
Reflection, reflection? Who is eating the rotten traffic of the national football team? No one cares what the national football team needs!

In the New Year, the national football team lost to Vietnam away, just in response to the old saying, the more afraid of what, the more what, before this game, there are too many people looking forward to this game, and in the mainstream of the Internet, it is still in an optimistic situation.

Some people also think that the national football team will add to the blockage, but more often, it is a basic trust from the balance of strength between the two sides.

On the same day, after losing the game 1:3, the national football team once again became a hot search in the hot search, but no one could think that after more than a month, the tree wanted to be quiet and the wind was not stopping, with a comment from Gong Hanlin: The star income is hundreds of millions, and the tax evasion and tax evasion, the national football income is tens of millions, and it can't score the ball, and the old thing has become a "new thing" again.

Reflection, reflection? Who is eating the rotten traffic of the national football team? No one cares what the national football team needs!

Teacher Gong Hanlin's original meaning did not refer specifically to the national football team

Originally, Gong Hanlin did not specifically refer to the national football team, but hoped to improve the treatment of scientists, and the national football team continued to limit salaries, so that players could maintain salaries that were relatively in line with their strength.

But then, people who claimed to be in the football circle, as well as players, began to stand up and respond to Gong Hanlin, who seemed to have a clear division of labor, some with a tough attitude, some with a good attitude, and some with this to express their concerns about the football industry and so on.

But in the view of Liaoqiu Jun, the follow-up responses of most literary and football circles, including Gong Hanlin, are only a strategy to add fuel to the fire, such as Feng Xiaoting wrote a thousand-word long article, saying that it is not a response to Gong Hanlin, but in fact, I still hope that there will be fewer criticisms from the outside world, and at the same time tell the difficulties of Chinese players.

Indeed, as a national football fan for more than ten years, Liaoqiujun understands that it is not easy for the national football team, and also understands that the influence of the national football team in the mentality does exist, but as a public-oriented and the world's most influential sports activity, the national football team cannot require everyone to understand their difficulties.

Reflection, reflection? Who is eating the rotten traffic of the national football team? No one cares what the national football team needs!

Feng Xiaoting did not say anything about the idea

Because in our country, Feng Xiaoting's group of players caught up with the best era, they were at the peak of the football market, some of the top players, annual salary of tens of millions, but also to send real estate, these are for ordinary people, unattainable things, just like the national football team believes that non-fans are difficult to understand the pain of the national football team, the international football players will also be difficult to understand the struggle of ordinary people in the face of generous remuneration.

So, this in itself is an insoluble problem, when Messi is about to leave Barca, the media interviewed the Spanish passerby and said: Is it worth paying a hundred million euros a year for Messi? Passers-by will say: What? This is also too much, how can this be...

Although the national football team is also a human being, but the human sorrow and joy are not the same, Feng Xiaoting hopes that the outside world will be more tolerant of the national football team, more understanding, but for ordinary people, the huge difference in income is unable to understand the first gap of the international football team, perhaps only limited salary to the normal range, there will be more fans, to try to understand these.

Reflection, reflection? Who is eating the rotten traffic of the national football team? No one cares what the national football team needs!

Only state officials are allowed to set fires?

Considering that after the Spring Festival Chinese And Vietnamese matches, the so-called "media people" of Chinese football have not criticized Chinese football a lot, how come now that they have arrived, when the "Chinese football outsiders" in these media population say a word, they can't sit still?

In the view of LiaoQiujun, why are these media people not "outsiders" of the national football team? They have former internationals, people involved in football academies, and self-proclaimed professional media personalities, but they are also outsiders compared to the players and coaches who played that day.

After all, the Spring Festival is not against the Vietnamese team, for the players who participated in the game that day, their pain will be more profound than anyone, in the time of the family reunion, they need to go abroad to participate in the game, in the day of the family reunion, they have to endure the scolding of the whole country, and may even carry their own family.

They probably hate the four words "Chinese men's football" more than anyone else, and they probably want to scold themselves more than anyone, after all, no matter how much everyone mocks the men's football team, they can't deny the fact that they are also flesh and blood people, who will be sad, afraid, and painful.

Reflection, reflection? Who is eating the rotten traffic of the national football team? No one cares what the national football team needs!

After the battle against Vietnam, almost all the players disappeared

And now, a large number of "outsiders", using their pain, will be a topic that has become a thing of the past, re-hyped, who is eating the rotten traffic of the national football?

The national football team is not unable to criticize, criticism is deserved, and anyone who watches the game will be angry! And some people in the national football team can not refuse criticism, it is true that in the past few decades, men's football is the country's "trash can", anyone can come to scare two sentences, perhaps let some people hold back for more than ten years, do not spit unhappy, but this time should be more grasped the key points.

What's the point? How to improve the level of players, how to create a recyclable youth training system, how to urge players to learn from high-level football, rather than thinking that the domestic level is top and there is no desire or demand.

In foreign football, strong like C Ronaldo and Messi, they will also hear boos from their own owners, and they will be inexplicably criticized by all sides all the time, but in their nearly 20-year career, they have withstood all pressure and become better and better.

Reflection, reflection? Who is eating the rotten traffic of the national football team? No one cares what the national football team needs!

Ronaldo has always faced ridicule and criticism

The national football team should play a positive role in being criticized, becoming a booster for players to work hard, rather than making players afraid of their hands and feet in the national football game, as a professional player, this is a very amateur behavior, after all, to do anything, you need a strong enough heart!

No matter how the times change, this world is a world that looks at achievements, so at home and abroad, without achievements, whether it is an individual or a group, white eyes and contempt will not be uncommon.

Each of us needs to look for our own direction of progress and enhance our own strength in contempt, and the players representing the national team should be more strict with themselves, the greater the ability, the greater the responsibility, no matter how dark the fans are, the international football team is the best group of players in the country, they need to bear more pressure and responsibility than ordinary people, it is normal.

Finally, for the dissolution of the national football team, as well as the remarks involving the players' families, Liaoqiujun hopes that everyone can stop at the right time, whether the players want to or not, they will bear the criticism from the society, but please do not engage in "sitting together".

As for the voice of disbanding the national football team, it is very childish, not abandoning, not giving up, which is one of our goals! If the national football team gives up just because of its poor performance, will the people who say these words call for a one-size-fits-all cut for those who do not perform well in the future?

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