
embarrassed! The "American Teachers Union" tweeted a picture in solidarity with Ukraine, but the color of the Ukrainian flag was reversed

Source: World Wide Web

The war between Russia and Ukraine continues, and the US and Western governments or some organizations have expressed "support" for Ukraine, but some people have "overturned" because of this...

On the 15th local time, the second largest teachers' union in the United States , the American Teachers Union ( AFT ) , has released two tweets with pictures on social media twitter , which have support placards made of Ukrainian flag colors , but many people found that the blue and yellow colors on the signs were upside down, and some netizens said: "This is too embarrassing..."

In the first tweet, the group read: "Today, staff of the American Teachers' Union and other unionists joined the International Day of Solidarity with Ukraine to express support for Ukrainian communities facing increasing atrocities and ukrainian workers and families affected by this war." In the picture below, some of the organization's staff held up the Ukrainian flag and the color was blue and yellow; but on the left side of the group photo, some netizens found that the corresponding solidarity placard was reversed in color and became blue and yellow. ↓

embarrassed! The "American Teachers Union" tweeted a picture in solidarity with Ukraine, but the color of the Ukrainian flag was reversed

Some netizens directly pointed out this error in the figure. ↓

embarrassed! The "American Teachers Union" tweeted a picture in solidarity with Ukraine, but the color of the Ukrainian flag was reversed

Some netizens complained: "You can't get the Ukrainian flag (color) right!" Shut down this space-wasting organization. ”↓

embarrassed! The "American Teachers Union" tweeted a picture in solidarity with Ukraine, but the color of the Ukrainian flag was reversed

It is worth mentioning that this embarrassing mistake does not seem to be over...

About an hour later, the American Teachers' Union posted a second message in solidarity with Ukraine on its Twitter account: "Randy Weingarten, president of the American Teachers Union, and Evelyn Deguise, executive vice president, stand with Ukraine." However, in the picture below, the two are still holding a placard with the same Ukrainian flag "miscoloration", which reads: "We stand with Ukraine." ”↓

embarrassed! The "American Teachers Union" tweeted a picture in solidarity with Ukraine, but the color of the Ukrainian flag was reversed

In this regard, some netizens expressed great embarrassment: "This is too embarrassing..." ↓

embarrassed! The "American Teachers Union" tweeted a picture in solidarity with Ukraine, but the color of the Ukrainian flag was reversed

Some parents also paid attention to this tweet, lamenting: "A lifetime of educating children about the details, but now they can't even get this little detail right, 'Does anyone know what the Ukrainian flag looks like?'" ’。 ”↓

embarrassed! The "American Teachers Union" tweeted a picture in solidarity with Ukraine, but the color of the Ukrainian flag was reversed

Some netizens laughed at themselves in disappointment: "Thank you for explaining the reasons for the failure of our school." ”↓

embarrassed! The "American Teachers Union" tweeted a picture in solidarity with Ukraine, but the color of the Ukrainian flag was reversed

Some netizens seemed to be really intolerable, and directly turned the above picture upside down and corrected the color of the Ukrainian flag. ↓

embarrassed! The "American Teachers Union" tweeted a picture in solidarity with Ukraine, but the color of the Ukrainian flag was reversed

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