
Just now, the Taiwan Affairs Office of the State Council responded to "Ukraine Today, Taiwan Tomorrow"

author:Global Times

The Taiwan Affairs Office of the State Council held a regular press conference on the morning of 16 March, at which spokeswoman Zhu Fenglian answered reporters' questions on hot issues.

The people of Taiwan are worried about "Ukraine today, Taiwan tomorrow," and the DPP authorities instigated "resistance to China and taiwan," and the Taiwan Affairs Office of the State Council responded

Reporter: The Russian-Ukrainian conflict has caused the People of Taiwan to worry about "Ukraine today, Taiwan tomorrow," the DPP authorities shouted to the island and boldly instigated "resisting China and defending Taiwan," Tsai Ing-wen claimed that Taiwan has "natural dangers in the strait, its geostrategic position, and its constantly enhancing will to defend and combat strength," Lai Ching-te advocated that "security in the Taiwan Strait should help itself and then be helped by others," and Su Zhenchang once again threw out the so-called "broom theory of protecting Taiwan." Any comments on this?

Zhu Fenglian: Recently, the DPP authorities have taken advantage of the situation in Ukraine to frequently rub hot spots and touch porcelain everywhere, to exaggerate the so-called "threat" from the mainland, to deliberately raise the tone of cross-strait confrontation and "independence," and even to arrogantly advocate war, which not only exposes their humble and fearful nature and is fierce and inward-looking, but also completely tears off the hypocrisy mask of so-called "non-provocation."

We are willing to create a broad space for peaceful reunification, but we will never leave any room for various forms of "Taiwan independence" separatist activities. National sovereignty and territorial integrity are paramount. If the DPP authorities continue to indulge in the delusion of "relying on foreign countries for independence" and "seeking independence by force" and dare to take reckless risks, all kinds of lies they have woven and boasted will disappear in an instant. It is hoped that the broad masses of Taiwan compatriots will clearly understand the stakes, reject the coercion and deception of the DPP authorities, and resolutely draw a clear line with the "Taiwan independence" forces.

Taiwan Affairs Office of the State Council: From the "Kabul moment" to the "situation in Ukraine", Taiwan compatriots have realized that the ultimate fate of "pawns" is "abandoned"

Just now, the Taiwan Affairs Office of the State Council responded to "Ukraine Today, Taiwan Tomorrow"

Zhu Fenglian

Reporter: After the outbreak of the Russian-Ukrainian conflict, the US government said that "under any circumstances it will not send troops to Ukraine", and there were voices on the island such as "Taiwan's security cannot rely on the United States", and polls show that more than half of the people in Taiwan realized that the United States would not send troops to aid Ukraine. Ma Ying-jeou said that if a conflict breaks out in the Taiwan Strait, the United States will sell weapons and provide intelligence to Taiwan, but the chances of sending troops are very small. Do you have any comment on this?

Zhu Fenglian: First of all, it should be pointed out that the Taiwan issue is fundamentally different from the Ukrainian issue, and the most fundamental difference is that Taiwan is an inalienable part of China's territory, and the Taiwan issue is entirely China's internal affair and brooks no foreign interference.

The DPP authorities' "reliance on the United States to seek independence" and their vain attempt to rely on external forces to split the country are completely miscalculated. From the "Kabul moment" to the "situation in Ukraine," more and more Taiwan compatriots have clearly realized that for the sake of their own interests, the United States, while pouring fuel on the fire, is afraid that the world will not be chaotic, while watching the fire from the other side to avoid setting fire to itself. Recognizing that the United States has always prioritized U.S. interests, its commitments to the outside world are simply unreliable at critical moments. It has been realized that the so-called "guarantee" paid by the DPP authorities for the high "protection fee" paid by the DPP authorities for "seeking independence" is nothing more than a "poison" for drinking and quenching thirst. It is realized that when external forces manipulate Taiwan-related issues, they are playing the abacus of "using Taiwan to control China," sacrificing the interests of the Taiwan people, and the ultimate fate of the "pawns" is "abandonment." It is realized that the DPP authorities blindly "resist China" will not only fail to "protect Taiwan," but will only "harm Taiwan" and will only push Taiwan further into the abyss of disaster.

Taiwan's future, the security, security, and interests and well-being of Taiwan compatriots lie in the peaceful development of cross-strait relations and national reunification, not in the "empty cheque" of expecting any external forces. The broad masses of Taiwan compatriots should clearly see the deception of "relying on the United States and seeking independence" woven by the DPP authorities, break the curse of manipulating "opposing China and resisting China," and work with us to push cross-strait relations back to the correct track of peaceful development, resolve political confrontation at an early date, achieve lasting peace in the Taiwan Strait, achieve the vision of national reunification, and let future generations live and grow up in a common home of peace, tranquility, prosperity, and dignity.

Taiwan Affairs Office of the State Council: The DPP authorities have a bad record in creating "fake news" and are habitual criminals of so-called "cognitive warfare."

[Reporter] The DPP authorities claim that the mainland has used the Ukrainian issue to operate the so-called "cognitive operation" against Taiwan, which has affected the morale of the people of Taiwan. According to media reports and reports from netizens, after the Russian-Ukrainian conflict broke out, some "Taiwan independence" forces spread a large number of rumors on the Internet to incite hostility between the two sides of the strait. Do you have any comment on this?

Zhu Fenglian: The DPP authorities have a bad record in creating "fake news" and are habitual criminals in the so-called "cognitive warfare." A wicked man is his own hell. The Internet has a memory, and the eyes of the people are shining. The DPP authorities and the "Taiwan independence" forces have intervened in the situation in Ukraine, fanned the flames on the mainland's social platforms, and selectively "quoted" some of the mainland's self-media contents on the island, exaggerating the so-called "threat" on the mainland, misleading the people on the island, and concocting public opinion to manipulate public opinion for their so-called "resistance to China and Taiwan defense" and refusal to conspire against "independence." The DPP authorities' operations are really a serious underestimation of the IQ of compatriots on both sides of the strait.

Compatriots on both sides of the strait should polish their eyes, accurately identify them, and see through the sinister intentions of the "Taiwan independence" forces in inciting confrontation between the people on both sides of the strait, and see through the deception of the DPP authorities.

When Su Zhenchang was questioned about the power ration, he said that Jiang Wan'an's grandfather had not fulfilled his promise that year, and the Taiwan Affairs Office of the State Council responded

Reporter: When Su Zhenchang was questioned about the power ration, he said that Jiang Wan'an's grandfather had not fulfilled the promise he had made that year, and Su also said that "he was a soldier for two years and wanted to be the first to step on the Chinese mainland to rescue his compatriots." The people on the mainland were surprised that he had such thoughts. Any comments on this?

Just now, the Taiwan Affairs Office of the State Council responded to "Ukraine Today, Taiwan Tomorrow"

Su Zhenchang Infographic

Zhu Fenglian: Responding to the issue of how to deal with Taiwan's power outage in this way can only show that the DPP politicians have first-class ability to refer to deer as horses, and their mentality of ignoring the interests of the people has been exposed. Advise him not to divert the focus, let alone to brag about himself.

Zhu Fenglian: Su Zhenchang has talked about several mainland TV dramas, and I recommend several more: "The Age of Awakening", "The World", "Under the Gate of Zhengyang", "Mountains and Seas"

Reporter: On International Women's Day on March 8, when Su Zhenchang was questioned by the Taiwan legislature about "what is the perception of women", he quoted a poem praising women, which was later discovered to be from the mainland TV series "Towards the Republic". How do you think That Su Zhenchang, who is listed by the mainland as a diehard member of "Taiwan independence," actually loves to watch the mainland's main theme TV dramas? Are there any consideration for removing him from the list of "Taiwan independence" diehards?

Zhu Fenglian: Judging from media reports, Su Zhenchang has talked about several mainland TV dramas, including "Yanxi Raiders" and "Towards the Republic". I can also recommend a few more, "The Age of Awakening", "The World", "Under the Gate of Zhengyang", "Mountains and Seas", etc., all of which are very good-looking, and they are all very good education and inspiration for him. The two sides of the strait are linked by blood and culture, which is engraved in the genes and cannot be removed. Is it a bit of a split personality for some people who shout "de-Sinicization" but privately and honestly pursue the infiltration of traditional Chinese culture? This also fully shows that engaging in "Taiwan independence" is not feasible.

The Taiwan Affairs Office of the State Council responded to the signing of the "Field Information and Communication System" arms sale case between Taiwan and the United States: Attempts to "seek independence through force" will not succeed

Reporter: According to reports, Taiwan and the United States recently formally signed an arms sale case for the "Field Information and Communication System" with a value of NT$6.99 billion, which is expected to be completed in September 2025. Some netizens on the island satirized that "it is time to pay the protection fee again", what is the spokesperson's comment on this?

Zhu Fenglian: We are resolutely opposed to US arms sales to Taiwan and any form of official exchanges such as US military ties with Taiwan. The DPP authorities have repeatedly used the hard-earned money of Taiwan taxpayers to buy US arms in an attempt to "seek independence by force." This will not succeed and will only harm peace and stability in the Taiwan Strait and the interests of the Taiwan people.

Taiwan Affairs Office of the State Council: "Relying on the United States and seeking independence" cannot escape the fate of failure

[Reporter] The High-level Meeting between China and the United States held a few days ago in Rome, Italy, and the Taiwan Strait issue is a key point. During the meeting, Sullivan stressed "concern about Beijing's moves near the Taiwan Strait." What is the Spokesperson's comment on this?

Zhu Fenglian: On March 14, Yang Jiechi, member of the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee and director of the Office of the Foreign Affairs Commission of the CPC Central Committee, and Sullivan, assistant to the US President for National Security Affairs, met in Rome, Italy. Member Yang Jiechi reiterated to the US side its position and stand on the Taiwan issue and stressed that the Taiwan issue has a bearing on China's sovereignty and territorial integrity. Any attempt to condone and support the "Taiwan independence" separatist forces and attempt to play the "Taiwan card" and engage in "using Taiwan to control China" will not succeed. The US side is urged to clearly understand the high sensitivity of the Taiwan issue, abide by the one-China principle, the stipulations of the three Sino-US joint communiques, and the commitments made by the US side, and refrain from going further and further down a very dangerous road. Any speculation by the DPP authorities that "the US side stands up for Taiwan" and "the US promise to Taiwan is as solid as a rock" is nothing more than blowing the whistle and daring and deceiving the people. "Relying on the United States and seeking independence" cannot escape the fate of failure.

Taiwan Affairs Office of the State Council: Today, when the mainland of the motherland is becoming more and more powerful, there is no way out for "relying on foreign countries to seek independence," and "using Taiwan to control China" is doomed to failure

Reporter: After the outbreak of the Russian-Ukrainian conflict, some foreign politicians hyped up the mainland's "military threat" to Taiwan, not only "expressing solidarity" with Taiwan, but even clamoring that they would provide weapons to Taiwan to assist in "confrontation." The DPP authorities are grateful for this. What is the Spokesperson's comment?

Zhu Fenglian: Taiwan is an inalienable part of China's territory, and the Taiwan issue is purely China's internal affair. China's safeguarding of its sovereignty and territorial integrity is a matter of course and does not tolerate any foreign interference. For some time now, some foreign anti-China forces have indulged in the Cold War mentality, played the "Taiwan card," clamored to turn Taiwan into a so-called "porcupine," and fanned the flames to undermine cross-strait relations. For the sake of the selfish interests of one party, the DPP authorities are willing to act as pawns of external forces to "use Taiwan to control China," constantly seek "independence" provocations, do not take the safety of 23 million Taiwan compatriots to heart at all, and do not hesitate to kidnap them as "cannon fodder" for profit. This is fundamentally harming Taiwan and will only push Taiwan further into the abyss of disaster.

The broad masses of Taiwan compatriots should fully understand that peace and stability in the Taiwan Strait depend on the peaceful development of cross-strait relations and not on external forces. If the DPP authorities are allowed to "seek independence by coercion of foreigners" and "seek independence by force," and are willing to act as pawns at the mercy of others, in the end it will only cause Taiwan society to pay a greater price. Today, when the mainland of the motherland is becoming more and more powerful, there is no way out for "relying on foreign countries to seek independence," and "using Taiwan to control China" is also doomed to failure. We are willing to work with The Taiwan compatriots to resolutely smash the separatist plot of "Taiwan independence," resolutely curb interference by external forces, solidly promote the peaceful development and integrated development of cross-strait relations, and advance the process of the reunification of the motherland.

Taiwan Affairs Office of the State Council: Resolutely smash any "Taiwan independence" separatist plot and resolutely oppose all interference by external forces

Reporter: Premier Li Keqiang of the State Council stressed in his "Government Work Report" that "compatriots on both sides of the strait should work together in harmony to create the glorious and great cause of national rejuvenation." A number of deputies of the Taiwan Provincial Delegation to the NPC also said that the Taiwan-related contents of the "Government Work Report" embody the mainland's consistent policy toward Taiwan and show hope and confidence in national reunification. What does the spokesperson think of this?

Zhu Fenglian: This year is an important year to enter the new journey of comprehensively building a modern socialist country and marching toward the second centenary goal. The Taiwan-related contents of the "Government Work Report" concentrate on expounding the major policies, principled positions, and objectives and tasks of the current work toward Taiwan, which is of very important guiding significance for doing a good job in this year's work toward Taiwan.

At present, the overall tightening of the situation in the Taiwan Strait is rooted in the fact that the DPP authorities and the "Taiwan independence" forces are colluding with external forces to constantly plot "independence" provocations. However, the historical process of national strength, national rejuvenation, and cross-strait reunification is unstoppable, and the general trend is clearer. We will thoroughly implement the party's overall strategy for resolving the Taiwan issue in the new era and the decision-making and deployment of the party Central Committee on Taiwan work, firmly safeguard the one-China principle and the political foundation of the "1992 Consensus," continue to promote the peaceful development of cross-strait relations, have the courage to explore a new path for cross-strait integration and development, constantly improve the policy of sharing development opportunities with Taiwan compatriots and Taiwan enterprises and implementing equal treatment, promote exchanges and cooperation between compatriots on both sides of the strait and their hearts, and gather strong positive energy for the reunification of the motherland and national rejuvenation. We should firmly establish a bottom-line mentality, carry forward the spirit of struggle, resolutely overcome risks and challenges on the road ahead, resolutely smash any "Taiwan independence" separatist plot, resolutely oppose interference by all external forces, and solidly advance the process of the reunification of the motherland.

It is hoped that the broad masses of Taiwan compatriots will see clearly the situation and the situation, clearly understand the advantages and disadvantages, distinguish between true and false, firmly stand on the correct side of history, work together with the mainland compatriots to help each other in harmony and unite with the compatriots, jointly create the glorious and great cause of the reunification of the motherland and national rejuvenation, and share the dignity and glory of being a Chinese.

Taiwan Affairs Office of the State Council: If the "Taiwan independence" separatist forces provoke and coerce, or even break through the red line, they will have to take drastic measures

[Reporter] The mainland has always advocated peaceful development across the strait, but recently there have been some voices of "armed reunification" in public opinion, and the complicated international situation has affected the situation in the Taiwan Strait, which has caused the People of Taiwan to be uneasy and worried. What is the Taiwan Affairs Office of the State Council's comment on this?

Zhu Fenglian: We have pointed out many times that the current tense cross-strait relations and the rising risks to peace and stability in the Taiwan Strait are rooted in the DPP authorities' inclination with external forces to constantly seek "independence" provocations, and some countries manipulate Taiwan-related issues for the purpose of "using Taiwan to control China" to obstruct China's reunification and national rejuvenation.

Realizing the complete reunification of the motherland is the common aspiration of all the sons and daughters of the Chinese nation. We have patience and are willing to strive for the prospect of peaceful reunification with the greatest sincerity and with the greatest efforts. At the same time, our determination to defend national sovereignty and territorial integrity is unswerving, and we will never allow anyone or any force to invade and split the sacred territory of the motherland. If the "Taiwan independence" separatist forces provoke and coerce, or even break through the red line, we will have to take drastic measures.

In addition to continuing the past policy toward Taiwan, the mainland may make tougher adjustments in the future. The Taiwan Affairs Office of the State Council responded

[Reporter] In the Taiwan-related section of this year's "Government Work Report," the contents of "implementing the party's overall strategy for resolving the Taiwan issue in the new era" and "resolutely opposing interference by external forces" have been added.

Zhu Fenglian: Our policy toward Taiwan is clear and consistent. As everyone knows, the DPP authorities have intensified their efforts to collude with external forces, carry out provocations for "independence," and attempt to change the fact that both sides of the strait belong to the same China, which is the root cause of the current tense and turbulent situation in the Taiwan Strait. We have resolutely defended national sovereignty and territorial integrity, and all necessary actions taken to this end are aimed at "Taiwan independence" separatist activities and interference by external forces, with the aim of fundamentally safeguarding the vital interests of compatriots on both sides of the strait and the overall interests of the Chinese nation.

We will adhere to the general policy on Taiwan work, implement the party's overall strategy for resolving the Taiwan issue in the new era, adhere to the one-China principle and the "1992 Consensus," resolutely smash the separatist plot of "Taiwan independence," resolutely curb interference by external forces, solidly promote the peaceful development and integrated development of cross-strait relations, and advance the process of reunification of the motherland.

CPPCC members called for the formulation of the "Law on the Reunification of the Motherland," and the Taiwan Affairs Office of the State Council: Earnestly listen to and study

Reporter: March 14 marks the 17th anniversary of the implementation of the Anti-Secession Law. A member of the CPPCC National Committee recently said in an interview that "only by 'opposing separatism' and without 'promoting reunification', we cannot truly promote the peaceful development of the state and cross-strait relations." Do you have any comment on this?

Zhu Fenglian: We have conscientiously listened to and studied the opinions and suggestions of npc deputies and CPPCC members that are conducive to promoting the reunification of the motherland. For a long time, we have united compatriots on both sides of the strait, promoted the situation in the Taiwan Strait from tense confrontation to relaxation and improvement, and then embarked on the road of peaceful development, leading cross-strait relations to continuously advance in the direction of reunification. Reunification is the verdict of history, the trend of the times, the place of great righteousness, and the aspiration of the people. With the joint efforts of compatriots on both sides of the strait, the historical task of the complete reunification of the motherland must be realized and can certainly be realized.

In March 2005, the Third Session of the Tenth National People's Congress deliberated and passed the Anti-Secession Law. Article 1 of the law clearly stipulates that "this Law is formulated in accordance with the Constitution in order to oppose and curb the splitting of the country by the 'Taiwan independence' separatist forces, to promote the peaceful reunification of the motherland, to safeguard peace and stability in the Taiwan Strait region, to safeguard national sovereignty and territorial integrity, and to safeguard the fundamental interests of the Chinese nation." Over the past 17 years since the implementation of the "Anti-Secession Law," it has played and will continue to play a unique and important role in deterring "Taiwan independence" separatist forces, safeguarding peace and stability in the Taiwan Strait, promoting the peaceful development of cross-strait relations, and advancing the process of the reunification of the motherland. In light of the development and changes in the situation, we will strengthen the use of the rule of law method and the rule of law forces to crack down on the "Taiwan independence" separatist forces and promote the process of the reunification of the motherland.

The DPP authorities have opened up food from 5 fukushima counties to Taiwan, and the Taiwan Affairs Office of the State Council will strictly prevent the inflow of related products through Taiwan

Reporter: The DPP authorities have recently opened up food exports from five prefectures in Fukushima, Japan, and the relevant quality inspection situation has been questioned by the people of Taiwan. Do you have any comment on this? In addition, after Taiwan opens up Fukushima Food, will it have an impact on food safety in the mainland?

Zhu Fenglian: Food safety is related to the vital interests of the people, and the health and safety of Taiwan compatriots should be effectively guaranteed. The DPP authorities are acting for the selfish interests of one party and do not hesitate to harm the health and well-being of the People of Taiwan, and many people in Taiwan have strongly questioned it.

The mainland has a complete food safety supervision system and is fully capable of preventing the influx of problematic products. The relevant competent departments of the mainland will further strengthen supervision and strictly prevent relevant products from flowing into the mainland market through Taiwan, so as to ensure food safety and consumer health on the mainland.

Source: World Wide Web Like The Wind

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