
Li Jingliang's potential opponent saw the righteous courage and killed the gun-wielding gangsters!

Yesterday, according to foreign media reports, at about 11:30 p.m. local time in the United States, there was a shooting time of gangsters at a restaurant in Houston. According to the report, the gangster's name is Samanego, 24 years old. He fired a shot into the ceiling after breaking into the restaurant, and then when he aimed his gun at the restaurant dining staff, three people came out and subdued him. Two of the three brave men are MMA boxers, and one of them is Lee Kyung-leung's potential rival, UFC "Kung Fu Warrior" Holland. The other was Holland's training partner Robinson.

Li Jingliang's potential opponent saw the righteous courage and killed the gun-wielding gangsters!

Foreign media reports

Afterwards, both Robinson and Holland were interviewed by the media describing what had happened, and Holland said: "We were having dinner with my uncle, and then suddenly the gunshots rang out, and everyone began to run in panic and hide under the table to hide. I wasn't too panicked, I saw someone else grab the gunman, so I went around behind the gunman and prepared to subdue him with a chair, but I couldn't tell for a moment who was the gangster.

Until I saw someone trying to pull the trigger, so we took his gun off together. I strangled the gangster's neck with both legs, and my uncle shouted in front of him that he wasn't asleep yet, not yet asleep, okay, he was asleep. As soon as the gangster passed out, I released his neck. We threw his bag aside afterwards, and luckily no one was injured that night.

Li Jingliang's potential opponent saw the righteous courage and killed the gun-wielding gangsters!

Holland's funny moments

When talking about why he was so calm when he encountered such things, Holland said that he began practicing kung fu before he was exposed to other martial arts, and kung fu was first and foremost to protect himself. When I started practicing Kung Fu, I started to train how to properly protect myself. Holland also said he did not recommend that others do the same as himself, because it would be life-threatening.

Li Jingliang's potential opponent saw the righteous courage and killed the gun-wielding gangsters!

Holland also said in an interview that he likes Batman very much, and last year Holland arrested a car thief who used his actions to become a real-life Batman. Heroes are not only in film and television works, heroes also appear in life, and we also wish people like Hollander who learn martial arts better and better in life.

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