
The life of the Ukrainian presidential decision-making team and senior government officials

author:Wuguofa Wu Guofa

The life of the Ukrainian presidential decision-making team and senior government officials

Wu Guofa

(March 17, 2022)

Summary: This article first explains the reasons for Ukraine's inevitable defeat in the Russo-Ukrainian War; then introduces Ukrainian President Zelenskiy (a comedian), the president's decision-making circle (like the management team of an acting company), senior government officials (mostly foreigners and rich people), and the rich (90% of the richest assets were in Europe and the United States, and 96% of the rich fled abroad before the Russo-Ukrainian War).

Keywords: Ukrainian Zelenskiy Comedian Rich Man Russo-Ukrainian War

(1) When war between Russia and Ukraine breaks out, Ukraine will be defeated

On February 24, 2022, Russia began a military strike against Ukraine, and war between Russia and Ukraine broke out.

Russia's war with Ukraine has been going on for 21 days. Russia has destroyed Ukraine's air force and navy, wiped out most of the army's active forces, destroyed most of its military equipment and facilities, and controlled several cities. The result of the war must be that Russia achieves its intended goal and achieves complete victory.

Why was Ukraine finally defeated completely? The main reasons are as follows:

(1) Russia's military strength, including the number of troops, the quality of officers and soldiers, weapons and equipment, military technology, logistical support, etc., far exceeds Ukraine.

(2) Russia's economic strength, including civilian heavy industry, military industry, light industry, energy industry, information industry, agriculture and animal husbandry, etc., far exceeds Ukraine.

(3) The Russian government with Putin as president is one of the most powerful in the world, while the Ukrainian government with Zelenskiy as president is one of the most incompetent in the world.

Below, we explain the third reason, focusing on President Zelenskiy and his decision-making circles, as well as senior officials of the Ukrainian Government.

(ii) Ukrainian President Zelenskiy is an actor who plays the "president"

The current president of Ukraine, Zelenskiy, is a comedian who once played the role of "president" in a TV series.

Vladimir Aleksandrovich Zelensky (Ukrainian language Володимир Олександрϰвич Зеленський, Vladimir Zelenski, born on January 25, 1978 in Klivolog, Dnipropetrovsk Oblast, Ukraine, was a Jew and the 6th President of Ukraine.

Zelenskiy worked in the entertainment and media industry after graduating from the Kyiv University of Economics Law School, and gradually became a famous Actor and TV host in Ukraine. In 2015, Zelenskiy played the "President of Ukraine" in the TV series Servant of the People.

The life of the Ukrainian presidential decision-making team and senior government officials

On April 21, 2019, Zelenskiy was elected as the sixth President of Ukraine by defeating then-President Peter Poroshenko, and on May 20, he was sworn in as President of Ukraine by the Verkhuvian Radha (Parliament). On February 25, 2022, Zelenskiy assumed the chairmanship of the Supreme Command of Ukraine. Comedians do national army commanders, marvelous!

Zelenskiy practiced a pro-AMERICAN and pro-NATO diplomatic line, pushed Ukraine to join NATO, intensified contradictions with Russia, vigorously privatized state-owned assets, and so on, step by step pushing Ukraine into a desperate situation of being a running dog of the United States and confronting Russia.

(c) The presidential decision-making circle is like the management team of the performing arts company

Now, let's look at the composition of The inner circle of decision-making of Ukrainian President Zelenskiy. This decision-making circle is based on zelenskiy's "circle of friends" when he was an actor:

o The Chief of Staff of the Presidential Office, André Yemark, is a comedy producer;

Ø Head of the Administrative Department of the Presidential Office, Andrei. Bodan, is a lawyer in the entertainment industry;

o The President's Chief Policy Adviser, Sergei Sheffield, is a screenwriter for comedies;

ø Vice-Chairman of the Supreme Intelligence Directorate of Ukraine, Ivan Bakanov, is the owner of a comedy film company;

o Senior Adviser of the Defense Council of Ukraine, Sergey. Siłok, a comedian, Zelenskiy's partner in the acting.

If you only look at the resumes of the members of these decision-making circles, you can't tell whether they are members of the management team of a film and television entertainment company or a member of a decision-making body of a country.

In fact, this decision-making circle is like the management team of a film and television performing arts company, and Zelenskiy is the "chairman" of this company.

(4) Most of the high-ranking officials of the government are foreigners and rich people

Ukraine recognizes dual citizenship. The United States also recognizes dual citizenship.

Because Ukraine recognizes dual citizenship, 80 percent of senior government officials are U.S. nationals.

Now let's look at the lives of Ukraine's prime ministers and senior "provincial and ministerial" officials.

(A) Prime Minister dennis Shmigar of Ukraine

The current Prime Minister of Ukraine, Denis Shmigar (Ukrainian Прем'є́р-міні́стр Украї́ни, Denys Anatoliyovych Shmyhal), an executive of a large energy company before entering politics, a rich man.

Since its independence in November 1990, Ukraine has had 18 prime ministers, with an average term of one year and seven months. The change of prime minister in a marquee shows that the political situation in Ukraine has been turbulent for 31 years since its founding.

(B) Governor of Odessa Oblast Saakashvili

Saakashvili was born in Georgia and graduated from the State University of Kiev of Ukraine. He served as president of Georgia twice, from 2004 to 2013, pursuing a pro-Western policy.

During the 2008 Beijing Olympics, Saakashvili confronted Putin over South Ossetia, leading to a brief war between Georgia and Russia. Georgia was devastated by Russia, and Saakashvili fell as a result. After the defeat, Saakashvili fled to Ukraine. In November 2014, Saakashvili became governor of Ukraine's Odessa Oblast.

In 2021, Saakashvili was charged with corruption and abuse of power; Georgia demanded his extradition and return to his country for trial. However, in January 2022, Ukraine rejected Georgia's extradition request.

(C) Minister of Health, Viktor Riassko

Ukraine's health minister, Viktor Riyashko, is a native American. Born in Detroit, USA, she lived in the United States until 2015 and is a doctor.

In 2015, Riyashko acquired Ukrainian citizenship while retaining U.S. citizenship. In 2016, she was promoted to Deputy Minister of Health of Ukraine. In May 2019, Zelenskiy became president. He pushed ahead of public opinion and appointed Riyashko as Minister of Health of Ukraine.

The life of the Ukrainian presidential decision-making team and senior government officials

(D) Ministers of the Ministry of Finance, the Ministry of Economy and the Ministry of Culture

The two ministers appointed by the Ukrainian Parliament in November 2014 were both foreigners:

Minister of Finance of Ukraine Natalie Shanyalesiko, American. Ukraine's fiscal power is held by the Americans!

Minister of Economy of Ukraine Stepan Kubiv, a native of Lithuania.

In addition, The Minister of Culture and Information Policy of Ukraine, Alexander Tkachenko, has worked for many years in the private media. A few years before becoming Minister of Culture and Information, Tikachenko led the Igor Kolomoisky Holding Company and became a rich man.

(v) 90% of the rich's assets are in Europe and the United States, and 96% fled abroad before the war

The vast majority of Ukraine's richest people are upstarts who have made their fortunes by dividing up state-owned assets in the process of privatizing state-owned enterprises.

The assets of 90% of Ukraine's richest people are in Europe and the United States, and 90% of the rich live in foreign countries. Most of their money is in banks in London and Switzerland, and a few in american banks.

Before the outbreak of the War between Russia and Ukraine on February 24, the United States warned several times that Russia would attack Ukraine by force. This scared away Ukraine's rich. As of February 13, local time, only 4 of Ukraine's richest 100 richest people remained in China, and these 4 rich people were banned from going abroad due to economic problems.

A group of cronies including Ukraine's richest man, Linat Akhmetov, flew out of Kiev on February 13. Akhmetov himself fled Ukraine to Zurich, Switzerland, as early as 30 January.

The life of the Ukrainian presidential decision-making team and senior government officials

Steel magnate Victor Pinchuk, the second-largest billionaire on Ukraine's rich list, also left Ukraine at the end of January.

Igor Kolomoisky, a billionaire with three foreign passports, did not appear on the escape list because he was suspected of being involved in criminal cases in the United States and Israel and therefore had nowhere to escape.

Before the Russo-Ukrainian War, 37 Ukrainian parliamentarians fled abroad

According to Ukrainian media reports, as of February 13, a total of 37 Ukrainian parliamentarians had left Ukraine for foreign countries, including several of Zelenskiy's "allies" and members of the People's Servant Party. This led to a closed-door meeting of the parliament, which was scheduled to hear a report on the assessment of the security situation inside and outside Ukraine on the 13th, and was forced to postpone due to the large number of absences.

Former Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko did not leave Kiev because the court withheld his passport to leave the country. According to Ukrainian media reports, Poroshenko has transferred his family and property abroad. To transport cash, he also rented several cash trucks.

On February 14, President Želensky demanded that the wealthy and lawmakers who had fled Ukraine return home as soon as possible, but on February 14, several private jets continued to take off from Kiev and head west.

Some parliamentarians said they would not return to China. Ilya Kiva, a lawmaker for Ukraine's opposition "Opposition Platform – For Life," told Zelenskiy in a video that he would not return to Ukraine from Spain. "Not my war... I will not defend Zelenskiy. I will not sacrifice my life for you. ”

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