
Read ancient poems in the spring and discover a different willow leaf lake

■ Zeng Min

The seasons are round, and the spring flowers are like dreams.

In early spring, Willow Leaf Lake blooms first in addition to plum blossoms, but also sassafras tree flowers. In the spring, the Sun Mountain is plated with layers of golden colors.

Read ancient poems in the spring and discover a different willow leaf lake

(Mid-mountain spring flowers and mid-mountain snow.) Photo by Zeng Min)

The willow forest of Willow Leaf Lake is draped with a touch of new green, which is appropriately described by the ancient poem "Small and long waves reflect the distant sky, according to the spring wind of the new willow".

In traditional culture, the flower language sends poetry, and only then does it have the aria of "Yuan you have Zhi Zhi Xi You Lan". "There are several plums in the corner of the wall, and Ling Han drives alone." "People idle osmanthus flowers fall, and the night is quiet in the spring mountains." "Under the eastern fence of picking chrysanthemums, leisurely see the South Mountain." Flowers meet ancient poems and turn into wind bones, leisure, and fun. Flowers in the scene, flowers in the scene, the mood is full of life.

Read ancient poems in the spring and discover a different willow leaf lake.

Read ancient poems in the spring and discover a different willow leaf lake

(Willow Lake new green.) Photo by Zeng Min)

"The spring river is flattened by the moon, and the girls on the embankment are even walking. After singing the new words, the red light reflects the partridge of the tree. "Liu Yuxi, a poet of the Tang Dynasty, stood by the willow leaf lake 1300 years ago. The moon rises, the lake surface is like a mirror, a group of girls sing the newly popular love songs, but the lover is not around, the red light reflects on the branches, and there are several partridge birds nearby who keep chirping, which is even more nerve-wracking.

Changde, the "immortal source" land of peach blossoms and Yang Liuyi, attracted literati such as Li Bai, Du Fu, Su Shi, and Huang Tingjian to visit.

Read ancient poems in the spring and discover a different willow leaf lake

(Willow Lake nostalgia.) Yu Yingxian photo)

Huang Tingjian, a calligrapher and poet of the Northern Song Dynasty, said that "spring enters Wuling Creek, and there are countless peach blossoms on the stream", outlining a fascinating picture of ancient Changde. "Peach Blossom Creek" has become a poetic and painting realm pursued by poets of all generations.

In the Yuan Dynasty, Song Hao was one of the many poets who traveled through the landscape of Changde, and he wrote in his poem "Yangshan Map": "Before the spring farewell feast Wuling Creek, waiting for the sun to warm the embankment." Suddenly seeing that the drawing was suspected to be a dream, the old man looked back at Dongting West. "Yangshan" is the old name of Sun Mountain. This spring, under the warm spring sun, Yang Liu danced with the wind, stood on the watchtower of the station, and saw the Sun Mountain in the distance, like a painting in a dream, how many past events surged on the vast West Dongting Lake.

When spring flowers meet traditional gardens, what kind of poetry will there be?

Read ancient poems in the spring and discover a different willow leaf lake

(Ancient Bridge Green Willow.) Photo by Zeng Min)

The Ming Dynasty playwright Long Bing traveled extensively throughout his life, and had frequent contacts with famous artists such as the "Three Yuans of Public Security" and Jiang Yingke. He spent more than 20 years building a "hidden garden" by willow leaf lake, writing the verse "Spring letter to plum willow, a few trees along the creek, gently swinging double oars, afraid of falling flowers on the shore".

Read ancient poems in the spring and discover a different willow leaf lake

(Spring returns to Sun Mountain.) Zhang Weihua photo)

Read ancient poems in the spring and discover a different willow leaf lake

(Willow Lake morning light.) Zhang Weihua photo)

The essayist Yuan Zhongdao wrote a poem "Early Spring Dingzhou Liangshan Daozhong": "Bear the wind and hold the moon for spring busy, tong hat brown shoes wild guest dress, potato into the plate to store medicinal gas, pine hair on fire with fat incense." Only after leaving the monk's temple to shade the heavenly trees, I saw people reflecting the water basket. ”

One early spring 413 years ago, Yuan Zhongdao, dressed as a "wild guest", came to Liuye Lake to enjoy spring, visited the Sun Mountain, tasted the potatoes, visited the monks, came down from the ancient wood towering Sun Mountain, saw the bamboo and wood-covered cottages, a school of rural leisure.

Read ancient poems in the spring and discover a different willow leaf lake

(Willow Leaf Lake morning light.) Photo by Pan Dongfang)

The allegorical novelist Jiang Yingke also left a poem lamenting the Sun Mountain: "Liangshan Yiting Road, ten years of remembrance of the scriptures." Yunshu peak waist white, pine pan intersection green. The forest dove is wet with rain, and the water birds are fishy. Word for word full of nostalgia.

One of the four great painting monks of the Qing Dynasty, He was disabled and entered the Hidden Garden to practice when he was young. He wrote: "The spring wind blows green grass, and the grass is green and hurts people's hearts. The flowers fall and fall, and the trivial clothes are stained. "In the turbulent era of the ming and qing dynasties, leaving his hometown to become a monk, he will naturally give birth to sad spring sentences.

Read ancient poems in the spring and discover a different willow leaf lake

(Zhengjiahe Ancestral Hall.) Photo by Zeng Min)

Plant in the spring and hide in the winter, cultivate and read heirlooms. The Chen family under the Moon Mountain of Willow Leaf Lake is full of talents. Chen Liang was 34 years old, and his son Chen Hongmo was 20 years old. The clansmen Chen Kaili, Chen Qimai, and Chen Jinkun are all knowledgeable and memorable, which is remarkable.

Chen Kaili has a poem "Willow Shade Fishing Chart" Cloud: "Willow flowers dot the water carp fat, raise a glass just by the moon." The willow silk is full of spring, and the peach blossom red leans on the wine figure. In his pen, the scenery of Willow Leaf Lake is infinite.

Read ancient poems in the spring and discover a different willow leaf lake

(Sassafras blossoms.) Yu Yingxian photo)

Read ancient poems in the spring and discover a different willow leaf lake

(The sun is red.) Zhao Junjun photo)

The reflection of the mountain in the southern foothills of the Sun Mountain is red, and the white ebony trees in the eastern foothills of the Sun Mountain are like snow and frost, and the dots are dyed in the forest, which is particularly dazzling. At the beginning of the last century, the patriotic general Feng Yuxiang stationed in Changde, wrote in his autobiography that there is a Liangshan mountain in the north of Changde, and there is a kind of lily growing all over the mountain, sometimes three or five steps a plant, sometimes more than ten steps a plant, the lily blossom is extremely lively, and it adds beauty to the mountain forest.

Read ancient poems in the spring and discover a different willow leaf lake

(Blossom River Street.) Photo by Zeng Min)

Read ancient poems in the spring and discover a different willow leaf lake

(Liangshan canola flower sea.) Zhang Weihua photo)

The flowers are similar from year to year, but different from year to year. When the mountain has a spirit, it has the Nine Songs Chapter; if the water has rhyme, it has silk strings singing; if the tree has roots, it has a willow whisking the shore; and if the leaves have feelings, there is a bowl of Zen. From the thousand-year context to the century-old wind and clouds, in the Sun Mountain, in Huxian Island, in the Purple River... Every time I walked, I was in contact with the landscape and dialogue with the culture. Lingxiu and Wenhua blend here, history and future symphonize here, and the old garden with flowers is waking up from the ink color of ancient poetry.

(Photo support: Willow Leaf Lake Photographers Association)

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