
It's a big deal! The 39-year-old female director was dragged to death after drinking, and a mysterious man surfaced!

author:Holy Ran


In traditional Chinese culture, wine culture occupies a pivotal position. With the development of the times, the problem of excessive alcohol consumption has become more and more prominent, especially in rural areas. At the end of April this year, a tragedy arose in a village in Huining County, Baiyin, Gansu Province, because of a drinking banquet. It is often said that "a drink hurts when you get drunk", but why do some people repeat the same mistakes and fall into the quagmire of excessive drinking? Is it really "a thousand glasses of wine for a confidant"? When alcohol is the killer, should we revisit this traditional practice?



On that sunny April day, a small village in Huining County was immersed in the warmth of spring. The people in the village were still immersed in the busyness and anticipation of spring ploughing, and no one expected that a sudden tragedy was about to be staged.

It's a big deal! The 39-year-old female director was dragged to death after drinking, and a mysterious man surfaced!

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That night, Cheng, the women's director of the village, was invited to attend a celebration banquet for the new leaders of the neighboring village. Such occasions, in rural areas, are often accompanied by fine wine. In the midst of the staggering, people's emotions gradually rose, and Cheng was no exception, with a few glasses of wine in his stomach, and his face flushed.

It's a big deal! The 39-year-old female director was dragged to death after drinking, and a mysterious man surfaced!

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After the banquet, Cheng took the car home. The night is hazy, the scenery outside the car window is rapidly receding, and the atmosphere inside the car is getting heavier and heavier. The effects of alcohol make everyone's reactions dull, and Cheng is also drowsy under the anesthesia of alcohol.

It's a big deal! The 39-year-old female director was dragged to death after drinking, and a mysterious man surfaced!

That's when the unexpected happened. When getting out of the car, Cheng was accidentally dragged, lost his balance, fell from a height, and unfortunately died. The news came like a bolt from the blue and shocked the entire village. The families could not accept this cruel truth, and they were devastated and at the same time had deep doubts about the truth of the incident.

It's a big deal! The 39-year-old female director was dragged to death after drinking, and a mysterious man surfaced!

There was a lot of discussion among the villagers, some said it was caused by alcohol, some said it was a problem with the venue, and some speculated that there might be other unknown reasons. Under such public pressure, the police quickly intervened in the investigation. They called up on-site surveillance, questioned witnesses that night, and even conducted an on-site inquest in the hope of finding the truth of the incident.

It's a big deal! The 39-year-old female director was dragged to death after drinking, and a mysterious man surfaced!

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As the investigation deepened, some details gradually surfaced. It turned out that there was indeed excessive drinking at the banquet that night, and there were also certain safety hazards in the venue facilities. These factors combined to lead to this tragedy.

The revelation of the truth did not bring much comfort to the family. The pain in their hearts cannot be described in words, and they can only silently bear this sudden blow.

It's a big deal! The 39-year-old female director was dragged to death after drinking, and a mysterious man surfaced!

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This sudden tragedy is like a stone stirring up a thousand waves. People are beginning to re-examine and rethink the deep-rooted alcohol culture in rural areas, as well as the heavy work pressure of grassroots cadres. An observer pointed out: "This incident is not a simple accident, it is more like a serious warning to the rural grassroots governance model." Indeed, from this unfortunate incident, it is not difficult for us to find many problems exposed in the inheritance and management of wine culture in rural areas, as well as at the level of grassroots governance, which urgently need our attention and solution.

It's a big deal! The 39-year-old female director was dragged to death after drinking, and a mysterious man surfaced!


Life is fragile, but its value is immeasurable. A banquet and an accident made us see the impermanence and preciousness of life again. This is not only a warning to Cheng's family, but also a wake-up call to the entire society.

It's a big deal! The 39-year-old female director was dragged to death after drinking, and a mysterious man surfaced!

"Although the contents of the cup are good, don't be greedy for the cup." This old proverb is ringing in our ears again. Wine can be both enjoyable and harmful; It can bring people closer together, and it can also be the fuse of tragedy. How should we grasp this degree?

Perhaps, we should think about this question at a deeper level. It is not only necessary to control the amount of alcohol consumed, but also to pay attention to safety management and cultural construction in rural areas. Only in this way can we prevent similar tragedies from happening again and make the flower of life bloom more brilliantly and colorfully.

It's a big deal! The 39-year-old female director was dragged to death after drinking, and a mysterious man surfaced!

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In this sad story, we see the fragility and preciousness of life, as well as the responsibility and responsibility of society. Let's work together to build a more harmonious and safe society!