
Behind the tearing of the Chinese men's football team: the Football Association gambles and does not act, covets the fame and fortune in front of it, and the players become victims

The Chinese men's football team has entered the big chaos, Feng Xiaoting and Gong Hanlin, Dong Lu and Feng Gong, in short, the major topics are detonated hot searches, becoming the focus of media fans' attention, whether it is Feng Xiaoting or Dong Lu, these two football circles, this time is to earn enough eyeballs, detonated the traffic, and Gong Hanlin and Feng Gong's unintentional words, but also become the hot object of fans, purely from the traffic point of view, they are not losers.

Behind the tearing of the Chinese men's football team: the Football Association gambles and does not act, covets the fame and fortune in front of it, and the players become victims

They are not losers, so who are the real losers? In any matter, there are always losers, there are always winners, behind this farce, the Chinese men's football team has become a loser, and the male football player has become a victim. The voice of the men's soccer team on the Internet is really a classic, every sentence is unforgettable, every paragraph is quite wonderful, after losing 1-3 to Vietnam, the men's soccer team has become a street rat everyone shouts, and now behind the "Feng Gong War", it is even more to throw salt on the scars.

The Chinese men's football team has come to this point today, and the public opinion field can be described as a state of tearing, however, after this farce, what can the Chinese men's football team gain? Can we find our own way out of football? Find the root cause of our own football problems? This is what we should gain after a farce, for now, it is likely that there will be no gain, and the Chinese men's football team will still be in this state.

Behind the tearing of the Chinese men's football team: the Football Association gambles and does not act, covets the fame and fortune in front of it, and the players become victims

Feng Xiaoting's 2,000-word long essay raises a lot of questions, and these questions actually point to a key department, that is, the Chinese Football Association, why there are so many teams in the Chinese Super League that owe wages, why are local players in arrears of wages, some people who owe wages to foreign aid, why can teams with unpaid wages still have access, why are there so many problems in Chinese football? Who is responsible for the male footballers?

The three years of programmers in office can be said to be the three years of turmoil in Chinese football, what can we find behind this farce? That is, the Shanghai media did not pay much attention to Feng Gong's war, and what was the reason? Because the problems reflected in this farce actually point to the management of the Football Association, because the management of the Football Association is bad, which has caused the current situation of the men's football team.

Behind the tearing of the Chinese men's football team: the Football Association gambles and does not act, covets the fame and fortune in front of it, and the players become victims

Every football association leader covets the fame and fortune of the current political achievements, in order to produce rapid results, however, football is a systematic and scientific and regular project, do not start from the youth training, want to take shortcuts, rely on naturalization to enter the World Cup, this is a dream. We cannot deny that the epidemic has affected the preparation of men's football, but long-term training, individuals can not stand it, 365 days a year, there are more than 320 days of training.

The current situation of the men's football team today is the end of the Football Association's gamble, the end of the Football Association's management inaction, the league collapse, the national team has no results, investors are scattered, a lot of wages are owed, and now the management rights of the Football Association may be emptied, the current state is not the worst, there will be worse moments, the majority of male footballers have become victims, even breathing is wrong.

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