeks China's support and cooperation, and on the other hand, it wields the big stick of sanctions against China, which is not feasible.

- Island note: "Neither war nor sanctions can bring peace" China has always opposed all forms of unilateral sanctions. The us threat to sanction Chinese enterprises also exists, to put it bluntly, it is still playing the "extreme pressure" set.

Some people have linked the Taiwan issue to the Ukraine crisis and exaggerated the risk of conflict in the Taiwan Strait. Ukraine is a sovereign state, while Taiwan is an inalienable part of China's territory, and the Taiwan issue is China's internal affair. Some people cannot emphasize the principle of sovereignty on the Ukraine issue and turn their heads to undermine China's sovereignty and territorial integrity on the Taiwan issue.

The hope for Taiwan's future lies in the peaceful development of cross-strait relations and the eventual realization of the reunification of the motherland. China will continue to adhere to the policy of peaceful reunification while retaining all options for curbing "Taiwan independence." We hope that the US side will earnestly abide by the one-China principle and not support the separatist activities of "Taiwan independence" in any way. Proceeding from safeguarding long-term peace and stability in the Taiwan Strait, China and the United States should work together to curb "Taiwan independence."

- Island Note: Again distinguish between the Ukraine crisis and the Taiwan issue. There is an essential difference between the two, that is, inter-state conflict vs. internal affairs. Not long ago, Foreign Minister Wang Yi's press conference also specifically discussed this point.

On the Ukraine issue, China has called on the international community to focus on the two things of persuasion and promotion and the prevention of large-scale humanitarian crises, and has made great efforts to this end. The day after the conflict, President Xi Jinping and President Putin expressed the hope of seeing peace talks between Russia and Ukraine as soon as possible during the phone call, and received a positive response. Recently, President Xi Jinping held a video meeting with the leaders of France and Germany, and once again proposed that all parties should jointly support the Russian-Ukrainian peace talks and negotiate peace.

Yang Jiechi, director of the Office of the Central Foreign Affairs Commission, and Sullivan, assistant to the US President for National Security Affairs, met in Rome, and State Councilor and Foreign Minister Wang Yi maintained close communication with Secretary of State Blinken and other foreign ministers to exchange views on the Ukraine issue.

China has also put forward a 6-point initiative, including that humanitarian operations must abide by the principle of neutrality and justice, pay full attention to displaced persons in Ukraine, effectively protect civilians, ensure the smooth and safe development of humanitarian assistance activities, ensure the safety of foreigners in Ukraine, and support the United Nations in playing a coordinating role in humanitarian assistance to Ukraine. The first batch of humanitarian aid supplies provided by the Red Cross Society of China to the Ukrainian Red Cross Society has been shipped from Beijing.

-- Island Note: China's communication channels with all parties are smooth, and it has been communicating, always calling for peace and talks and preventing large-scale humanitarian crises. China has put forward constructive initiatives on humanitarian issues. Displaced civilians are the most concerned and innocent people in the war.

Freezing three feet is not a cold day. Long-term peace and stability in Europe depends on the principle of the indivisibility of security, and a balanced, effective and sustainable European security mechanism should be formed through dialogue. But it is imperative that a truce be achieved as soon as possible and that civilians be protected from harm. As a permanent member of the Security Council and a responsible major country in the world, China will continue to make its voice heard, put forward initiatives, take action and make efforts. China is willing to maintain communication with all parties, stop war and promote peace, and earnestly safeguard regional and world peace and stability.

-- Island note: If the European security mechanism is to be balanced, effective and sustainable, it needs to be through dialogue; "security is inseparable", and one cannot base one's security on the basis of harming the safety of others, or the safety of one side and the other side is not safe. This is also the "historical latitude" of the Ukrainian crisis and "the merits of the matter itself" that the Chinese side said earlier.

Source/ Official website of the Chinese Embassy in the United States

Editing / Ayami

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