
iPhone 14 core configuration exposure, high and low matching difference is too big!

Forget when Apple has had the term "precision knife method", especially in storage.

I remember that the release of the iPhone 7 directly hit iPhone users as a blow, canceling the 64GB storage version that everyone thought was the most appropriate at the time, jumping directly from 32GB to 128 GB.

It was not easy for everyone to find that the original 128GB was the most suitable capacity, and as a result, when the iPhone X was launched the following year, Apple returned the 64G memory, but cancelled 128GB, forcing users to endure the pain and then go to the 256GB version.

Even the newly released iPad Air5 only has 64GB and 256GB two choices, iPhone 64GB is not enough, do you think the iPad can be used?

And since they all use the M1 + 8GB configuration specifications, can you also put on a high brush, you can't force castration in order to open up the gap with the iPad Pro.

In recent years, Similar operations on Apple's own products have abounded, successfully cutting off the version that users need, and then users either spend more money to buy high-end versions, or buy other products at a low price.

I have to admire Apple's knife technique, each knife is accurately cut on the user's heart...

But then again, if you want to use large capacity these problems are easy to solve, if it is really castrated on the hardware, it is really no way.

For example, the A15 used on last year's iPhone 13 series, although it uses the same 5nm process as the A14, but for the digital series and pro series, Apple has moved the knife slightly.

Also equipped with the A15 bionic chip, but the number of GPU cores is not consistent, the iPhone 13 Pro series uses more 5-core GPUs.

Judging from the single-core running score test, there is not much gap.

But if you only look at the GPU running score, the gap is more obvious.

Left: iPhone 13, Right: iPhone 13 Pro

Of course, these gaps in use, users can hardly feel, may often play the game students can feel a little different.

Since I have opened such a head, then I am also mentally prepared, this year's iPhone 14 series may be a bloody version of the A16, and the iPhone 14 Pro series should be a full-blood version of the A16.

But who would have thought that according to the latest forecast released by Apple analyst Guo Mingji, the iPhone 14 series may continue to use the A15 processor, and the iPhone 14 Pro series will use the latest A16 processor.

/Source: Twitter

Good fellow, don't lock the core at all, blatant castration!

But in the end, Apple can have such confidence, or because there is really no processor that can give the A15 pressure.



/Source: Bilibili @ Geekerwan

This is not difficult to see from the Geek Bay test CPU ladder chart, even the newly released Snapdragon 8Gen1 and Tianji 9000 can not catch up

According to CSET in the United States, wafers manufactured in 5nm counters cost about $16,988, much higher than the 7nm cost of $9,346.

/Source: IT House

A16 If the 4nm process is built, the cost will be higher, and the current global chip shortage may also be insufficient capacity.

So if A15 is enough, why go to A16?

However, apples have suffered losses in this way.

The iPhone 5c released in 2013 is equipped with the same A6 processor as the iPhone 5, while the iPhone 5s released at the same time is an A7 processor.

According to the survey report on iPhone sales in the US market from 2013 to 2014 released by CIRP, the sales of iPhone 5s accounted for 59% of the total sales of iPhones, and the sales of iPhone 5c and iPhone 4s accounted for 27% and 14% respectively.

/Source: CIRP

In short, it is relatively bleak.

So there are still half a year before the release of the iPhone 14 series, if Apple really treats it differently, then will you still buy it?

The material comes from the Internet and is invaded and deleted

What reason do you have to buy it?

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