
The forbidden city's long-overdue floor tiles began to loosen, but they unexpectedly unveiled the secrets of 600 years ago, which amazed countless scholars

China is an ancient country with a history of 5,000 years of civilization, in history, we have always had a mysterious and ancient veil, not only because of its long history, but because its various buildings have more mysteries, often giving people unexpected surprises, so it attracts more scientific scholars to explore, the mysterious events of ancient China.

The forbidden city's long-overdue floor tiles began to loosen, but they unexpectedly unveiled the secrets of 600 years ago, which amazed countless scholars

Received, well-preserved ancient famous buildings must be mentioned that the Forbidden City is after all the residence of the supreme ruler of the ancient emperor, its history is not only long, but also the architectural style is also the most famous at that time Chinese perfect architectural design highlighted to the fullest, it not only occupies a very large area, the wall color is also very gorgeous, bringing together a kind of majesty that cannot be described in words.

The forbidden city's long-overdue floor tiles began to loosen, but they unexpectedly unveiled the secrets of 600 years ago, which amazed countless scholars

The Forbidden City has a high value of historical research, is the top priority of the entire dynasty, and there are many secrets waiting for people to discover, to explore, once, the floor of the Forbidden City suddenly began to loosen, just when everyone needs to repair, suddenly found that there is a bigger surprise here, waiting for us, when we open the bricks, since another layer of bricks was found, which made the experts very surprised, when they opened the fast, after continuous excavation, the bricks on the floor of the Forbidden City actually had as many as 15 floors.

The forbidden city's long-overdue floor tiles began to loosen, but they unexpectedly unveiled the secrets of 600 years ago, which amazed countless scholars

In ancient times, under this kind of rule, there must have been many people who wanted to usurp power and become emperors, so many emperors in ancient times also took pains when building palaces for their own safety.

The forbidden city's long-overdue floor tiles began to loosen, but they unexpectedly unveiled the secrets of 600 years ago, which amazed countless scholars

When the ancient emperor encountered danger and needed to escape, there were many secret passages in the palace, the Forbidden City was built by Zhu Di, and he himself was very careful, so the security measures were also very much, in order to strengthen the secret passages to be able to escape in case, the Jinjiang floor tiles were built 15 stories thick.

The forbidden city's long-overdue floor tiles began to loosen, but they unexpectedly unveiled the secrets of 600 years ago, which amazed countless scholars

There are really fewer and fewer well-preserved historical buildings now, and these buildings have become the historical treasures of the mainland, and now our national leaders and scientists are working hard to protect and build history.

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