
Wang Yi warned all countries not to provoke China, the US side did not believe in evil and reached out to test, and Zhao Lijian made a tough response

author:Dr. Wang Jin

On March 14, Foreign Minister Wang Yi had a telephone conversation with Spanish Foreign Minister Alvarez at the request of the two sides, and the two sides exchanged views on the situation in Ukraine. Alvarez said that China is a peace-loving country and a permanent member of the UN Security Council, which plays a huge role in international affairs, and hopes that China can actively promote regional stability and peace.

Wang Yi said that from the first day of the outbreak of the Russian-Ukrainian conflict, China has used its own way to persuade peace and promote talks, hoping that the Russian-Ukrainian negotiations can achieve new progress acceptable to all parties, end the conflict at an early date, and open the door to peace. However, some countries and forces continue to create false news and smear And smear China on the issue of the Ukraine crisis. China has always stood on an objective and fair stand, made judgments based on the merits of the matter itself, and is willing to play a constructive role in the peaceful settlement of the Ukrainian crisis.

Wang Yi warned all countries not to provoke China, the US side did not believe in evil and reached out to test, and Zhao Lijian made a tough response

Wang Yi also stressed that China has always opposed the use of sanctions to solve problems, and even more opposes unilateral sanctions without a basis in international law, which will not only undermine international rules, but also cause harm to the lives of the people of all countries. China is not a party to the crisis, and it does not want the sanctions to affect China, and China has the right to safeguard its legitimate and legitimate rights and interests. Wang Yi is clearly warning some ghost-minded countries not to try to impose sanctions on China, and if it angers China, China will inevitably implement corresponding measures to safeguard its legitimate rights and interests.

In this regard, Foreign Ministry spokesman Zhao Lijian said at a press conference on March 16 that China's position on opposing sanctions is very clear, the United States on the one hand seeks China's help, on the other hand, it imposes sanctions on China, which is not feasible, China urges the United States not to harm China's legitimate rights and interests in any way, if the United States does not listen to dissuasion, China will certainly make a strong countermeasure.

Wang Yi warned all countries not to provoke China, the US side did not believe in evil and reached out to test, and Zhao Lijian made a tough response

Recently, the United States has issued a lot of provocative remarks against China, and White House press secretary Psaki has said that if China continues to support Russia, it will bear "serious consequences." Psaki also said that the total economic output of China and Russia accounts for only a quarter of the world,while the total economic output of the Group of Seven accounts for more than 50%, even if China ignores the United States and continues to cooperate with Russia, the United States still has many means to play with European allies to make China regret making this decision.

Wang Yi warned all countries not to provoke China, the US side did not believe in evil and reached out to test, and Zhao Lijian made a tough response

These remarks by the United States are no longer talks, but naked threats and bullying, which are the products of the hegemonism of the United States that "respects strength as the supreme." The Ukraine crisis has become an arena for Western countries to contain and suppress China and Russia, and they do not care about Ukraine's life or death. Even if you want to end the war, the fundamental way out lies in negotiations with China, rather than unilaterally defining the "rules-based international order" by its own standards, let alone forcing other countries to take sides and creating confrontational feelings.

Many times, the United States is just a scary paper tiger, claiming to impose sanctions on other countries, but also shouting slogans only for its own political interests. Before the high-level meeting between China and the United States, SULLIVAN, the US president's national security adviser, threatened China not to allow China to make up for the losses suffered by Russia as a result of sanctions, otherwise it would cause China to suffer "unacceptable consequences." Moreover, during the meeting, the United States also issued a warning to China in a repetitive manner, but when asked by reporters about specific measures, Sullivan was vague and vague, taking into account him. The so-called "sanctions" are nothing more than a test of their own momentum.

Wang Yi warned all countries not to provoke China, the US side did not believe in evil and reached out to test, and Zhao Lijian made a tough response

The world situation has changed, more and more countries have seen the hypocrisy of the United States, and some oil-producing countries have also bypassed the US dollar and used local currency transactions, and the United States is facing strategic difficulties. The development of the situation in Russia and Ukraine has exceeded the expectations of the United States, and it is difficult for the United States to continue to take advantage of the Russian-Ukrainian issue, and the United States can only turn to China at this time. U.S. think tanks have also suggested that the United States should focus on improving Sino-US relations, rather than trying to split China and Russia. But now it seems that the U.S. government has not listened at all.

Now the United States has long been troubled, if you insist on sanctioning China, it will only pull itself into the mud pit, I believe the United States can also understand that there is no way out of confrontation, win-win cooperation is the future.

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