
Sullivan forbade an alliance between China and Russia, which Yang Refuted, bluntly saying that any attempt to exert pressure on China would fail

author:Sun Xuwen

According to the Observer Network reported on the 15th, a few days ago, Yang Jiechi, director of the office of the Central Foreign Affairs Commission, and Sullivan, assistant to the US president for national security affairs, met in Rome, Italy. The two sides held a total of 7 hours of long talks and conducted in-depth and "fierce" negotiations on Sino-US relations, the Ukrainian issue, and the Taiwan issue.

Sullivan said during the meeting that the United States is now very worried about the alliance between China and Russia. If China insists on providing assistance to Russia, the United States will take corresponding measures against China, and China will also be isolated and punished by the United States and the West. Moreover, Sullivan also warned the Chinese side not to act rashly, saying that anything will have a corresponding impact on the current situation, and the United States and the West have made up their minds to make Russia pay the price. It is worth mentioning that at the meeting, the US side asked China to help on the DPRK issue.

Sullivan forbade an alliance between China and Russia, which Yang Refuted, bluntly saying that any attempt to exert pressure on China would fail

Similarly, U.S. State Department spokesman Ned Price also claimed in recent days that the United States prohibits any country from helping Russia repay economic losses caused by the Ukraine crisis and Western sanctions. Price even further slandered China for not respecting the sovereignty of other countries, asking China to issue a statement condemning Russia's "serious violation" of Ukraine's sovereignty.

To put it bluntly, the United States and the West will not allow China and Russia to form an alliance, let alone allow China to help Russia tide over the crisis. But the warning also contains elements of rumor-mongering, such as the re-speculation that China and Russia may be allied. It should be known that the mainland and Russia are a "comprehensive strategic partnership of coordination in the new era," and the "Sino-Russian Treaty of Good-Neighborliness, Friendship, and Cooperation" signed between China and Russia also mentions the "three noes principle" between the two countries, that is, "non-alignment, non-confrontation, and no targeting of third parties."

Sullivan forbade an alliance between China and Russia, which Yang Refuted, bluntly saying that any attempt to exert pressure on China would fail

A spokesman for the mainland's Foreign Ministry has also made a statement on the matter, pointing out that China and Russia are not aligned and that the relationship between the two countries is "not an ally, but more like an ally." At the Rome meeting, Director Yang Jiechi also supplemented the position, refuted Sullivan's statement, and said that the Chinese side firmly opposes any words and deeds that hype and spread rumors and smear the Chinese position.

At the same time, Yang Jiechi stressed that the current situation in Ukraine is also something that China does not want to see, and called on the international community to support the organization and talks between Russia and Ukraine as soon as possible, so that the situation can be cooled down faster and large-scale humanitarian crisis can be avoided. China has provided emergency humanitarian assistance to Ukraine and will continue to play its role thereafter.

Sullivan forbade an alliance between China and Russia, which Yang Refuted, bluntly saying that any attempt to exert pressure on China would fail

It can be said that we have fulfilled our due responsibilities to Ukraine, not only actively promoting the talks between Russia and Ukraine, but also transporting a lot of emergency supplies. At this point, the United States is not at all qualified to point fingers at us. Compared with the various weapons and equipment and all kinds of fires sent to Ukraine by the United States, it is obvious that What China has done is more practical for restoring regional peace.

In addition, during the meeting, the two sides also mentioned the issue of bilateral relations between China and the United States. This year marks the 50th anniversary of the publication of the Shanghai Weekly, and Sino-US relations should be further on the right track of peaceful coexistence and stable development. Previously, Biden also made a number of commitments to China, including that the UNITED States will not seek a new Cold War, respect the Chinese system, do not seek to unite allies against China, do not support "Taiwan independence", and have no intention of confrontation with China.

Sullivan forbade an alliance between China and Russia, which Yang Refuted, bluntly saying that any attempt to exert pressure on China would fail

But the clear-eyed people can see that almost none of Biden's important promises have really been implemented, and all of them are empty words floating in the sky. In particular, it does not support the item of "Taiwan independence." As the conflict between Russia and Ukraine intensifies, the United States continues to play the "Taiwan card, and its ambition to "use Taiwan to control China" has become more and more explicit.

In recent times, the Biden administration has not only sent warships through the Taiwan Strait in a bright and upright manner, but also sent former government officials to visit the Taiwan region. At the same time, Washington's arms sales to Taiwan are also becoming more and more intense. Just a few days ago, the "United States and Taiwan" just signed a large arms sales order worth NT$6.9 billion (about 240 million US dollars).

Sullivan forbade an alliance between China and Russia, which Yang Refuted, bluntly saying that any attempt to exert pressure on China would fail

In addition, Biden also signed a separate Taiwan-related document, which will not allow the manufacture and display of maps that "paint Taiwan as part of Chinese territory", which is a naked creation of "one China, one Taiwan". There is no doubt that the United States has not shown its sincerity to China, but on the contrary, it is hostile to China, as well as its efforts to smear and provoke China.

However, if the United States repeatedly interferes in China's internal affairs, the relationship between China and the United States will only get worse and worse. I think that when the last resort is reached, China will also have to take corresponding countermeasures against the United States. Director Yang Jiechi also reminded the US side during the talks that the Taiwan issue is a "red line" that China cannot touch, and that recognizing the one-China principle is also the diplomatic foundation for the establishment of diplomatic relations between China and the United States and the political cornerstone for the development of Sino-US relations. On China's internal affairs, any attempt to exert pressure on China will fail.

Sullivan forbade an alliance between China and Russia, which Yang Refuted, bluntly saying that any attempt to exert pressure on China would fail

If the United States still wants to maintain a relatively stable relationship with China, it should scrupulously abide by the one-China principle, abandon the relevant actions of supporting "Taiwan independence" separatists, and not go further and further down the dangerous road. Otherwise, in order to safeguard the mainland's sovereignty and territorial integrity, the Mainland People's Liberation Army will absolutely show its sword at the right time. Just as a spokesman for the Ministry of National Defense said, the more the United States and Japan make a fuss over the Taiwan Strait issue, the harder the PLA will be.

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