
It is not surprising that the Nazi leaders of Ukraine have been touted as "national heroes" and that Russia and Ukraine have come to this day

author:True vision
It is not surprising that the Nazi leaders of Ukraine have been touted as "national heroes" and that Russia and Ukraine have come to this day

On January 1, 2022, several regions of Ukraine celebrated the 113th anniversary of Bandera's "birth"

Stepan Bandera was born on 1 January 1909 in the Galicia region of present-day southeastern Poland and western Ukraine. The region has twice in history broken free from Lan rule, and was later sent back as a chip in the great power game. It was not until the Partition of Poland by the Soviet Union and Germany in 1939 that Western Ukraine, including the Galicia region, merged again with the Eastern Ukraine region. Polish rule over western Ukraine was brutal, and in order to get rid of Polish control, Ukrainian nationalists set up resistance groups such as the "National National Organization of Ukraine" and the "Union of Ukrainian National Youth", of which the young Bandera was one of them.

It is not surprising that the Nazi leaders of Ukraine have been touted as "national heroes" and that Russia and Ukraine have come to this day

Stepan Bandera

Beginning in 1930, Bandera actively developed Ukrainian nationalist organizations throughout Ukraine. In 1934, Bandera was sentenced to death for organizing the assassination of the Polish Minister of the Interior. It was later commuted to life imprisonment. He was released after the German occupation of Poland in September 1939. Before World War II, the Ukrainian nationalists organized by Bandera were administered by and managed by the German Military Intelligence Service's guerrilla warfare courses and infiltration and sabotage training, and these were subsequently sent back to Ukraine to lurk.

When the Soviet-German War broke out in 1941, Bandera's small forces followed the Germans to occupy Lviv, and after taking control of Radio Lviv, they could not wait to issue the Declaration of Independence of Ukraine. On the day of the founding of the state, they slaughtered more than 4,000 Jews in Lviv to show their loyalty to Nazi Germany. Then Hitler was not pleased, believing that the Slavic people were an inferior people and unworthy of the establishment of a state.

Hitler then announced the disbandment of Bandera's partisans and arrested at least 1,500 people, including Bandera himself, most of whom were summarily executed, and the rest, including Bandera, were imprisoned in the Sachsenhausen concentration camp.

Until the end of World War II, Nazi Germany was exhausted and had to release Bandera and cooperate with him to form an anti-Soviet guerrilla group in Ukraine, the "Ukrainian Insurrection Army", which was divided into three categories: other Ukrainian guerrillas who did not attack the Soviet army, Polish civilians, and the third category, guess who? It's the Germans!

It is not surprising that the Nazi leaders of Ukraine have been touted as "national heroes" and that Russia and Ukraine have come to this day

Stepan Bandera (center)

The first battle of this Nazilitated guerrilla was in the summer of 1943, in conjunction with the German army forcing the Poles in the Warren area to leave their homes, the Poles were reluctant to leave, and the "Ukrainian Rebel Army" led by Bandera carried out a frenzied massacre of poles in the area, and about 100,000 people in 150 towns were slaughtered, the means were extremely cruel and unspeakable, and the Gestapo was like an angel compared to them. Hitler was very happy with the Warren Massacre and strongly supported bandera's "Ukrainian rebel army", which quickly expanded its number to 80,000 people. When they committed the crime, they also deliberately shouted and sang "Katyusha" in Russian in order to blame the Soviet Red Army. Polish guerrillas then retaliated by killing about 15,000 western Ukrainian civilians.

The "Ukrainian rebel army" led by Bandera was mainly attacked by the Soviet Red Army and Soviet partisans, especially from late 1943 to early 1944, as the Soviet Red Army continued to pay the territory of the Ukrainian region, their living space was squeezed, and they attacked the rear of the Red Army front and the lines of communication more and more frequently. At the beginning, the main energy of the Red Army was still fighting the Germans, and did not pay attention to them, but on the night of February 29, 1944, the commander of the Soviet First Ukrainian Front, Vatutin, on his way to the front line, encountered a small group of guerrillas of the "Ukrainian rebel army" robbing the village, vatutin was hit in the leg during the battle, and then died of infection. Vatutin's death only drew the attention of the Soviets to this anti-Soviet guerrilla force, and the Soviet and internal affairs forces quickly sent troops to suppress it.

It is not surprising that the Nazi leaders of Ukraine have been touted as "national heroes" and that Russia and Ukraine have come to this day

Commander of the Soviet First Ukrainian Front, General Vatutin

After the Soviets recaptured all of Ukraine, the internal affairs forces began to turn to the bandits. Between 1944 and Germany's surrender in 1945, Soviet internal affairs forces killed more than 9,400 guerrillas and captured 93,000, with 40,000 choosing to surrender to the Soviets. Then the remaining "Ukrainian rebels" were die-hards, who knew that they had no way to retreat, or a group of a dozen people, choosing villages and towns where the Soviet army was not stationed, shooting and killing Soviet party workers, Communists, and activists; or a large number of people gathered to attack Soviet squads, railway stations, and other places. At the same time that the Soviet army intensified its efforts to suppress bandits, it also announced amnesty for the "Ukrainian rebel army" who surrendered voluntarily, and checked the personnel relations of the "Ukrainian rebel army" and relocated their families out of the organization's activity area, greatly reducing the scope of their activities. It was not until 1950 that the Soviets killed the last commander of the group, Schukovich, but the remnants remained active until the mid-fifties.

What about Stepan Bandera? At the behest of Britain and the United States, he fled to West Germany and was sheltered by the West German government. One has to ask if Britain and the United States are on the side of the anti-fascist camp? How could a Nazi with blood on his hands be protected? It's not unusual for the Americans to protect Shiro Ishii, the infamous head of Japan's Unit 731. Because the Americans feel that they have not yet squeezed out their surplus value.

On the afternoon of October 15, 1959, Stepan Bandera was found dying at the entrance to an apartment in Munich. Subsequent autopsies showed he had died of poisoning.

Two years later, on 17 November 1961, the West German Ministry of Justice declared KGB agent Bogdan Staszyński the killer of Stepan Bandera, a task he had carried out on the orders of KGB Chairman Alexander Nikolaevich Serepin and Khrushchev. After a thorough investigation, the West German court sentenced Staszynski to 8 years in prison.

In this way, the Nazi accomplice, the evil-filled Stepan Bandera, ended his life of evil, but his spiritual descendants are now running rampant in Ukraine, doing nothing different. In January 2010, former Ukrainian President Yushchenko posthumously awarded Stepan Bandera the title of "Hero of Ukraine." Members of the Nazi organization who had survived with civilian blood on their hands were socially recognized and enjoyed the same pension as World War II veterans, while the veterans of the Soviet Red Army who had defended their homeland were humiliated in Ukraine.

It is not surprising that the Nazi leaders of Ukraine have been touted as "national heroes" and that Russia and Ukraine have come to this day

The remnants of the Nazis in Ukraine were so popular that they could be welcomed by the populace

In such a social atmosphere, it is not surprising that Russia and Ukraine have come to this point, perhaps this is why Putin announced that the purpose of military action is to "Nazismize". A Nazi is a Nazi, not a name or a symbol to enter the house, a dead Nazi is a good Nazi!

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